Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

okay, what the fuck is this? i thought that after sentinel and archnemesis there will be something good, what will change somehow defence mechanics, or may be there will be at least balance for defence/monster damage. but holy fuck, nerfing mana reservation?nerfing necro?not reworking old skills? who the f uses devouring totem? who thought that it will be SUCH a good idea to make this "Devouring Totem now has 20% more base life, and has 0% increased Totem Life at gem level 1 (unchanged), up to 76% at gem level 20 (previously 0%)."?!?!?! there is ABSOLUTELY no point of using this skill at all, such as Rejuvenation Totem. Also, im pretty sure that new Pathfinder's Master Alchemist Notable Ascendancy passive Skill WILL work with Mageblood, which is not allowed,and it MUST be reworked that it will have 20% inc effect if it was used recently, or used to player.
This balance manifesto is one huge dissapointment
Also, reworking Gravicius Veiled Modifier on body armour into useless phys taken as fire? Do u think that it will compensate lost defence layer?Who thought that it was a good idea?
Last edited by Bugs001 on Aug 3, 2022, 3:34:34 PM

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This kind of continued league punishing is not appealing. Especially as they like nerfing a build (based on a unique) you tried and started to have fun with. They have done that to me across several new leagues now.

I can never find my feet in this game :/
1) Melee builds dead again for no reason 4th league in a row.
Stance buff are u serious?
Mana reserve mastery delete? For what? For delete aurastackers? No, u deleting other builds( and melee too)
2)100% suppress can possible only with recombinators for non-right based tree builds => delete recombinators => nerf suppress => ?
3) Adds ubers => most players cant beat it => nerf builds => ?
3)LS builds and seismic kings again, again and again.
Im not casual player and never started with meta builds, i always beat the game for my own, but it takes a lot of time. Now its almost impossible for ppl who cant play PoE 5-8hr per day.
I did not play this league because it was very repetitive. I hope they add new things or ways to do the same thing but differently.

This nerf was coming, I knew the double defensive aura was too good for the game and the ways ggg intended.
I knew attribute stacking was a lot of fun, so it would be nerfed.
I knew that the mana reservation was too much for what GGG is used to, I knew that this would be eliminated.

Minions is always nerfed in each league, it was missing in this one, but I don't understand, skelemancers is not a super powerful build, it is very very difficult to keep skeletons alive and now it will be much much worse, for me they saw that many used it and decided to eliminate it. It is not OP build but it is very comfortable to play and that is why people liked it.

Just when I decide to try skele, they have eliminated and damaged all the sources of improvement, helmet and the ancesdancy of the necromancer, it would not make sense to go there anymore. The same thing happened with carrion golems, they nerfed it, I tried it and it worked after a lot of investment, the difference is that now they have gone too far with the nerf and I'm not going to waste time and money to make skele half work and then complain that it doesn't work at all.

Now they have this crazy tendency to nerf it until it's useless and then release a buff two weeks later. And already at that time you lost the start of the league.

I'm not worried, I'll just go back to chaos, again I guess.
Thanks for ruining the game further.

Why kill Necromancer? Its literally in their class fantasy. And now they are going to be ruined.

Probably done with PoE. Another trash league
This is the only game I play, and have played for the last 9 years. Every time a new release comes out I have to change to a new skill or build. Tired of it. this fucking game was built around auras and gem levels. I'm not picking a new build AGAIN!!!! I'm not giving another red cent either.

To me, It seems like every release or the last 6 or so content releases , They have done nothing but nerf things, gems, gear, etc. Nothing has peaked my interest as far as new content . (Mostly) . Yeah, they create some new content , but it seems that the only things that happen with theses releases are major nerfs, and a little bit of content. same ole washed up shit. I love leveling and doing quests.
It just seems like they only focus on doing nerfs every release. (75-80%) Nerfs. The rest is just filler. Latest bosses are tank and spank. When the freak are they going to ad to the story line? Or ARE they ever? To me, it seems like they used to focus more on story and characters . Now its..." were trying to keep Armour/evasion based classes where Armour/evasion is". They created a gigantic tree for us to use and said years ago, "the tree, is your oyster!" , See what you can come up with". Now its "oh no..your too far on the other side of the tree, we need to make it harder for you to get there.". What in the fuck? Idk, I'm sorry, I'm rambling . Just random thoughts. Sorry if its not in order, and all over the place...I'm A.D.H.D , :) .
Last edited by randeenie on Aug 5, 2022, 8:30:52 AM
The underused skills buff section needs to be like 5 times bigger or I am going to be bored in like 5 days.

Where are the fun changes? The old skill gems polished up to be played with again like you used to do?
I come back, blow 600 ex on improving my build and they nerf it AND make it so I will likely have to craft or buy different items. Appreciate it, really. I hope this doesn't make me and my friend quit before the new league again, which it likely will. Not sure I'll come back again if that happens.
Last edited by MikeDCold on Aug 3, 2022, 3:48:01 PM
Ok back from work, and i still wanna say something.

If the build diversity is not on point. If the top players can handle these balance changes (nerfs) with, time and skill = currency, the other lets say 80% of the playerbase (casuals, me) are even more forced to play the meta ascendencies and skills.

So i predict close to unhealthy percent inquisitors.
Also due to minion nerfs and no helix, lightning strike and nightblade changes but the spell surpress balance a lot of raiders.

In my honest opinion, your ways adressing the issues (the top players create) will mostlikely missdirekting in the exact opposite direction for what the changes are made for in the first place.

One suggestion from me adressing mana reservation. why not increase the reservation of the 50% auras per level an aura has by 0.25%
so we can use more auras early including opting in to the -15% mana reservation mastery. But later in the game using 5 auras (on max level if we want) we have to handle the mana issues then.

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