Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Total garbage. Guess now is a good time to go outside and shelve POE for 3-5 months. Not sure I will be around for POE 2 if this is what we have to look forward to.

To be clear, the reservation changes are a joke. Terrible changes and design.
Last edited by JuanOrez on Aug 3, 2022, 11:46:38 AM
wind dancer, arrow dance and fortify will stil be absolute garbage, you need to do a lot better to make these actually function.
I’m a bit worried about the direction it all takes. At this point, the game should be split in two. So many mechanics implemented. Anyway, We should have the option to go normal and hard or even another one : extreme. I don’t understand how it’s supposed to be fun to die constantly when learning this game. It is frustrating. I’ve played since 3.6 and I always liked to do different build, but the problem now is the survivability.
We can’t help but be killed by random stuff and we have no way to know what exactly killed us. It could be a great add to be able to know this info and learning from our mistakes.

You should also remove the 10% xp penalty. It’s stupid now. It was a good idea some time ago but now the game is way too harsh. You can kill two screen away and still die from something invisible because there is too much on screen or because of frame drop lol. This penalty should be removed forever. If you are casual, like me I don’t bother going higher than 95 because if I die one time I literally lost minutes of my life for nothing. And what is the point to have six portals if you die and lose xp. If I die 6 times in a map (which is likely to occur when you start) you lose 60% of xp which is more than what you can make in one map. You can also lose xp because you forgot reflect immunity or anything that brick your build and die instantly. You lost your map and you time badly. If you don’t juice your map enough you would not gain back this penalty in one map. And if you juice and you die… then good luck on the drop…

The option of adding different option let’s say normal and hard served exactly this point.It could add longevity to player database during the league as they would like to reach lvl100 to complete their character. You could lvl your character in normal maybe with slower progression but no penalty than if you want you can switch to expert that will make the game significantly harder… you can have fun in rendering this part as hard as you want if you want to even impossible to anyone except the 1% of player. Now everyone else will have fun in normal and maybe at the end of the league when we are stuffed and ready, try to challenge this mod. You could even make drop hard-exclusive. We can still trade them but good luck because the price would be mageblood high. It’s not something casual player can afford easily.

Just my own two cents. After all a hack’n’slash is fun when you feel a bit overpowered and can kill everything with a click… that is at least what I like the most and what I like to reach every league.

used to love this game but now just nerfs incoming every patch and also to much screen clutter with one shots coming from miles away also now goodluck getting defences that were already hard to achieve for newbie guys who just wanna play the game such a let down here cya maybe not later
Emplaid wrote:
I don't get it, mage skeletons were nerfed by 75% overall or they removed the 50% added damage from the gem and that gave a 25% damage reduction overall. because 75% nerf will just destroy this skill

just 25% less damage bro
i dont see any build worth playing next league. All good builds are nerfed.

So basically, there will be less and less people, which can do endgame contents.

The game is already hard for majority, dont make it hard for EVERYONE.
24.1.2018 [quote="Dro28"]wheres my fragment tab?[/quote]

(I thought that was a joke)

25.1.2018: GGG- Introducing the Fragment Stash Tab!
KirinXie wrote:
Emplaid wrote:
I don't get it, mage skeletons were nerfed by 75% overall or they removed the 50% added damage from the gem and that gave a 25% damage reduction overall. because 75% nerf will just destroy this skill

just 25% less damage bro

You are wrong. They got a 20% damage nerf at level 20 (global minion nerf) and then in addition to that they took another 25% damage nerf on the skill gem itself. Thats a 55% damage nerf.

Then on top of that, they obliterated charges on minions. 3 frenzy charges alone was 15% more damage, so now its a 70% damage loss. That isn't counting the power charge critical strike chance changes, they now provide less than 1/4 of what they gave before in critical strike chance.

Then on top of that, we lost 2 gem levels from necro ascendency, and its no longer possible to get +3 to all minion gems in helm, so thats another -3 gem level (if you use a +2 all helm now).

So in fact its more like a 80%+ damage nerf easily
Last edited by Alcsaar on Aug 3, 2022, 12:04:52 PM
poe is poe! don't change it pls wtf with nurfs on every new league
aura build are dead
bleed builds are dead
cast on crit builds are dead
mana builds are dead
flask builds are dead
poison assasin build are dead
and now minion builds are most likely dead
ggg logic:if you want to have a perfect buildings on the city so you most go to city and destroy every tall building on city
Last edited by metimn on Aug 3, 2022, 12:11:21 PM
Come back from an all day hike to the manifesto...

There are things I'm unhappy about, but can understand, and there are also things that I'm unhappy about that make no sense to me.

This is going to sound weird coming from a predominantly minion player, but the flask change is the worst thing in this manifesto. Not having to click my flasks as frequent has helped my left hand quite a bit, I don't really understand taking this back. I understand it's still there in a lower power form, but was it not introduced as a health measure? Maybe I just thought that and I'm misinformed.

I'm not thrilled about defense nerfs with nothing else in it's place, but I understand this might be alleviated in the live stream with new defenses else where, but the flask thing I'm just upset about.

I think Necro should always be the best for summoning outside of maybe a few niche minion builds, it's the classes identity.

I don't like the mana reservation mastery being nixed. I don't really have a good reason other than I like being able to reserve large chunks of mana at the end game.

As a minion player this kinda feels worse than 3.15(core game, expedition as a league was amazing), but I'll stop being so negative since I really won't be able to tell how it feels till I personally play the changes.

Still looking forward to seeing what the new league is all about, excited for the league mechanics that are getting a fresh coat of paint Chris talked about as well.
Last edited by sumfight on Aug 3, 2022, 12:12:28 PM
Is this a skip?

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