Serious question: Why are people like this?

After the new POE 2 info all I've seen is the constant complaining that POE 2 is too different from POE 1 and how bad that is.
Why is it wrong for a game to be its own thing? Just because it's in the same universe it has to be the same as the old?

No matter the game, no matter the popularity of the game, everywhere I look it's the same negativity: "why isn't it like I WANT IT?!

Why are people like this?
Last bumped on Aug 1, 2023, 2:05:03 PM
This is why in large part but not only, As this game is very complex so is its userbase.

Had they done what was said in that video, Countless people would still be upset about any number of things.

I hope that helps you understand, And i don't think anyone who regulars here is a fan of the negativity born from the many sides of the current events regardless of their position.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Jul 31, 2023, 12:07:24 PM
They overhyped.

The disconnect of what people want poe to be and what it is and always will be created disappoint.

They should make the game they want, but advertise that.
People are egoistic. They will speak out based on their preferences and beliefs. TONS of people have been whining about PoE 1 doing its own thing for years, with fast paced gameplay unprecedented in the ARPG genre. Now, other people are whining because PoE 2 is trying to be like certain other ARPG's.

In my mind? PoE 1 is more its "own thing" than my impression of what PoE 2 is trying to be. If people wish to prove me wrong here, I'm open to it, if they use actual examples from the genre as a whole.

PoE 2 will be a great game. But you have to understand that a lot of the people that actually LIKE PoE 1, and play it because they find it good and fun, don't really want huge changes to what they love and like. They want GOOD changes, but not necessarily fundamental changes to how it's being played.

People are allowed to share their opinions. But in an online forum, other people are also allowed to disagree.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
For one, people were hopeing that POE 2 would solve a bunch of issues POE 1 has based on their statment that they would be one game. Issues like the socket system and Loot 2.0. Now it's clear that POE 1 won't get any of this, you are forced to switch to POE 2 if you want to have those.

But there the next problem shows up. POE 2 is taking quite a few steps in directions many people dislike. The introduction of gold, slower pace, no movement skills, having to talk to an npc to refill flasks, no crafting bench there is probably more. So instead of the game they like getting better they have to choose between continuing to play the game with no hopes of it ever improving or switching to a new game that replaces the existing issues with other ones.

If POE 2 would be made to be the slow and "hard" game GGG seems to want and they would just leave it at that, at least some people like me might be happy about it but they don't seem to want to stop there. They continue to slow down POE as well in the worst ways possible. Meaning instead of making combat meaningful they just increase grind and RNG while combat remains the binary oneshot or get oneshot procedure we know.

There is honestly little to be happy or optimistic about at this point, i still hope i end up being wrong somewhere and everything turns out at least somewhat fine but there is no indications for that at all at this point.
Last edited by Baharoth15 on Jul 31, 2023, 12:26:48 PM
I think GGG live in way too much of a bubble for their own good. Other games exist too you know. You can't just make a game and think people with just eat it up no matter what.

If I don't like current POE I just move on and so will others.
Last edited by la_blue_girl on Jul 31, 2023, 12:29:58 PM
lupasvasile wrote:
After the new POE 2 info all I've seen is the constant complaining that POE 2 is too different from POE 1 and how bad that is.
Why is it wrong for a game to be its own thing? Just because it's in the same universe it has to be the same as the old?

No matter the game, no matter the popularity of the game, everywhere I look it's the same negativity: "why isn't it like I WANT IT?!

Why are people like this?

It is vocal minority, people that are upset about PoE for longer time - you can see 5-10 accounts making 3-5 topics each. There is a pattern, and those people are mostly looking for a reason to be upset about something, for example, PoE2 gameplay was intentionally slowed, but people are angry because PoE2 DEFINETLY will be slow (doesn't matter that gameplay was on blue items with gems without links). Yet, PoE 1 will not be deleted, so it is a win/win - would they whine if PoE2 would replace PoE1? For sure. There is no way they will not be complaining.

Most of those people whine about the game for at least a year (yet they play and log in to forum EVERY DAY). Does this sound suspicious? - because it is.

Those who don't care or like what they have/will get, for most of the time, don't bother with writing/creating topics.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 31, 2023, 12:31:46 PM
lupasvasile wrote:
After the new POE 2 info all I've seen is the constant complaining that POE 2 is too different from POE 1 and how bad that is.
Why is it wrong for a game to be its own thing? Just because it's in the same universe it has to be the same as the old?

No matter the game, no matter the popularity of the game, everywhere I look it's the same negativity: "why isn't it like I WANT IT?!

Why are people like this?

On this forum, mainly the same people complain as in other topics that poe 2 is like ruthless, dark souls and even the game hasn't come out yet hehe, they just defend their beliefs and are afraid of changes

on the other hand, there are those who defend poe 2 after what they saw and also defend their beliefs but want change

Complaining in general is a great way to impose your will
simple answer typical gen z gamer . where everything need to be free and easy or the ego get hurt to much the time they dying

i dont blame ggg here . because already in the pass ggg try to balance poe1 and reduce broken build and power creep and player make a outcry so, poe 1 is still there for them something nice , and ggg moving forward and evolve with poe2 also with a fresh start make everything more easy to balance
play my first rpg on the intellivision :)
Chris Wilson"I want to make sure that melee classes are as good as they can be"
Last edited by charley222 on Jul 31, 2023, 12:51:07 PM
to me its simple. 5 years ago GGG told us that poe2 would be extra content for poe1. additional. both existing with each other.

poe2 improvements would also apply to poe 1

a lot of us wanted things to improve and it seemed that poe2 would fix poe 1. it became a meme.

me personally, hearing this i felt very happy to support GGG, i bought a lot of supporter packs coz the idea was i m supporting POE2 which will directly improve poe1.

now they announce poe2 is SEPARATE from poe1, i cant help but feel betrayed.

all the time and effort i put into this game. all because i trusted the devs.

also i kinda hate it that people like OP just paint it as poe2 haters.

we see poe2 as something epic. even if we may not like it based on the gameplay vids, we're overly hating it and we see its an awesome game.

we ARE SALTY. but mainly because GGG deceived us. and its apparent that POE2 actively took away resources from poe1. alot of us were on high copium waiting for poe2 to come and "save" poe1. thats not happening anymore.
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