3.22 Performance

I had no problems running the game last league on my potato PC (i5 3470 3.2 GHz, GF GTX 960).
This league, the game is borderline unplayable. Every couple of seconds, FPS chugs and drops to single digits even on the character select screen. Same thing in hideout. During the game, too, of course.
CPU load is close 100%, so that's likely the cause. Vulkan renderer, all settings to minimum.
This game literally unplayable in act 5 where city is burning. Last league everything was fine, now its 20-30fps fest.
I can't imagine how people play hardcore mode now if you can catch a random freeze in a pack of mobs and in 2 seconds find out that you are already dead
it's okay that the RTX P4000 is not a gaming video card, but to even not be able to run the game on an 8gb video card is quite laughable to me. Instead of trying to imitate Diablo with POE2, distorting the gameplay of POE, try to make the game perform and playable.
Its so weird that they announced the engine update with "we made the particle system gpu bound instead of cpu bound". And now the cpu is constantly at 100% utilization and bottlenecking.
Zeronemo wrote:
Its so weird that they announced the engine update with "we made the particle system gpu bound instead of cpu bound". And now the cpu is constantly at 100% utilization and bottlenecking.

its not. if you disable multi-threading the game runs smoother for majority of people meaning the CPU is def not the bottle neck here. There is just something terribly wrong with the game rn
Zeronemo wrote:
Its so weird that they announced the engine update with "we made the particle system gpu bound instead of cpu bound". And now the cpu is constantly at 100% utilization and bottlenecking.

Yes i have the same Problems. Especially in the loading screen or with particle effects, my CPU load and CPU temperature increases. Had never been a problem before only since this league....
Is it just me or i feel like this league is so fucked up? Was planning on buy another pack but when i see the gane poor optimization like this i have no feeling my laptop is ryzen 9 5000 seires + rtx 3050 and got like 15-25fps with partying with other lmao
My issue is different cpu is ok, but gpu is on 60% and more even when standing in hideout and when I start moving it jumps to over 80% without any spells or anything, POE is one of the most demandable games today:D

12700k + 7900XT
I had no issues last league as well. This league, loading times are ridiculous and getting stutters and lag way more often. It really makes it not enjoyable to play and painful at that.

I will be checking back often for updates but so far I'm sad to say I am sitting this one out until a fix rolls out. This is bad... Such a shame because I was so hyped for this season cause I had a blast last season.

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