I'm sick of zoom meta. (Speed creep created bad combat and game balance)

They will slow the game down a bit. The slower one goes, the less items drop, the more 'meaningful' for the average player. GGG will not go full Ruthless but with POE 2 will move towards it a tiny bit.

The only reason some people go insanely fast is because they are brainwashed into making as much currency per hour possible, a bad goal that was taken from the streamer population. These very people can't enjoy the game anymore without their loot explosions and them insta-blowing-shit-up. These people are detrimental for the design of this game. It is because of these people we have these idiotic zooming videos at youtube. Some people I know, won't play POE because it makes the game look like trash. And it does.

Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
Reinhart wrote:
They will slow the game down a bit. The slower one goes, the less items drop, the more 'meaningful' for the average player. GGG will not go full Ruthless but with POE 2 will move towards it a tiny bit.

The only reason some people go insanely fast is because they are brainwashed into making as much currency per hour possible, a bad goal that was taken from the streamer population. These very people can't enjoy the game anymore without their loot explosions and them insta-blowing-shit-up. These people are detrimental for the design of this game. It is because of these people we have these idiotic zooming videos at youtube. Some people I know, won't play POE because it makes the game look like trash. And it does.

This is true. I've lost count how many times people have mentioned divs/hour, like it is the only thing that matters. Youtube is not helping either, for each Woolfio PoE video I watch, it suggests me 6+ zooming videos. I hate when Youtube does this and I hate the zoom videos and how common they are. :D
alhazred70 wrote:
SpectralLynx wrote:
Kaboinglefop wrote:
There is definitely a happy middle ground that can retain having power fantasy, increases to speed without it being so out of the box at a baseline.

I've yet to see any of PoE's competitors find this middle ground. If it exists, I'll be happy to take it.

Really? Is this more because only "smart bombing"* every screen instantly um... "does it for you" so to speak?

I do have a theory that POE players who can't imagine slowing down and still having fun are both actually wrong (they can) and are "jaded" like a "hub" addict that needs "step parent" vids or something XD

When I say actually wrong, I expect some crazy high number of "I can't enjoy slower combat" would actually do just fine. I base this theory on human nature but also I've literally watched the most jadded "clear speed meta" streamers play slower games.

CuteDog is a Lost Ark streamer BTW... that game is 1/4th the speed of mapping in POE even in a Chaos Dungeon and its more like 1/10th everywhere else in the game.

Its also a game filled with satisfying tactical combat with rewards for using skills correctly which makes the "slower" combat still fulfill the power fantasy while not being mindless and insanely repetitive.

*smart bombs were a button in 80-90's stand up arcade games that cleared the entire screen instantly and you usually had 1 to 3 of them and had to use them judiciously. Games like Defender/Stargate and many others had this. POE basically lets you have unlimited of them with the mindless combat that naturally ensues that some people love.

LoA has really good combat and bosses. It just has some unfortunate community / homework / QoL problems, but the raids and combat are great.

Bolded one particular line that resonates with me quite well, but it's a careful line that I think D4 fails on. (Unintuitive generator + spender design is kind of meh.)
Last edited by Kaboinglefop on Jun 15, 2023, 5:21:36 PM
Reinhart wrote:
They will slow the game down a bit. The slower one goes, the less items drop, the more 'meaningful' for the average player. GGG will not go full Ruthless but with POE 2 will move towards it a tiny bit.

The only reason some people go insanely fast is because they are brainwashed into making as much currency per hour possible, a bad goal that was taken from the streamer population. These very people can't enjoy the game anymore without their loot explosions and them insta-blowing-shit-up. These people are detrimental for the design of this game. It is because of these people we have these idiotic zooming videos at youtube. Some people I know, won't play POE because it makes the game look like trash. And it does.

Certainly a lot of beauty of PoE is lost with the current state of balance.

(I have more peeves with the monsters and reward systems balanced around our ridiculous speed levels than the speed levels itself.)

And slowing progression down is not a solution in my mind.
SpectralLynx wrote:
Kaboinglefop wrote:
There is definitely a happy middle ground that can retain having power fantasy, increases to speed without it being so out of the box at a baseline.

I've yet to see any of PoE's competitors find this middle ground. If it exists, I'll be happy to take it.

I'm hoping that competitor winds up being PoE2 itself.

Time can only tell if GGG doesn't retcon their promises from the exilecon that announced poe2.

