Serious question: Why are people like this?

My worry is that they are spreading themselves too thin again, with too many projects. I cant remember the last league mechanic that I actually enjoyed, scourge maybe? I forgive the shallow leagues because I figure the effort was going into POE2, and the core game was in a good place.

I also hope they dont take too much from ruthless, because I tried that, and it was intensely boring, running magic maps over and over hoping for a vaal to drop so I can make a tiny bit of progress. (spoiler) vaal never drops.
Last edited by dookleeto on Jul 31, 2023, 4:50:54 PM
Reid777 wrote:

Which is completely not true, it was either wishful thinking or confusion by people spreading misinformation.

you keep saying not true

are you high? are you the one mismembering things?

Raycheetah wrote:
I'm just gonna leave this here to jog some folks' memories:


go and watch it.

Reid777 wrote:

In short, if you do won't like PoE2 as a standalone game, then you wouldn't like it as an "update" either. Why? Because they are the same thing!

you're right on this. but if you watched the video, then you would know the real issue is GGG purposely steering away from poe1 game play so far until its too different from poe1 that it logically should be separated.

and by doing so they've gone back on their original announcements.

also to the guys who wanna rip on players for wanting to use their legacy gear on poe2.

why is that a bad thing? does this effect temp league enjoyers in any way?

you dont like std, thats fine. why do you wanna shit on std enjoyers?
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Last edited by exsea on Jul 31, 2023, 9:59:02 PM
charley222 wrote:
simple answer typical gen z gamer . where everything need to be free and easy or the ego get hurt to much the time they dying

i dont blame ggg here . because already in the pass ggg try to balance poe1 and reduce broken build and power creep and player make a outcry so, poe 1 is still there for them something nice , and ggg moving forward and evolve with poe2 also with a fresh start make everything more easy to balance

"waaaa, new gen bad, new gen lesser than old gen"

A complaint older than Christ.
also, I love that anyone who complains is 'just a whiner', but anyone supportive must be ok, the correct kind of fan.

Yes, of course - so long as someone agrees with you, its not whining, its making a point, and if they dont, well then - just haters, is all.

BTW - people complaining is not new, far from it, and its been happening on the internet since the bbs days, young padawans.
lupasvasile wrote:
After the new POE 2 info all I've seen is the constant complaining that POE 2 is too different from POE 1 and how bad that is.
Why is it wrong for a game to be its own thing?!

Why are people like this?

1) POE2 has been marketed for 4 years as "Hey guys please stop complaining about all the shit we didn't fix in POE1, Because POE2 is going to fix all of it. Melee, Balance, campaign. It's going to add more classes to play and more and more and more." - But nope it won't be fixing any of it. Instead they are taking all these shiny new classes and the new story and make it in to another game. away from our POE1 game. so we get NON of those new cool things we were promised for 4 YEARS!!!!

2) for the last 2 years GGG has been pushing Ruthless mode. and the community was like "Hey we really hate ruthless, it sucks. You guys are not going to make Ruthless mode in to POE2 are you? because that would suck a fat one." - and they said no no no were just having some late night fun guys. think nothing of ruthless it's unimportant just don't look behide the curtain. and yes POE2 is ruthless mode. but even more ruthless then old ruthless.

They finally did it. worthless movement skills that are not worth using, no more flasks that help your build. you have to go to a vendor to fill your FLASKS!!!! are you fucking for real!!!

3) the LIES. they swore up and down for years!!! that everything was going to be great for poe players. and now we find out for the last 18 months they had 8 devs making our leagues. No wonder why they sucked. Remember mirror of kalandra? archnemsis? yea while 200 people were making ruthless mode 2.0 they left 8 sorry devs to make our content and get yelled at by us when it sucked. i feel bad for those 8 devs now. they got totally thrown under the bus. And for what? because a bunch of old 70's gamers wanted to make the most boring lack luster. slowest combat, lowest Zdps possible. They tortured us for with shit leagues just so they can make a game no one is going to play after season 1

DS_Deadman wrote:
People are upset because they cannot handle the idea that stuff changes over a period of 4 years. They act like GGG intentionally tried to deceive or lie to them.

