The patch they gave us hurt solo players who use long distance projectile spells/attacks that kill monsters out of the screen radius. thats a horrible patch! thats not a fix!
Posted byDatChen#6930on Apr 3, 2013, 4:29:58 PM
I am fairly surprised that this is happening. In this thread, of all places. Just sayin.
Posted byZaelers#5808on Apr 3, 2013, 4:30:46 PM
DatChen wrote:
The patch they gave us hurt solo players who use long distance projectile spells/attacks that kill monsters out of the screen radius. thats a horrible patch! thats not a fix!
To combat multiboxing, the game is damaged for other players.
Just needed someone to show how MB is damaging the game.
Posted byCambob#4516on Apr 3, 2013, 4:32:48 PM
Zaelers wrote:
I am fairly surprised that this is happening. In this thread, of all places. Just sayin.
Well, it is the multi 'box' thread.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
Posted byb15h09#7812on Apr 3, 2013, 4:34:00 PM
Cambob wrote:
DatChen wrote:
The patch they gave us hurt solo players who use long distance projectile spells/attacks that kill monsters out of the screen radius. thats a horrible patch! thats not a fix!
To combat multiboxing, the game is damaged for other players.
Just needed someone to show how MB is damaging the game.
Which still hasn't been properly addressed. The economy is working as it was designed. Maybe not as it was intended, but precisely how it was designed.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
Posted byb15h09#7812on Apr 3, 2013, 4:34:56 PM
erm...wtf..dammit stop derailing the damd thread with porn u a**hole.
Posted byDatChen#6930on Apr 3, 2013, 4:35:14 PM
Michaelangel007 wrote:
Balthbeorn wrote:
The base idea of the bonus is backwards in the first place. Game is generally much harder solo than in a group. ... if anything there should be a slight penalty to running with a group until the game properly scales difficulty with party size.
So you want to penalize people who work together??
Define "properly scales" please.
Instance clearing that is equally as dangerous and time consuming as solo play, it is fairly obvious what I mean. Here are some suggestions anyway:
Increased Mob health and resists that are not easily outpaced by player damage with minimal effort. Increased attack speed and pack size scaled to compensate for each additional player the AI needs to target. The ability for AI to purposefully DPS stack a single player instead of the random garble currently employed. A greater number of AOE mobs, almost every mob in this game is single target and can't attack multiple players at the same time.
There should not be increased reward for reduced risk, There should be reduced reward for reduced risk.
I have died one time total during party play and that was from reflect. Meanwhile I have died dozens of times playing solo. I can't stack MF on my gear and play maps safely Solo but I can do it with a party most of the time. I can't stack every single aura in the game solo(some can) but can easily in a party. Party play has all the bonuses it needs already without a MF buff. Not only does the bonus reward less risk it also promotes multi boxing.
You see, there's three kinds of "there". There's "there", t-h-e-r-e: "There are the donuts." Then there's "their", t-h-e-i-r, which is the possessive: "It is their donut." Then finally, there's "they're", t-h-e-y-apostrophe-r-e. A contraction meaning: "They're... they're the donut people." Got it?
Posted byBalthbeorn#4756on Apr 3, 2013, 4:59:10 PM
Cambob wrote:
DatChen wrote:
Multiboxing is like a smoking. we all know its bad and will cause harm to people but hey, its legal so we can do it. even if it harms others around us who dont smoke.
GGG is a small team and they've created an amazing game.
if Actiblizzard, with their millions of dollars in resources could not control multiboxing, obviously GGG is going to have a rough time with it too.
GGG has already shown they know MB is a PROBLEM and addressed it with the party radius patch. That alone does not cure this cheating method, but it proves that it is happening and it is detrimental to the game.
Just because GGG can't easily fix a cheating method does not mean it's not cheating. But what the cheaters fail to have is self control. They find an exploit of one type or another and abuse it for selfish gain until the game itself is ruined. In effect, Multiboxers and other cheating players are killing PoE, as they have with many other games.
I'm not GGG. I can't "fix" cheating. I have several computers, but I chose not to manipulate the game environment to gain an advantage over other players. In this thread, people have tried to make personal attacks and trolling commentaries, but in the end, how you play in-game is what matters.
If you cheat, you cheat. You know it and you don't give a crap.
Actually, that patch was for multi loading. Not multiboxing. HUGE difference between the two. NO ONE has shown MB to be a problem. And not only a problem, but even existing in any efficient and worthwhile manner.
Posted bySL4Y3R#7487on Apr 3, 2013, 5:00:05 PMBanned
Don't you all realize that there are more important issues in this world.
Posted byTime2Kill#7964on Apr 3, 2013, 5:04:37 PM
SL4Y3R wrote:
Cambob wrote:
Actually, that patch was for multi loading. Not multiboxing. HUGE difference between the two. NO ONE has shown MB to be a problem. And not only a problem, but even existing in any efficient and worthwhile manner.
I can't prove that Multiboxing exists. It's not my job to prove MB exists. Oh... look at these random images.
Posted byCambob#4516on Apr 3, 2013, 5:12:44 PM