They say you vote with your wallet, it's painful but I've literally avoided buying supporter packs on balance patches that didn't do enough to rein in the speed. (Sadly, I still cave on some leagues and just get the packs.)

PoE2 for me will be a turning point on my investment, financially and personally. Either I get engaged again, or I just fall out of love. It is what it is.
Last edited by Kaboinglefop on Jun 15, 2023, 5:30:12 PM
Kaboinglefop wrote:
PoE2 for me will be a turning point on my investment, financially and personally. Either I get engaged again, or I just fall out of love. It is what it is.

Seeing how important the game is to you, I hope PoE2 will meet your expectations. I remember how I felt when 3.15 hit...
Celd wrote:
Reinhart wrote:
They will slow the game down a bit. The slower one goes, the less items drop, the more 'meaningful' for the average player. GGG will not go full Ruthless but with POE 2 will move towards it a tiny bit.

The only reason some people go insanely fast is because they are brainwashed into making as much currency per hour possible, a bad goal that was taken from the streamer population. These very people can't enjoy the game anymore without their loot explosions and them insta-blowing-shit-up. These people are detrimental for the design of this game. It is because of these people we have these idiotic zooming videos at youtube. Some people I know, won't play POE because it makes the game look like trash. And it does.

This is true. I've lost count how many times people have mentioned divs/hour, like it is the only thing that matters. Youtube is not helping either, for each Woolfio PoE video I watch, it suggests me 6+ zooming videos. I hate when Youtube does this and I hate the zoom videos and how common they are. :D

My fav is when ppl complain in g1 how they hate the mechanic but the div/h is too good to pass on.... i mean, this sound like some type of a job lol.
AintCare wrote:
Celd wrote:
Reinhart wrote:
They will slow the game down a bit. The slower one goes, the less items drop, the more 'meaningful' for the average player. GGG will not go full Ruthless but with POE 2 will move towards it a tiny bit.

The only reason some people go insanely fast is because they are brainwashed into making as much currency per hour possible, a bad goal that was taken from the streamer population. These very people can't enjoy the game anymore without their loot explosions and them insta-blowing-shit-up. These people are detrimental for the design of this game. It is because of these people we have these idiotic zooming videos at youtube. Some people I know, won't play POE because it makes the game look like trash. And it does.

This is true. I've lost count how many times people have mentioned divs/hour, like it is the only thing that matters. Youtube is not helping either, for each Woolfio PoE video I watch, it suggests me 6+ zooming videos. I hate when Youtube does this and I hate the zoom videos and how common they are. :D

My fav is when ppl complain in g1 how they hate the mechanic but the div/h is too good to pass on.... i mean, this sound like some type of a job lol.

div/h is a very poor metric for enjoyment.

My issue is less about div/h and more about the devolution of balance due to the obscene cap of the game's sandbox. (PoE, instead of embracing the sandbox, balances around the very high floor of it.) which makes sense, balance around the baseline, but the baseline is just a bit too overtuned, and keeps getting more out of control.
SpectralLynx wrote:
Kaboinglefop wrote:
PoE2 for me will be a turning point on my investment, financially and personally. Either I get engaged again, or I just fall out of love. It is what it is.

Seeing how important the game is to you, I hope PoE2 will meet your expectations. I remember how I felt when 3.15 hit...

Hope so too. I only have three "types" of clothing in my wardrobe.
suits / dress clothes for work.
gym clothes.
PoE apparel.

I mean I have all the dev signatures framed on my desk for work. I love this game, it upsets me to see what it's become vs. what it can be (looking at PoE2 trailers)

unfortunately, when a new league trailer drops for the current poe, even crucible, it feels like the gameplay trailer is severely detached from what the game experience has become even by mid maps.
so when I see the PoE2 trailer, I just imagine seeing none of that crispness, never using the action dodge, etc.

I posted here only to relay feedback, because there is still a candle of hope that GGG will do the right thing and bring PoE to modern standards, and this can honestly be the final game I ever play.
Kaboinglefop wrote:

div/h is a very poor metric for enjoyment.

My issue is less about div/h and more about the devolution of balance due to the obscene cap of the game's sandbox. (PoE, instead of embracing the sandbox, balances around the very high floor of it.) which makes sense, balance around the baseline, but the baseline is just a bit too overtuned, and keeps getting more out of control.

that is what streamers did to the game. finding an OP/broken build, making it very public, everyone copies it, and here we are.

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