Improvements to Item Drops

unlucky_child wrote:
skaatje wrote:
Lizbeth777 wrote:
hopefully hate will end

It will. The majority of the playerbase will leave.

nahh, not really. Few will ragequit, but then they come back like other leagues, when ppl just blame

I dont know about this one, as a 10-year long player of PoE - this league was over the top, and this will be the first league since Breach league that i will sit out.

Thing is - GGG is not going to revert these changes. I really dont see myself coming back. Huge change for me, HUGE.
you do know that if you multiple 0 bi a 500000 it's still a 0. killing your own game good call.

at this point where poe is, even diablo immortal or wolcen looks fairly decent in comparacent
Last edited by medis13 on Aug 24, 2022, 11:43:46 AM
looks like PoE is fully Path of Exile now, these changes got me exiled from PoE again xDDD
3.23 was the best league of all time (an absolute banger)
If you nerf mob dropped loot by ~90% and then buff the remaining 10% up to now 12.5% of what it used to be - this is bad. Like, REALLY bad.

Balance in rewards between the different leagues is completely out of whack.

High end crafting is completely dysfunctional with all the complexity you built up over the last decade seemingly being pointless now.

Why do you try to do this to the base game instead of creating hard mode like you planned a few months ago?

It's unthinkable that live service looter game running for many years with an established player base suddenly nerfs loot by 90%, refusing to go back down, and does not implode from the backlash and bleeding current players.

That alone would have killed ANY similar game I've played, even without AN and all the other unpopular decisions you keep pushing.

This is so baffling.

I do consider PoE a masterpiece in complexity sadly unrivaled in the genre today, but thinking you can pull this off and people will in the end realize you're right and the game is better years from now... I don't know man, pride comes before the fall, and destroying the version of the game that many loved dearly because your creative leads are confident it's the right thing in the long term...

Recent steam reviews down to 42%. If this keeps up, it will hurt.
Manoloxak wrote:
Drop Rate doesnt even come close to what it was though... Archnemesis? REMOVE IT u guys are way too protective of archnemesis mods. THEY SUCK. They are deff ruining the game in many ways. Complicating the game is fine making it more challenging etc. But this is next level shit. My Eyes can no longer keep up with anything that kills me lol. I have to be checking monster mods as if its easy to put a mouse on a monster to see what I should avoid + having the knowledge of these mod combos too????? BRUH? Minions are dying too easily for the most part AG is just not fair for the amount of money u invest into ur AG if it dies to invisible dmges that make no sense when ur AG is suppose to Survive these certain situations. Very Unhappy with the recent changes. Even if u guys buffed the drop rate it doesnt even come close to the values we used to have. Can barely sustain map. The game feels empty. Currency is out of control and its not even been that long since league start... Sad. Group Loot is dead for Beefed maps full party. RIP Path of Exile. All they want is a game that is TOO hardcore to even play at this point.

Very sad since I've been playing this game for years. I honestly expected this League to be so much better but it has been a big disappointment. But for now it just feels like we are TOLERATING stuff rather than having fun. You cant have fun if all you do is get rekt. The game feels out of place. Doesnt feel like GGG is heading torwards PLAYER FUN. Just seems like they enjoy to see us squirm everytime they try to take something that makes the game great away.

Harvest is Dead
Down with Archnemesis - REMOVE THAT NOBODY LITTERALLY LIKES IT NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Minion life be like = i get hit i die

Make POE playable again before all the youtubers decide to leave and not even provide builds for the rookies lol.

I dont think you guys are understanding that people have other things to do. Making the game so complicated to the point I have to spend 5 mins killing one MONSTER THAT DOESNT EVEN DROP 5 MINS WORTH OF TIME.. Makes me feel like i wasting my time 100%. If you work 5 days a week for example the fact that u can barely do anything in 1 day because of all the nerfs hue idk man Just my personal opinion. GL Trying to get people to come back after its too late.
all true.
quickly ran a map and looks like the loot is "too much" for some AN at the moment. Got over 120 Armourer's Scrap from 1 archnemesis monster. Other loot feels close to activated sentinels... It might be an outlier but try it out before posting valid logic that could be inaccurate.
We have gone through this many times over already, but maybe repeating the same chant will finally make them get the point?

Did GGG forget basic math..?

When you take number 100, nerf it to 20-10% of it's value, you have 10, at best 20. When you increase 10 by 25%, you get 12,5. When you increase 20 by 25%, you get a whopping 25! Even in best case scenario, it is 1/4 of what it used to be! This is a joke.

Who ****** cares about 25% increased chance to drop the basic currency I need to alch my maps? 25% increase to 0 is still a 0!


I thought you were familiar with your game mechanics already, but once again it is proven, GGG don't know **** about their own game.

Let's return to the topic of minions..? Is it a coincidence, that any viable minion build in the league is those that ignore minion health? GGG, DO YOU KNOW HOW WE MUST PLAY OUR MINION BUILDS?

Like Ghazzy described in his video, he needs to be constantly running through 11 keys to operate his build. THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE FLASKS. I've developed RTSI because of minion builds, because that is the only way to have them operatable. My left hand is hammering 9 buttons on the keyboard and my right hand is abusing 4 on my mouse. Because if I don't, every single minion I have running is going to be dead. Tell me, what other type of build needs to go through this? Are you nerfing them every single league too the same way you do for minions?

And you really think minion builds need to be hammered? You have no idea about the **** we need to go through to crawl to the finish line in every single map. And whenever someone manages to find a golden combination to be able to run feared while running for their lives and hammering their keyboard with their hands and feet to struggle to keep their minions from the verge of death? HOW DAREST THOU!!! NEEEERRRRFFFFFF!!!!!!!!

I told you immediately when I saw the patch notes before league release, that it's going to be a ****show... Do you believe me now?

For the censorship, use your imagination.

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