Serious question: Why are people like this?

It's not that it's too different from POE1, is that is has wayy to much ruthless DNA in it and it feels absolutely unnatural.

But it's all good, ruthless is just a side project of one of the devs.
Second-class poe gamer
Xystre wrote:
Different opinion = whine/crying/negative

Simple as. And alot of people here is already making PRE excuses for the dev's while still shit talking to death other games.

Someone mentioned on here that they have 20 (or maybe more) people working on 3.X aka "poe1" while the rest is on 4.0. Do you still think that 18 months from now leagues are going to be on the scale they were once?

Maybe my thoughts of "3.X will be on maintenance mode" isnt that crazy after all..

ppl keep talking that only 10-8 only works on poe 1 :D
exsea wrote:

we ARE SALTY. but mainly because GGG deceived us. and its apparent that POE2 actively took away resources from poe1. alot of us were on high copium waiting for poe2 to come and "save" poe1. thats not happening anymore.

Always funny how people trying so hard to play the victim. "they deceived us", holy moly, be more dramatic about it. Is it understandeable that people expected something else? Of course, and when I was watching they keynote I was concerned about that as well. The problem here though: those changes they want to make screw so fundamentally with the mechanics of classic PoE that there was no way to introduce them without fully changing the game. To compensate for their very logical design decision to run with a seperate game they STILL kept the most important promise in regards to mtx/tabs being available in both versions of the game.

So it was not a deliberate act to deceive people, actually its the other way around: it had to be done to keep what people played for 10 years while also introducing progress in a really meaningful way. This split between the games brings its own problems, like further dividing the player numbers, more workload to maintain and update both versions of the game, fewer weeks between releases while ironically probably less releases per game each league and others. But with how fundamentally gear, item, bosses, movement and what not changes this might still be the best option.
Vennto wrote:

Always funny how people trying so hard to play the victim. "they deceived us", holy moly, be more dramatic about it. Is it understandeable that people expected something else? Of course, and when I was watching they keynote I was concerned about that as well. The problem here though: those changes they want to make screw so fundamentally with the mechanics of classic PoE that there was no way to introduce them without fully changing the game. To compensate for their very logical design decision to run with a seperate game they STILL kept the most important promise in regards to mtx/tabs being available in both versions of the game.

So it was not a deliberate act to deceive people, actually its the other way around: it had to be done to keep what people played for 10 years while also introducing progress in a really meaningful way. This split between the games brings its own problems, like further dividing the player numbers, more workload to maintain and update both versions of the game, fewer weeks between releases while ironically probably less releases per game each league and others. But with how fundamentally gear, item, bosses, movement and what not changes this might still be the best option.

They did deceive people that's a fact, whether it was deliberate or just slipped their minds i'll leave to up to your imagination but the fact of the matter is they announced both titles to be ONE game in 2019 realised in 2020 that they wouldn't be able to stick with that and said NOTHING for 3 years. That is deception by withholding information nothing more nothing less. I think everyone can understand why they had to split the games, that's not so much the issue here. The problem is that they kept silent about it for years after announcing something completely different.
Vennto wrote:
To compensate for their very logical design decision to run with a seperate game they STILL kept the most important promise in regards to mtx/tabs being available in both versions of the game.

You sure about that? They're already unable to speculate if the $480 atlas hideout would be available in poe 2...
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
Shovelcut wrote:
Vennto wrote:
To compensate for their very logical design decision to run with a seperate game they STILL kept the most important promise in regards to mtx/tabs being available in both versions of the game.

You sure about that? They're already unable to speculate if the $480 atlas hideout would be available in poe 2...

hmm i have feeling poe 2 will not have Hideouts at all :D
Seeing how traditionalist this audience is do I wonder whatever we could get the runescape scenario: POE1 remains the most popular POE game. Especially because POE2 wants to attract a new audience is this an unlikely scenario, but I'm sure the new runescape devs also wanted to attract new players. Otherwise is spending a gigantic amount on a new game insane, they want a return on investment.

More then the negativity does it surprise me how emotional people are. Like GGG has broken into their house and put the kitten in a blender, THAT is how some are acting.

This not just in POE, D4 players are also acting this way. I dislike D4 and I'm disappointed BUT I do not hate the D4 devs, I do not want the game to fail(less competition is quite never a good thing) and I'm not angry.
lupasvasile wrote:
After the new POE 2 info all I've seen is the constant complaining that POE 2 is too different from POE 1 and how bad that is.
Why is it wrong for a game to be its own thing? Just because it's in the same universe it has to be the same as the old?

