3.22 Performance

IQof3 wrote:
I've given up personally. created multiple posts with NO answer from GGG at all. This is will not get fixed anytime soon as everyone is working on PoE2. even the email I sent to customer support stated "limited resources: and can't help. I even sent a video, and they REFUSE to even acknowledge it.

Honestly, for the first time since the 3.22 debacle started, at least that's actually some sort of meaningful answer.
Not having people or time is a perfectly valid reason for not managing to fix the game. It still sucks, don't get me wrong. But it's a completely acceptable reason.
Thanks for sharing.

Now, they could have made a post saying that. That is really what's been the frustrating part this whole time. Not the performance problems themselves (I mean, that too), but mainly the lack of communication.
GregoryAdams wrote:
IQof3 wrote:
I've given up personally. created multiple posts with NO answer from GGG at all. This is will not get fixed anytime soon as everyone is working on PoE2. even the email I sent to customer support stated "limited resources: and can't help. I even sent a video, and they REFUSE to even acknowledge it.

Honestly, for the first time since the 3.22 debacle started, at least that's actually some sort of meaningful answer.
Not having people or time is a perfectly valid reason for not managing to fix the game. It still sucks, don't get me wrong. But it's a completely acceptable reason.
Thanks for sharing.

Now, they could have made a post saying that. That is really what's been the frustrating part this whole time. Not the performance problems themselves (I mean, that too), but mainly the lack of communication.

There was a news post not long ago about them hiring C++ engine programmers. I hope that's not just to work on PoE 2, though I don't envy the person who has to dig through years of code to try to fix what's gone wrong.
GregoryAdams wrote:
They might not be ignoring it, but the communication hasn't been great.

For the record, my prev post was sarcastic. I haven't seen any official communication about this, besides that one line in known issues.
Hey all, just wanted to say we're not ignoring the problems that are mentioned here.
We've been working non-stop ever since 3.21.2 was deployed to improve things.

I have replied to this post in the past: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3407216
And was reading replies as they were made. But this thread slipped by, so I'll check here as well.

We added these threads to help gather more information from reports about performance: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3425526
It's also helpful if people add videos with their F1 graphs open showing the performance metrics.

With that being said, we apologise for the frustration these problems have been causing you. We also suffer from the same problems when we get home after work and play PoE, hopefully our work will show better results for you all in the near future.
Your position on the issue was not clear.
As if that wasn't enough, camps like [Removed by Support] were gas-lighting others about this issue, because of it.

This post is all I wanted.
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Last edited by Jenn_GGG on Oct 10, 2023, 2:18:29 AM
Thanks for the update. I think that this is really all that most people were asking for. A confirmation that this is being recognized as a problem and worked on.
It was actually not at all clear whether that was the case.
Henry_GGG wrote:
Hey all, just wanted to say we're not ignoring the problems that are mentioned here.
We've been working non-stop ever since 3.21.2 was deployed to improve things.

I have replied to this post in the past: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3407216
And was reading replies as they were made. But this thread slipped by, so I'll check here as well.

We added these threads to help gather more information from reports about performance: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3425526
It's also helpful if people add videos with their F1 graphs open showing the performance metrics.

With that being said, we apologise for the frustration these problems have been causing you. We also suffer from the same problems when we get home after work and play PoE, hopefully our work will show better results for you all in the near future.

Thank you, and keep up the hard work, i hope this thread didn't slip by too :) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3408520

A short example for the recent patch on standalone client with --nopreload command and Windows 11 Pro (22621.2134)
Last edited by Ramymn on Oct 10, 2023, 7:21:07 AM
Henry_GGG wrote:
It's also helpful if people add videos with their F1 graphs open showing the performance metrics.

Без озвучки уже 2.4-2.6/3.0-3.21, но это приоритетная задача) https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/17519

Программы для ру PoE https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2694683
The performance has been absolutely abysmal for me, I can run Cyberpunk and withcer3 on ultras 2k resolution with 120 stable FPS.

Yet this game tanks my FPS to 20, and this surely ends up in death.

Main reason I have quit and uninstalled btw.
Henry_GGG wrote:
Hey all, just wanted to say we're not ignoring the problems that are mentioned here.
We've been working non-stop ever since 3.21.2 was deployed to improve things.

I have replied to this post in the past: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3407216
And was reading replies as they were made. But this thread slipped by, so I'll check here as well.

We added these threads to help gather more information from reports about performance: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3425526
It's also helpful if people add videos with their F1 graphs open showing the performance metrics.

With that being said, we apologise for the frustration these problems have been causing you. We also suffer from the same problems when we get home after work and play PoE, hopefully our work will show better results for you all in the near future.
Thank you for this reply and all the hard work, wish you all best of luck solving these issues.

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