The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.

For grins and giggles I would be for GGG removing iiq/iir bonus from parties and only having an XP bonus.

That certainly would make multiboxing useless except for power leveling.
Crafting doesn't exist in POE. Gambling does...and the house always wins.

Velocireptile - I LOL'ed. Which made me fart. I wish the office were empty right now :(

Hardlicker - I had to push the dog out of the way so I could get to the sexy quilt.

1. I will call them "Fair-Trade" Players group up.
2. FT´s host their own Forum
3. FT´s control who is coming into this forum
4. FT´s Trade in their own world

Problem solved. This is your Solution if you want to still trade in a "fair economy".

GGG can't do much against it. You Ban Multiaccounts in some way and still there is the same problem. Its not gone:

* People with more playtime will have more currency
* Farm Companies will still farm more currency
* Greedy Players will overprize
* Cheap Players do not want to pay much

And there is a simple reason, people are willing to spend money for Items or Currency. They don't want to wait for RNG if they can just spend some bugs and get the item/currency they want. And because of this there will be always a market and people grinding much more and then bum comes the inflation.

Not because of the farmers, because of the players that are the base of this market / industry. They create the demand and others will come to give them what they want. It is like that. Its a fact and there is nothing to discuss.

This whole attitude is in my opinion misguided. Its not about playing the game and having fun, find Items and let RNG do his magic. Its about having the best items as fast as possible and then have maybe fun? You think I am wrong?

And guess what, this is the major part about this big QQ thread too. Because there are so many people like him there are people farming more efficiant. They just play the game for currency/items and because of of all here complaining there is a market that is selling items and currency so that people can achieve something they want in a more clear way. And guess what is the funny part. The same people are crying about this too. It is a vicious circle or isnt it? Yes it is.

To play devils advocate

People with this attitude are the problem and why is GGG not fixxing them instead? GGG gives you every 10 levels the best in Slot gear. You can choose a chest with the stats you want and not even the socket number, the colour too and this for every slot. Would this please you?
Why you should try Harcore
Last edited by tadl#0113 on Apr 3, 2013, 8:48:42 AM
ScrotieMcB wrote:

If they're not getting an advantage, how is it cheating?

Just playing. I know you're both serious and trolling.

No, it does not give players a serious IIQ advantage (and parties don't even get an IIR advantage). This is because the time to move the dummy accounts around takes up so much time that it nullifies the party IIQ bonus. The only way to get around the hassle of moving dummy accounts is to use bots to automate their movement. Once you introduce bots, there are far better applications than trying to exploit the party bonus; therefore, no one with bots actually does this (the Dumb and Overthinking Hackers don't actually exist, they just become Actually Smart Hackers).

You are chasing something that doesn't even exist.

I'm starting to grow tired of your elusive fuck all posts when it involves this particular subject, Scrotie.

Answer two ordinary questions that any everday angsty teenager could even answer:

1) Before party exploitation was nerfed, why would you ignore the damage this "non-serious IIQ advantage" has done to this game? And if it hasn't, explain why, don't post a silly gif and your silly one-sided "no, it's not because I said so" -- explain yourself, Scrotie.

2) Why must you make it sound difficult? When it's clearly not that difficult, and to say that it is "slightly-more-time-consuming" really is as factually reflective as it goes...
You will never see a man faking anger, passion and relentless behavior.

You will always see a man faking love, politeness and respectful behavior.
Last edited by Deceptionist#1813 on Apr 3, 2013, 9:16:56 AM
i <3 MB!
Deceptionist wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:

If they're not getting an advantage, how is it cheating?

Just playing. I know you're both serious and trolling.

No, it does not give players a serious IIQ advantage (and parties don't even get an IIR advantage). This is because the time to move the dummy accounts around takes up so much time that it nullifies the party IIQ bonus. The only way to get around the hassle of moving dummy accounts is to use bots to automate their movement. Once you introduce bots, there are far better applications than trying to exploit the party bonus; therefore, no one with bots actually does this (the Dumb and Overthinking Hackers don't actually exist, they just become Actually Smart Hackers).

You are chasing something that doesn't even exist.

I'm starting to grow tired of your elusive fuck all posts when it involves this particular subject, Scrotie.

Answer two ordinary questions that any everday angsty teenager could even answer:

1) Before party exploitation was nerfed, why would you ignore the damage this "non-serious IIQ advantage" has done to this game? And if it hasn't, explain why, don't post a silly gif and your silly one-sided "no, it's not because I said so" -- explain yourself, Scrotie.

2) Why must you make it sound difficult? When it's clearly not that difficult, and to say that it is "slightly-more-time-consuming" really is as factually reflective as it goes...

To answer question 2. It is difficult. It is incredibly difficult. So difficult in fact, that there are no efficient bots or multiboxers in this game yet. Between player collision, random maps, Desync, and a host of other issues, it just hasn't happened, YET.

Its not cheating until the game company says so. Until then its only your opinion on the matter. No amount of your whining is gonna change that fact. 30 pages of whining or 300 pages of whinning makes no difference.
Kissell13 wrote:

Its not cheating until the game company says so. Until then its only your opinion on the matter. No amount of your whining is gonna change that fact. 30 pages of whining or 300 pages of whinning makes no difference.

What do you think half of these threads are for? To protest multiboxing.. w/o 30 pages of whining or 300 pages of whining, this subject would not matter, now it does.

I do not care about multiboxers who play to have fun, but multiboxers that exploit the system for more loot? Hopefully GGG will put a stop to that, hopefully Multiboxers that play for fun, will be able to continue doing so.
chronosoul wrote:
Kissell13 wrote:

Its not cheating until the game company says so. Until then its only your opinion on the matter. No amount of your whining is gonna change that fact. 30 pages of whining or 300 pages of whinning makes no difference.

What do you think half of these threads are for? To protest multiboxing.. w/o 30 pages of whining or 300 pages of whining, this subject would not matter, now it does.

I do not care about multiboxers who play to have fun, but multiboxers that exploit the system for more loot? Hopefully GGG will put a stop to that, hopefully Multiboxers that play for fun, will be able to continue doing so.

They cant put a stop to it though. THere is no way to fix the issue. Its undetectable and mostly unenforcable even if it was detectable. This would be why its legal in just about every game.
Kissell13 wrote:
They cant put a stop to it though. THere is no way to fix the issue. Its undetectable and mostly unenforcable even if it was detectable. This would be why its legal in just about every game.

Remove bonus iiq/iir from multiplayer. Advantage reduced.
Cambob wrote:
Kissell13 wrote:
They cant put a stop to it though. THere is no way to fix the issue. Its undetectable and mostly unenforcable even if it was detectable. This would be why its legal in just about every game.

Remove bonus iiq/iir from multiplayer. Advantage reduced.

The base idea of the bonus is backwards in the first place. Game is generally much harder solo than in a group. You get multiple targets for the AI to deal with, AOE/DPS that outweighs additional mob health, multiple stacks of gear MF bonus and access to multiple portal placements. The bonus rewards playing easy mode, if anything there should be a slight penalty to running with a group until the game properly scales difficulty with party size.
You see, there's three kinds of "there". There's "there", t-h-e-r-e: "There are the donuts." Then there's "their", t-h-e-i-r, which is the possessive: "It is their donut." Then finally, there's "they're", t-h-e-y-apostrophe-r-e. A contraction meaning: "They're... they're the donut people." Got it?

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