Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

I don't even wanna bother making a detailed comment, this is just top to bottom BAD. Juiced up archnemesis one clap mobs makes players stack defence cus they can't play the game otherwise, what does GGG do NERFS to defence BOIS leggo.

Was excited about this league, even got my challenges done to 20 to have a nice set to roll with, looks like a solid skip.
back plz to 3.14 OMG!!!
Last edited by serenbka on Aug 3, 2022, 8:10:10 AM
Will the stream finally reveal that Hard Mode is coming, and it's exactly the same as the normal game, but the only skills available are ethical melee strikes (so,no Lightning Strike)?
repeat after me

back to 3.14
back to 3.14
back to 3.14
back to 3.14
back to 3.14

Aaaaand another league to skip :D
GGG Patch Notes: "Fixed a bug where players actually wanted to play the game"
Thank you for nerfing all the defenses. I really like to die on each map 6 times
Not gonna lie I had hoped for more. A bit puzzled about Arctic Armour's changes. Denoting standing still as a problem and then buffing its damage mitigation while standing still doesn't seem like solving the problem?

The underused gem changes seem very minor and don't actually solve the issues the gems have, so they'll likely remain underused? Especially when Seismic Trap, RF, Wardloop, and other very highly performing skills make it through in relatively fine or unchanged states.
On top of that, not enough of the underused gems are touched at all.

Melee is still garbage (pardon the language).

6 months of waiting for this is very disappointing.
so bad,. out of touch with ur game
Last edited by TiLung on Aug 3, 2022, 8:38:26 AM

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