Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

mrrick1781 wrote:
We are at this point just waiting for POE2 to come out to see if many of the issues with the game get sorted out.

Or worse POE1 is just beta testing how they want POE to be balanced in the years to come after POE2. I just have an overall feeling people are just getting tired of the game (even some content makers).

Not saying the game will die etc it's just the hype for updates isn't there as it used to be. Been playing since Perandus and I've noticed it over the last few years. People will claim it's been like that for longer it's just I play leagues for maybe a few weeks now. So I don't see the long-term effect of a weak content league. Damn, I use to play leagues from start to finish a few years ago.

I am amazed how people think PoE 2 will be a miracle cure :)
3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing.
Wish minion players would complain less.
finally coming back from lost ark, is the game in a good state still?
Last edited by Wulfenheim94 on Aug 3, 2022, 11:31:33 AM
Maw sucks. Notice me, Ventrua.
Compared to others league feedbacks, There were not so much this negativity.

I tried to convinced my friends to come back but after seeing this balancing. They said "HELL NO" cuz we remembered when we stuck at ATC6-10 thought that we keep going or not... for a game that we should support to have fun with. Friends left now just me..

You know what. Around 50-60% of newcomers they usually stick with melee. When they find out that it impossible to play, they're not rebuild or replay it. They quit...
So this patch nerfs the fun out of every endgame mechanic? Ok, I'll skip this league and wait to see what they buff for next league. See you again in a couple of months!
I don't get it, mage skeletons were nerfed by 75% overall or they removed the 50% added damage from the gem and that gave a 25% damage reduction overall. because 75% nerf will just destroy this skill
Last edited by Emplaid on Aug 3, 2022, 11:31:43 AM
They just delete all my messages! Lol! You can't say what you think here, if you think that this manifest is [Removed by Support], you can't said it here, cause your message gana delete!
Last edited by JC_GGG on Aug 4, 2022, 9:10:56 AM
Ok, I am now rationally saying, please GGG show us some example of the new Minion mods....maybe, I say maybe, they will compensate for the Huge loss in passives damage and life. Maybe.
Very Encouraging, Not! Trust Reduced, Unplayable Again.

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