Serious question: Why are people like this?

exsea wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:

They did deceive people that's a fact

Part of what has always made me proud of being an Exile was GGG's well-earned (if occasionally frayed at the edges) reputation for being absolutely ethical and reliable. The revelation that GGG had accepted hundreds of dollars of my supporter dollars for four years after the Exilecon 2019 announcement, only to "change the plan" behind our backs without notice has utterly destroyed any good faith I have in GGG as a company, and in certain principal players in that company who had enjoyed my deep admiration.


i find people who die on the hill that GGG did what had to be done are whiteknighting/simping for GGG.

IF it had to be done, GGG should have announced it earlier. it was not.

ZERO communication.

i have decided to show off all my badges. anything before 2019 is my pure support without question towards ggg. 2020 onwards is all based on a lie.

i tried asking for a refund for all my supporter packs. i know its futile but just to see what happens. as expected no refunds.

makes me wonder if we have any legal standing on this matter.

GGG announced something, hyped players/investors up. then decided to do something else with the money.

isnt that very close to scamming?

Reading your post I wonder how old are you? Kind of like a child who doesn't understand certain things

After all, no one forced you to buy these support packs

You still have Poe 1 gameplay which will get some big expansion for sure

And the gameplay in Poe 2 won't be as scary as you think

It'll be all right

exsea wrote:
Reid777 wrote:

Which is completely not true, it was either wishful thinking or confusion by people spreading misinformation.

you keep saying not true

are you high? are you the one mismembering things?

Raycheetah wrote:
I'm just gonna leave this here to jog some folks' memories:


go and watch it.

Reid777 wrote:

In short, if you do won't like PoE2 as a standalone game, then you wouldn't like it as an "update" either. Why? Because they are the same thing!

you're right on this. but if you watched the video, then you would know the real issue is GGG purposely steering away from poe1 game play so far until its too different from poe1 that it logically should be separated.

and by doing so they've gone back on their original announcements.

also to the guys who wanna rip on players for wanting to use their legacy gear on poe2.

why is that a bad thing? does this effect temp league enjoyers in any way?

you dont like std, thats fine. why do you wanna shit on std enjoyers?

Well, here is the problem, that some people, despite, being able spend probably countless hours posting on this forums, watched only the snipped from the announcement. Ignoring all the rest.

Unfortunate, but, the only one they can blame are themselves.
exsea wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:

They did deceive people that's a fact

Part of what has always made me proud of being an Exile was GGG's well-earned (if occasionally frayed at the edges) reputation for being absolutely ethical and reliable. The revelation that GGG had accepted hundreds of dollars of my supporter dollars for four years after the Exilecon 2019 announcement, only to "change the plan" behind our backs without notice has utterly destroyed any good faith I have in GGG as a company, and in certain principal players in that company who had enjoyed my deep admiration.


i find people who die on the hill that GGG did what had to be done are whiteknighting/simping for GGG.

IF it had to be done, GGG should have announced it earlier. it was not.

ZERO communication.

i have decided to show off all my badges. anything before 2019 is my pure support without question towards ggg. 2020 onwards is all based on a lie.

i tried asking for a refund for all my supporter packs. i know its futile but just to see what happens. as expected no refunds.

makes me wonder if we have any legal standing on this matter.

GGG announced something, hyped players/investors up. then decided to do something else with the money.

isnt that very close to scamming?

I legitimately quit hearthstone after playing since beta over something similar in hearthstone mercenaries in which they hyped a new game mode sold packs, made promises about expansions and scope and then ultimately killed it after a year.
exsea wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:

They did deceive people that's a fact

Part of what has always made me proud of being an Exile was GGG's well-earned (if occasionally frayed at the edges) reputation for being absolutely ethical and reliable. The revelation that GGG had accepted hundreds of dollars of my supporter dollars for four years after the Exilecon 2019 announcement, only to "change the plan" behind our backs without notice has utterly destroyed any good faith I have in GGG as a company, and in certain principal players in that company who had enjoyed my deep admiration.


i find people who die on the hill that GGG did what had to be done are whiteknighting/simping for GGG.

IF it had to be done, GGG should have announced it earlier. it was not.

ZERO communication.

i have decided to show off all my badges. anything before 2019 is my pure support without question towards ggg. 2020 onwards is all based on a lie.

i tried asking for a refund for all my supporter packs. i know its futile but just to see what happens. as expected no refunds.

makes me wonder if we have any legal standing on this matter.

GGG announced something, hyped players/investors up. then decided to do something else with the money.

isnt that very close to scamming?

The only people you could blame for scamming or lying are yourself and other forum poster who spread misinformation. That's all.

All the information about their philosophy and scope of PoE2 were available from Exilecon 2019. All that info was there.

Just having quick look at old PoE2 website gives you simple idea that basically all core systems are going to be reworked.

Again just some almost direct Jonathan Rogers quotes:

"We want to bring back difficulty, have challenge."

"If we call it PoE2, everything has to look, feel and play differently. It has to be proper sequel."

"Part of why me make changes to skill system is appealing to wider audience, we wanted to do it for a long time."