No matter the game, no matter the popularity of the game, everywhere I look it's the same negativity: "why isn't it like I WANT IT?!

Why are people like this?

We like a good whinge, and we also like good decisions being made, overall it looks good, but functionally it's not poe, it's unironically being turned into diablo, these are valid concerns.

Though in my case, if poe goes too far like expedition/kalandra, I just laugh and leave, I have too many things to keep me entertained to find this a loss, I paid my money, got my entertainment and can drop it at anytime without being overly invested.

The worst part I see is it's forcing poe 1 to become poe 2, we are seeing all the fun parts we enjoyed be stripped out, damage is gone, speed is gone, specialisation is gone, some people don't like that and some love that.

They will lose a fair portion of the base, it's just how it goes and calling everyone who disagree's with the direction names isn't a correct way of doing it, it WAS it's own thing, and now with this direction, it's becoming a genuine diablo clone, all we need now is a hireable companion, and mounts?

I had to think for a solid minute on how are we not turning into d4... we have gold, simplified skills, inbuilt weapon skills, gold... a battlepass and obscenely expensive mtx's... and soon poe immortal.

Speaking of MTX, didn't they say we wouldn't lose anything for poe 2... and then just say it's a separate game..?, so will we actually lose everything and have to repurchase stash and mtx?
Baharoth15 wrote:
Vennto wrote:

Always funny how people trying so hard to play the victim. "they deceived us", holy moly, be more dramatic about it. Is it understandeable that people expected something else? Of course, and when I was watching they keynote I was concerned about that as well. The problem here though: those changes they want to make screw so fundamentally with the mechanics of classic PoE that there was no way to introduce them without fully changing the game. To compensate for their very logical design decision to run with a seperate game they STILL kept the most important promise in regards to mtx/tabs being available in both versions of the game.

So it was not a deliberate act to deceive people, actually its the other way around: it had to be done to keep what people played for 10 years while also introducing progress in a really meaningful way. This split between the games brings its own problems, like further dividing the player numbers, more workload to maintain and update both versions of the game, fewer weeks between releases while ironically probably less releases per game each league and others. But with how fundamentally gear, item, bosses, movement and what not changes this might still be the best option.

They did deceive people that's a fact, whether it was deliberate or just slipped their minds i'll leave to up to your imagination but the fact of the matter is they announced both titles to be ONE game in 2019 realised in 2020 that they wouldn't be able to stick with that and said NOTHING for 3 years. That is deception by withholding information nothing more nothing less. I think everyone can understand why they had to split the games, that's not so much the issue here. The problem is that they kept silent about it for years after announcing something completely different.

Part of what has always made me proud of being an Exile was GGG's well-earned (if occasionally frayed at the edges) reputation for being absolutely ethical and reliable. The revelation that GGG had accepted hundreds of dollars of my supporter dollars for four years after the Exilecon 2019 announcement, only to "change the plan" behind our backs without notice has utterly destroyed any good faith I have in GGG as a company, and in certain principal players in that company who had enjoyed my deep admiration.

Four long years, over a third of my time playing PoE, I waited patiently for those changes and improvements to make PoE a better game. That's one helluva long time to hold one's breath in anticipation, only to discover that, no, directly contrary to what Chris Wilson said on stage at Exilecon 2019 about splitting the playerbase... GGG decided to do just that.

#FourYearLie =>[.]<=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Raycheetah wrote:

They did deceive people that's a fact

Part of what has always made me proud of being an Exile was GGG's well-earned (if occasionally frayed at the edges) reputation for being absolutely ethical and reliable. The revelation that GGG had accepted hundreds of dollars of my supporter dollars for four years after the Exilecon 2019 announcement, only to "change the plan" behind our backs without notice has utterly destroyed any good faith I have in GGG as a company, and in certain principal players in that company who had enjoyed my deep admiration.


i find people who die on the hill that GGG did what had to be done are whiteknighting/simping for GGG.

IF it had to be done, GGG should have announced it earlier. it was not.

ZERO communication.

i have decided to show off all my badges. anything before 2019 is my pure support without question towards ggg. 2020 onwards is all based on a lie.

i tried asking for a refund for all my supporter packs. i know its futile but just to see what happens. as expected no refunds.

makes me wonder if we have any legal standing on this matter.

GGG announced something, hyped players/investors up. then decided to do something else with the money.

isnt that very close to scamming?
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