32:9 ultra wide support gone!

Community_Team wrote:
Previously it was possible to manually set the aspect ratio of the Path of Exile client to be very short and wide, allowing you to see an unintended amount of the level at once. A limit needed to be set. Because of server serialisation distances, this maximum aspect ratio is currently set to 21:9. This is the widest that we can currently go before we start hitting the cutoff where entities and effects vanish. We are looking at being able to increase this in the future.

This note was accidentally missed from the patch notes. We're very sorry for that oversight.

Are you guys serious?

Resolution and ratios are getting better for every new monitor out there and you guys decide to cut things back, just because of some graphical effects not working beyond a 21:9 ratio?

I've been playing Path Of Exile just fine with my Ultra wide monitor (3840x1200) up until this league. Now you're forcing black bars on my screen...

Just revert the change, it can't be that hard... it was fine before.
been playing 32:9 for quite a number of leagues now. Never encountered any problems with animations and renderings.

Kinda would be nice to get a refund on my latest supporter packs, because with the announcement on UI changes you really pulled a bait and switch here
Thanks for ruining my experience, was so happy to start this league and come back to poe with my friends after a year and now we gotta find another game.
What a sad state of affairs GGG... Not only the change itself, but the Game of Thrones "Kinda forgot about it..."

Talk about BS!

The widescreen community has been asking for fixes for multiple leagues; CW himself mentioned a lot of GGG staff play on widescreens, and now you removed it?

How is this progress? I've been playing 3840x1080 for multiple leagues without a problem, now all of the sudden it's causing issues.

I welcomed the Centered UI feature, but I'd rather lose it and go back to FULL widescreen.

It's 2022 for fuck sake... Figure this shit out already
This "fix" has killed my desire to play this league. So glad I hold off on support packs until after the league starts.
Also the reply on why it was nerfed is a very weak point. Let's be honest they saw the reddit post where people were talking about putting the game in ultrawide to see a tiny bit further left and right. So they hard locked the resolution, because screw the people that have like g9 monitors I guess.
IGN: Dorenthl
Same this was so dissappointing. Why did they remove it? It has been supported for many leagues and they just yanked it.
I hate this change, feels like like I am suddenly gaming in the year 2002 again.
I wonder what the next improvement will be? Reducing the number of supported keys on the keyboard? Or limiting the sound channels for speakers? It looks like a prank.
Was too busy moving to be able to leaguestart this time. After taking a couple leagues off because I wasn’t in love with the direction of the game I was excited to see what the new league and nerfed archnemesis mobs had to offer. I open up Reddit to see how certain builds were doing to figure out what I want to start with. Lo and behold ggg completely gutted support for anything over 21:9 and didn’t even test the change out as they would have seen that most ultrawide 21:9 monitors are not exactly 21:9. Not to mention that they just happened to forget this change in the patch notes “wink wink”. I’m sure it had nothing to do with trying to get their ultra wide patrons to buy supporter packs without knowing they’d stripped support for ultra wide resolutions. Gonna be skipping this league blizzard lite. Seems like they are doing their best to speed run up to full blizzard standard.
henry werner
Before :


After :


I never even noticed the issues mentioned. UI has never been an issue for me.

I mainly play 4 games : SC2 & Overwatch (never played competitive, I'm punished for a feature I never used, and will never use. Thanks blizzard) ; POE ; Genshin. Now only Genshin support my 32:9...

Really starting to regret throwing 1500€ in an odyssey g9, I can't even enjoy my ratio... I was really impatient for this new season to start ; now I will probably drop the game if this isn't fixed soon. The difference is really hard to bear.
Last edited by Makara1983#1543 on Aug 20, 2022, 10:49:33 AM

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