Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Why always nerfs builds like by people insteed of buff other builds to match up.

Why delete minion's build on all of their aspects.

i dont want to play sisms trap 2.5k life, so see u next league maybe .... or not
Ahaha, nice future of the build diversity, just killed minion builds, so what is left? I liked to play slow minions, now they are not just slow, they are also garbage. TY GGG, I had doubts about starting a new league, so now I think it is better to spend more time IRL
I'm all for making PoE Harder & Slower...

However cherry picking what to nerf leaves players feeling targeted for playing what they enjoy.
"I didn't know we were making a pants simulator." - Chris Wilson
Remove the mana reservation efficiency mastery is a huge mistake
Should have just deleted necromancer and minions from the game lul, if you hate them so much.

Can't believe it, but looks like we are playing seismic trap boiz?
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
89 pages in such a short time. I was about to comment on how stupid many balancing are doing the exact opposite of what they claim to do, as usual. Guess there is nothing else to say it might already have been wroten lol.

Unbalance patch notes.
And good hope for paid trolls claiming to be happy to post fast enough.
minions nerfs hahaha

skip league
I dont understand why GGG do it with game..
Just absolutely feeling of indifference to next league now.
No hype at all.
Just anouther seismic league, with """rewardble content""" that 1% "gamers for life" can reach.
I play exclusively minion builds on league start.

Guess I'm not playing.
RIP Necromancer... it was one hell of a run.

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