I understand the idea that they may not like the way POE 2 gameplay "looks" like it is going. The whining that they "lied" or "deceived" is a bit childish.

Uh GGG said a thing, not long after, according to them, they changed their mind, and then they stayed silent for years, while still talking like nothing changed and even referencing things said in 2019 many times since then.

No one is bothered simply because they don't like change - and there is almost no post in this thread that could give an honest person that impression.

you sound like the typical fanboy - strawman up something vaguely fitting and the right onto attacking a point no one made.
Reid777 wrote:
Nubatron wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:
I'm just gonna leave this here to jog some folks' memories:


I started to watch, saw what it was, and shut it. I don't need more fuel for this flame :P

If you watched it in full, then second they footage, then PoE2 website at that time, then you would have avoided such a disappointment and grievance now.

Unfortunately people watching and digesting information, they preferred to imagine their own version of what PoE2 is going to be.

Another non-political example of the post-fact world some people cannot live without.
also, I love that anyone who complains is 'just a whiner', but anyone supportive must be ok, the correct kind of fan.

Yes, of course - so long as someone agrees with you, its not whining, its making a point, and if they dont, well then - just haters, is all.

BTW - people complaining is not new, far from it, and its been happening on the internet since the bbs days, young padawans.

this is also happening on poe subreddit

i complained about this mentality which is also quite common on diablo 4.

didnt realize how similar poe community is.

complain = whine.

support = gigachad.
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wacojitsu wrote:
lupasvasile wrote:
After the new POE 2 info all I've seen is the constant complaining that POE 2 is too different from POE 1 and how bad that is.
Why is it wrong for a game to be its own thing?!

Why are people like this?

1) POE2 has been marketed for 4 years as "Hey guys please stop complaining about all the shit we didn't fix in POE1, Because POE2 is going to fix all of it. Melee, Balance, campaign. It's going to add more classes to play and more and more and more." - But nope it won't be fixing any of it. Instead they are taking all these shiny new classes and the new story and make it in to another game. away from our POE1 game. so we get NON of those new cool things we were promised for 4 YEARS!!!!

2) for the last 2 years GGG has been pushing Ruthless mode. and the community was like "Hey we really hate ruthless, it sucks. You guys are not going to make Ruthless mode in to POE2 are you? because that would suck a fat one." - and they said no no no were just having some late night fun guys. think nothing of ruthless it's unimportant just don't look behide the curtain. and yes POE2 is ruthless mode. but even more ruthless then old ruthless.

They finally did it. worthless movement skills that are not worth using, no more flasks that help your build. you have to go to a vendor to fill your FLASKS!!!! are you fucking for real!!!

3) the LIES. they swore up and down for years!!! that everything was going to be great for poe players. and now we find out for the last 18 months they had 8 devs making our leagues. No wonder why they sucked. Remember mirror of kalandra? archnemsis? yea while 200 people were making ruthless mode 2.0 they left 8 sorry devs to make our content and get yelled at by us when it sucked. i feel bad for those 8 devs now. they got totally thrown under the bus. And for what? because a bunch of old 70's gamers wanted to make the most boring lack luster. slowest combat, lowest Zdps possible. They tortured us for with shit leagues just so they can make a game no one is going to play after season 1

I don't remember them saying any of this. Got a clip of this?
Different opinion = whine/crying/negative

Simple as. And alot of people here is already making PRE excuses for the dev's while still shit talking to death other games.

Someone mentioned on here that they have 20 (or maybe more) people working on 3.X aka "poe1" while the rest is on 4.0. Do you still think that 18 months from now leagues are going to be on the scale they were once?

Maybe my thoughts of "3.X will be on maintenance mode" isnt that crazy after all..
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

Retired since crucible.(Not a free tester anymore for a multi billion dollar company).

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