secret_service86 wrote:
y3lw0rC wrote:
secret_service86 wrote:
no idea what you guys did but the performance is tanked to all hell since this league, as an example I used to level to 100 running beachhead harbinger maps in previous leagues, and there was more or less zero framedips there for example, (makes sense since there ain't that many monsters spawning in the boss arena) fps was pretty much locked to my 120 fps limit there,
but now, on the same hardware, with nothing changed on my side, I lose half my fps or more on the same scenario in the same map just as an example, dropping from 120 fps to ~40-60 ish or worse just fighting a couple rare mobs, doing a simple ritual same thing, lose half my fps and it makes the game super unenjoyable compared to past leagues,
not even gonna mention juiced mapping lol or blight maps, total disaster that.
It is their new particle system that has ruined your performance and has killed up to a half FPS for everyone. If someone could run this game @ 200fps or so well, now maybe @ 100fps only and even then extra juiced maps might drain that even further.
oh shit you are absolutely right, went through recent patch notes and saw they snuck this in at end of sanctum league in patch 3.21.2 (24th july 2023):
"3.21.2 Patch Notes
This patch contains further improvements to Path of Exile's engine.
Engine and Graphics Improvements
Replaced Path of Exile's particle system with Path of Exile 2's GPU-based system. This allows more complex effects and offloads particle calculations to the GPU, which is designed for parallel tasks like this. This will slightly improve or slightly worsen particle rendering performance depending on whether you were CPU-bound or GPU-bound before.
Added a new Triple-Buffering Graphics Option. Enabling this can offer better framerate stability and is recommended for slower GPUs. Double-Buffering is used when this option is Disabled, which can offer less input latency, and is recommended for faster GPUs."
(link to notes: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3406424)
"slightly worsen" man what a joke, losing half the fps compared to before in same situations on same hardware is not what I would say slightly worsen, triple buffering doesn't make any difference either sadly, oh well it is what it is I guess, to get back to same performance as before will need a huge pc upgrade most likely :/
:D I've learned not to trust GGG's "slightly". Their slightly often means all sorts of crazy.
Stupid PoE2 Particle System Patch...
New mute system is another hot garbage.
Posted byy3lw0rC#4020on Oct 2, 2023, 3:10:11 AM
Up up up.
How many threads and posts does it need for GGG to stop ignoring these issues? All of them.
Posted bySloppyJoker#3490on Oct 4, 2023, 12:16:08 AM
What do you mean "ignore"? It has been announced as a high priority known issue over 3 weeks ago! 😹
Posted byistrebitjel#2376on Oct 6, 2023, 7:45:49 PM
istrebitjel wrote:
What do you mean "ignore"? It has been announced as a high priority known issue over 3 weeks ago! 😹
They might not be ignoring it, but the communication hasn't been great. If Netflix stopped working for this many people, and they just sent an E-mail with "Yeah... we're working on it..." and then complete radio-silence for 3 weeks, most people would be angry too. This type of situation does call for some regular updates on the progress or something.
Either way, people are angry that they missed the league because of this.
Posted byGregoryAdams#7051on Oct 6, 2023, 10:49:20 PM
Just as a note for others if it hasn't been mentioned in these (currently) 25 pages of posts - if you add -ns to the launch options (available for Steam and the standalone client) it seems to significantly improve performance.
The sound engine seems to be a major issue to me.
Disabling both filter sounds and drop sounds (two different settings) in item filters seemed to help some before I disabled sound altogether. I'm not sure if running as admin helped but I still currently have that as the default, and when I do re-enable sounds I set a number of SOUND options to "false" rather than just a "0" volume and that seemed to help as well - for some reason even setting Dialogue volume to false seemed to reduce crashes.
My symptoms were/are stuttering/freezing, that is completely unpredictable and seemingly without pattern, except for large loot drops and large monster spawns that seemed to be 50/50 on causing a large lag/freeze.
I've probably had about two dozen or so flat-out disconnects with no error message, but reducing sounds dropped that significantly and disabling sounds all but resolved it.
It's 2017 all over again, weeew
Posted byalt01dz#6103on Oct 7, 2023, 4:49:20 AM
Last edited by d34thb0b#3536 on Oct 7, 2023, 11:09:44 AM
Posted byd34thb0b#3536on Oct 7, 2023, 10:57:50 AM
alt01dz wrote:
Just as a note for others if it hasn't been mentioned in these (currently) 25 pages of posts - if you add -ns to the launch options (available for Steam and the standalone client) it seems to significantly improve performance.
The sound engine seems to be a major issue to me.
Disabling both filter sounds and drop sounds (two different settings) in item filters seemed to help some before I disabled sound altogether. I'm not sure if running as admin helped but I still currently have that as the default, and when I do re-enable sounds I set a number of SOUND options to "false" rather than just a "0" volume and that seemed to help as well - for some reason even setting Dialogue volume to false seemed to reduce crashes.
My symptoms were/are stuttering/freezing, that is completely unpredictable and seemingly without pattern, except for large loot drops and large monster spawns that seemed to be 50/50 on causing a large lag/freeze.
I've probably had about two dozen or so flat-out disconnects with no error message, but reducing sounds dropped that significantly and disabling sounds all but resolved it.
It's 2017 all over again, weeew
Was worth a try, but it did not improve anything for me. Still constant CPU spiking if multi-threading is enabled, terrible FPS in general, shader cache bar sitting at full most of the time, long loading times.
I've quit the league and am not expecting any performance improvements. Still check the forums once in a while anyway. Was fun while it lasted.
Posted byplz#2115on Oct 7, 2023, 7:55:47 PM
Performance is beyond bad. I have powerful gaming pc that should have no problems. But in poe its like ~20fps stutterfest as soon as there are some mobs on screen. Was somewhat playable until endgame but now juicing more and more its totally unplayable.
PLEASE FIX THIS BS would still like to play the league.
Posted bykaru321#0927on Oct 8, 2023, 6:04:23 AM
I've given up personally. created multiple posts with NO answer from GGG at all. This is will not get fixed anytime soon as everyone is working on PoE2. even the email I sent to customer support stated "limited resources: and can't help. I even sent a video, and they REFUSE to even acknowledge it.
Posted byIQof3#7253on Oct 8, 2023, 5:08:44 PM
Last edited by xhouls#0936 on Jan 22, 2024, 7:37:17 AM
Posted byxhouls#0936on Oct 9, 2023, 2:14:16 AM