Streamer priority confirmed. PoE is free to play, so play it for free, but Boycott GGG.

wanna see when GGG will remove streamer rng and gave streamers same rng as all of us...
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TreeOfDead wrote:
wanna see when GGG will remove streamer rng and gave streamers same rng as all of us...

First u need to actually see in fact, that they have so called "streamer rng", before u can see them get taken such away.
All u do is assume and nothing more.

(not saying it's impossible at all)
Honestly, if this is what finally pushed you over the edge to never give GGG money again until things are fixed, you are the reason it managed to get this bad.
What is the problem though?

You can actually watch the game while sitting in queue and it's good thing. I enjoyed watching streamers instead of watching them sitting in the same queue for 10 minutes or so each 15 minutes of gameplay.

It's just one specific streamer who made some arrogant comment and lost some viewers thanks to that. Not a big deal.
You missed the point entirely, Daybit.
~ Adapt, Improvise and Overcome
isnotonline wrote:

I am someone that prefers not to share my opinion publicly in most cases, not because i have nothing to say, but rather because i do not enjoy my words being twisted to mean something they do not.

Nice post, I think I may have twisted this paragraph to mean something it didn't say though because I enjoyed it so much. You're a wise man. Thank you for your post.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
stoat wrote:
Honestly, if this is what finally pushed you over the edge to never give GGG money again until things are fixed, you are the reason it managed to get this bad.

I completely agree -- as I intimated in my OP, if this isn't enough to drive habitual supporters to withhold their habitual support, if blatant streamer privilege regardless of whether GGG are legally obligated to provide it or not isn't the line, I doubt there is one.

That said, I do not blame Exiles for continuing to support well past what was likely the 'start' of that line's appearance, because it was subtle. Not the moment itself -- plenty of us kicked up a stink then -- but the fact that nothing appeared to change for quite some time. On the other hand, this particular offence has roots all the way back to Closed Beta/early Alpha: I have seen streamers break alpha NDA by showing their viewers an unreleased version of the Skilldrasil, for example, and not get any sort of punishment where a non-streamer alpha tester would ironically be banned if they were caught sharing such information with Exile friends. Streamer privilege in and of itself is nothing new. As usual, it was GGG's method of and explanation for the overt deployment of it here (the 'how' and the 'why', not the 'what') that struck new instability to their already faltering moral stance.

Everyone has their threshold and I reckon this should be a big one, but it's hard to see that when the truth is so easy to bury, to move past. Unlike a fairly flexible reason to stop supporting such as 'fix the game' (convince GGG that PoE is 'broken' in unequivocal terms -- good luck), I think 'you grossly misspent support money, broke your own rules to try to save it, and you've been bought out by a huge international money-gobbling monster so it's not like anyone is supporting a little train that could anymore' is less subjective.


Thank you for contributing. Pun possibly intended. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Apr 25, 2021, 9:08:23 PM
Well it was hard craft but it happened best of the best jewel (look at name and then some red text in the end) reminds me of some streamer which name i cannot mention but my jewel name suppose to suffice.
Pyrokar wrote:

Preferential treatment isn't as uncommon as you guys think. Even OP might have gotten some preferential treatment in the past in this very forum by devs or the forum police.

In-game? Absolutely not. Forum-wise? Uh, I'm pretty sure I've had more probations than any other 'whale' (let's say, $2k+ contributed over the years). And my latest, haha, yeah, *no one else* would have been probated for what Support felt they had to remove. And that's all I'll say about that, lest they wrangle another excuse to bury this thread by proxy by way of liberal interpretation of the CoC. Moving on...

The only time you could say I received forum preferential treatment might have been when I was a volunteer moderator, but that came with its own responsibilities and is frankly far from relevant to the issue at hand here. We're talking pure game advantage here -- priority access to a server for a competitive mode. It's pretty cut-and-dry. I can guarantee I've never received any in-game boosts or preferential treatment from GGG -- they knew I'd happily pay for every stash tab without any sort of cajoling, so why run the risk of giving me preferential treatment? They also knew I gave around about 0.005 shits about my PoE experience from a personal standpoint beyond killing shit for fun. In-game power bores me (again, plenty of other games where my 30k would have been instant in-game divinity). I was playing Endless Ledge before it was ever an official PoE mode. Hell, I've NEVER found my one and only 'lootable' unique in PoE. If they were going to flick any switches to my advantage behind the scenes, I'd figure acquisition of my original sword would be the one to do.

So yeah, no.

No, not in game, forum-wise and maybe irl-wise? There were times when you seemed to be like an inside man in the GGG offices, like you would get news before everyone else, even the alpha testers. Your "Ha-ha i know more than you plebs" posts were funny to read.

Other than that, i don't know how it is now, but in the early days moderation seemed to be more lenient towards you. Ofcourse there is no proof of that and it is a bit subjective but it is what it seemed to me at the time.

To be frank, i don't really care, you don't need to defend yourself and ofcourse this time it is on a bigger scale and does not compare to a bit of news and an infinite ignore list, i am just saying that hey it did happen in the past as well. It's just that more people had to witness it this time around.
I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
isnotonline wrote:

Everyday there are more people coming to the forums, some will add their thoughts and others will move on without interacting.

Exactly so. The view count for this topic is not negligible, and I understand that fora are mostly treated as read-only. I behave the same way on (non-PoE related) reddit, because I do not feel comfortable contributing to most threads I read but oh I read a lot of them. Add to this the controversial nature of this particular thread and I'm genuinely surprised when a 'new face' pops up, as yours did. I really do appreciate it.


At this point there aren't too many thoughts to add on the subject that don't seem repetitious or redundant, but that doesn't mean the ones already in here are any less relevant. The reddit thread that spawned it all has, by nature of that beast, already been buried by how quickly things move there, and how topics are sorted. As I intimated before, this is surely to GGG's liking -- hot new topics get plenty of visibility but they also fall off within a matter of days. Excellent set-up for a company that is always operating in high gear, whether it's hype generation or committing massive 'faux pas' as they put it. Their own forum's set-up, much more antiquated and classic in its lack of short-term democracy, works against them: there's no mechanic in place to highlight their own posts, and things they'd rather see fall off can be returned to the top with a single word.

That's not my style, so when I 'bump', I'll try to keep it a little more engaged and post-worthy. :) -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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