So, none was lying to you, PoE2 still stick to the philosophy from times of Exilecon 2019.

PoE2 is what it always was meant to be. Maybe a bit expanded, maybe slightly changed, but considering 4 years that have passed, pretty much true to what presented in 2019.

PoE2 was always meant to replace PoE1.
Now, GGG, decided to keep PoE1 around too, it is ridiculous that people are unhappy.
lupasvasile wrote:
After the new POE 2 info all I've seen is the constant complaining that POE 2 is too different from POE 1 and how bad that is.
Why is it wrong for a game to be its own thing? Just because it's in the same universe it has to be the same as the old?

No matter the game, no matter the popularity of the game, everywhere I look it's the same negativity: "why isn't it like I WANT IT?!

Why are people like this?

GGG overhyped Exilecon but underdelivered. I still want to play both games, but since PoE2 won't be released for another 1-2 years the hype is dead as far as I'm concerned.
wacojitsu wrote:
lupasvasile wrote:
After the new POE 2 info all I've seen is the constant complaining that POE 2 is too different from POE 1 and how bad that is.
Why is it wrong for a game to be its own thing?!

Why are people like this?

1) POE2 has been marketed for 4 years as "Hey guys please stop complaining about all the shit we didn't fix in POE1, Because POE2 is going to fix all of it. Melee, Balance, campaign. It's going to add more classes to play and more and more and more." - But nope it won't be fixing any of it. Instead they are taking all these shiny new classes and the new story and make it in to another game. away from our POE1 game. so we get NON of those new cool things we were promised for 4 YEARS!!!!

2) for the last 2 years GGG has been pushing Ruthless mode. and the community was like "Hey we really hate ruthless, it sucks. You guys are not going to make Ruthless mode in to POE2 are you? because that would suck a fat one." - and they said no no no were just having some late night fun guys. think nothing of ruthless it's unimportant just don't look behide the curtain. and yes POE2 is ruthless mode. but even more ruthless then old ruthless.

They finally did it. worthless movement skills that are not worth using, no more flasks that help your build. you have to go to a vendor to fill your FLASKS!!!! are you fucking for real!!!

3) the LIES. they swore up and down for years!!! that everything was going to be great for poe players. and now we find out for the last 18 months they had 8 devs making our leagues. No wonder why they sucked. Remember mirror of kalandra? archnemsis? yea while 200 people were making ruthless mode 2.0 they left 8 sorry devs to make our content and get yelled at by us when it sucked. i feel bad for those 8 devs now. they got totally thrown under the bus. And for what? because a bunch of old 70's gamers wanted to make the most boring lack luster. slowest combat, lowest Zdps possible. They tortured us for with shit leagues just so they can make a game no one is going to play after season 1

^ this guy nailed it
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Aug 1, 2023, 12:38:04 PM
you know what. i m getting nothing talking here. you guys arent the devs. all i see are people who like to be rude to people who disagree with them.

my intention was to make people understand my pov. that is all. from what i see, you guys have formed a solid opinion without understanding what was conveyed in the exilecon 2019 vid.

GGG knew what they meant saying what they said.

theyre not dumb.

but you guys still can interpret it in a way that you guys want.


have fun arguing. ultimately the ones making the decisions are POE.

i will admit the forums here are still kinda civil, but theres so much underhanded comments, you might as well just be vulgar to each other.

whatever the devs do. is beyond our control.

i ve given my 2 cents.

i just hope the devs considers it but i m guessing theyve already made a firm decision.

i see now that talking about it at great lengths does nothing as your minds are already made up despite all the evidence brought forward.

someone said i should stop being a child. theyre right. i m wasting my time here.
[Removed by Support]
Why are people like this? I can answer that:

Subjectivity lensed through an internet forum with selection bias.

Basically in any decent sized sample of people some of the people are going to be unhappy about some of the things at all times. Those people are far more likely to give feedback.

You see these complaints and selection bias turns them into a bigger deal than they actually are.

(BTW I have a couple complaint threads up so I am one of the people complaining)

Complaining is useful feedback. The feeling that it threatens you personally is reasonable enough if you happen to like everything they've revealed for example and don't want it to change due to pressure from passionate feedback.

I've seen many things I was worried about change for the worse (and sometimes for the better) over the years, there's literally nothing you can do but what you're doing: give your own feedback and hope that GGG devs tastes and philosophy or perhaps sympathy aligns enough with your subjective feelings that the game more or less stays what you want it to be. I watched D3 become an abomination because of weak Dev's who pandered to every complaint and turned that game into a joke. So be careful what you wish for in terms of "Devs who listen to feedback". The monkey's paw sometimes twists.

There will never be the perfect game unless you make it yourself (which is more possible every day with AI) or you have extremely easy to please tastes or are very forgiving of things that bother other people. This is where "white knights" come from. They stereotypically like it the way that "authority" makes it, no matter the particulars. Ofc also "haters" who are typically seen as disliking almost everything.

To be fair both of these things are mostly side effects of the fact that we all lens everything through selection bias. Though there are certainly people who are heavily on one end of the spectrum and the other.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Aug 1, 2023, 2:11:44 PM

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