Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

I play melee; I play to have fun. I even play standard. Melee is terrible. It is no longer fun. GGG has trashed all my fun builds in Standard. I hardly played Sentinel and I'm not optimistic about whatever is coming next. I have money to spend but no reason to spend it on GGG. They keep making the game worse and worse. It makes me sad. :(
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Dumpster fire continues.

Absolutely uninstalling. Only game worth playing here is forum cruising to see how bad it gets. In the years to come, PoE will have like only 14 whales playing. Patch day will spike to 14, then slowly fade to 9 or 10.
I was always a big fan of necro summoner as I'm getting older - the less clicking helps me keep my sanity, the reason I played it is because i don't have to target every tiny enemy on the screen (my reasoning - your's could differ) and with some invested time and luck I could kill things endgame.

necro +2 stat nerf and the rest "looks" bad.
GGG I understand you had to do something but... that notable is a huge nerf, and a sh!tty unholy might won't fix it. Also not interesting enough.
Unholy might seriously... grants 30% of physical damage as extra chaos damage - Ok so what about the minions that are not phys-based?
They just got flat nerfs.

raise specter nerf - looks worse with each patch, people already were not playing raise specter too much as the main skill, only as some support.
It was very hard/impossible if you were not in the 1-2% to get top high end items.

The problem was that the specters actually died in the fights that mattered, and there is no way you will start to revive them midfight and look for corpses while beams fly everywhere.
(again I'm not deluded to think of myself as I'm in the top 1% of godlike skill/14h+ a day investment each day)

Srs 12 mana was a lot (because of multipliers on it), people asked it to be less instead they added to it just in case 33% more mana required to cast, good luck stacking that mana/regen you'll need it xD

The good news is you can now play any class as a summoner as it won't matter much. there is not that much in necromancy for minions that's soo much worth picking it over some other ascendancies and give yourself some insane defense. The +2 level helped with overcoming some shortcommings of early/mid game not finding 10 ex to start your build and survive/do some extra damage.

Most people do like a challenge - but they don't like prolonged/long term suffering.

Hopefully, the things you (GGG) did add on items will be good enough and actually drop.. that it keeps people around summoners and still makes it viable without spending 2 months 10h grinding.
I have a job already I don't need a second one :)

People love summoners / hate it, but it's certainly a need for it.
Not everyone is a fan of melee/range the same way not everyone is a fan of summoners, we are all different and we prefer to have options, and that is the way life is and there's nothing wrong with that.

So many nerfs over the past leagues, and not that many options left.

Problem: Some minion skills are clear outliers in terms of inherent power, so become the default choice for many minion-focused builds.

Solution: bring up the rest unused ones to be on par/close in power, instead of nerfing the powerful ones to the level of the unused ones.

Would've made more sense to me... but what do I know! I only play this game since act3 was endgame.
How is there not a single thing that makes melee a better experience? I understand the nerfs here and think they are the right course of action given the prevalence of each.

However, unless we as a community are completely missing something that you know about that makes melee feels like cheeks compared to any bow or spell build.

Please - I've had to skip multiple season now...just make melee better.

Edit: Apologies messed up the format

Problem: Melee is cheeks to play - being required to hit 3-4 warcries to have any attempt at a viable melee build is simply not fun when you have one button builds that could be played by someone without vision doing 10-15x the DPS. I have to be Mozart to get 5MM DPS.

Solution: Make it not cheeks to play - think of ways to make it better rather than only focusing on how to nerf everything into the ground.
Last edited by ILikeDragons33 on Aug 3, 2022, 2:49:42 PM
Looks like a skip league. Good job GGG.
I'll miss the mana reservation efficiency mastery. It was one of the best nodes in the game, but it was also fun. It was nice to feel like we had some flexibility to run more/different auras.
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
Power Siphon Locus Mine Trickster in Settlers of Kalguur
RIP Minions, wtf GGG
Don't really like all the changes, but hyped to see how it will be in game. Mana res nerfed for no reason in my opinion. All other changes is fair enough.

Waiting for new league

I love to see this pussy comments about skipping the league, just delete the game lol

Go nerf evriting , and nerf dam defence ty ........ i Maibe gona mis dis one im piset of dam shiti not fun hame , the rerf evriting em vhere fun ? so far the nerf evrfevriting but and muve all damage in ger but if u canot craft u doom . ist game for fun not to stres us , and make us ubsed. go plai u self GGG oooo i forgot u dont plai u game
Thanks Chris for saving my money.
I wanted to play summoner and buy some MTXs, but now I will pay somewhere else.

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