The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.

Magnicon2 wrote:

- MB has NEVER ruined a game. -> It has killed many MMOs example Lineage 2 early on.
- It is nearly impossible to ever make a change that will stop MBing from being more profitable. -> make party drop same as solo but you gain more exp.

Its normal some botters and multiboxers would throw any argument ...
Last edited by jasio1234#1398 on Apr 2, 2013, 5:55:31 PM
ToxicRatt wrote:
Dudebag wrote:
i dont think GGG said anything about multiboxing=cheating.

did they?

if people have good computer to run multiple accounts, that's not cheating.

if people have multiple computers to run accounts , that's not cheating.

if people use 3rd party program, that's cheating.

bot, cheating.

dont mix those together tho.

Explain to me how you multibox WITHOUT a 3rd party program?

All Hardware and Multiple pc's. If you wanna call shennanigans on 3 party progams, then start by removing all mouse and kb software then your OS. They are all 3rd party programs. Not exactly sure how to reinstall the game on a pc with no operating system but maybe youll have better luck than most :)

Anyone wishing to understand multiboxxing before coming and posting more utter nonsense go to and read.
Amazing post by Michaelangel007.

Instead of blaming the cheaters and their methods, we need to blame the game design and the players. That is by far the best, in-depth 'cheating excuse' analysis I've seen in ages.

So, theoretically, what game designers should do is give all of the "top tier items" to players upon purchase and implement God Mode once the player begins to play. Then you wouldn't have cheaters.

Or is it that the whole concept of farming, building characters, leveling, etc is what causes cheating? That means it's the game designers fault for making the game progressive.

No, wait. The reason cheaters are around is that after a given amount of time, every player wants to have all the best stuff and face roll content and move onto the next game. Cheaters are simply after market game designers who provide content destruction for a modest fee.

Ahhh, I get it now. The reason people play games is because they want to cheat and blow through the content in 24 or less hours. Thus feeling like they have truly wasted their effort on a "crappy game".

Well, let's all bow down to the cheaters then. They are the true game players. Game content or complexity is irrelevant. BUY ORBS NOW. YOU SUCK BAD ARMOR. ORBS FOR SALE! DISCOUNT!


cheating is cheating

Cambob wrote:
Well, let's all bow down to the cheaters then. They are the true game players. Game content or complexity is irrelevant. BUY ORBS NOW. YOU SUCK BAD ARMOR. ORBS FOR SALE! DISCOUNT!


cheating is cheating
Multiboxers are not the droids you are looking for.

Botters are.

Some botters also multibox. This helps them bot faster. But the problem there isn't multiboxing -- it's botting.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Apr 2, 2013, 6:13:47 PM
Why you should try Harcore
Last edited by tadl#0113 on Apr 2, 2013, 6:18:02 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Cambob wrote:
Well, let's all bow down to the cheaters then. They are the true game players. Game content or complexity is irrelevant. BUY ORBS NOW. YOU SUCK BAD ARMOR. ORBS FOR SALE! DISCOUNT!


cheating is cheating
Multiboxers are not the droids you are looking for.

Botters are.

Some botters also multibox. This helps them bot faster. But the problem there isn't multiboxing -- it's botting.

Is multiboxing included with the game? No.
Does multiboxing give one player an advantage over other players? Yes.

multiboxing is cheating.
Imagine this:
There are foragers who search for food all day long. They happily have plenty of food to survive. They laugh at those who cant do what they do successfully. Claiming that they are dumb(rightfully so). Until...
One day they hear about others planting things in order to harvest them without as much effort as it takes to foraging.
The foragers place blame on the farmers uttering ridiculous things like 'farmers are ruining my foraging'. They do their best to come up with all kinds of illogical but influential reasons why farmers are hurting them.
Those who point out that foragers still have enough food to survive... are attacked.
Those who point out that farmers are not attacking the foragers... are attacked.
Those who dont agree that farmers are hurting the foragers ...are ... (you guessed it) attacked.
I see a pattern here.
I quote the great and wise Chain of Dark Castle MUD 'Its not enough to succeed, others must fail'. You see the foragers dont want to be the dumb ones. But rather than smarten up, they simply try to kill off those that are more intelligent. And they arent doing a very good job of that.

For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
Last edited by SkyCore#2413 on Apr 2, 2013, 6:39:42 PM
SkyCore wrote:
Imagine this:
There are foragers who search for food all day long. They happily have plenty of food to survive. Until...
One day they hear about others planting things in order to harvest them without as much effort as it takes to foraging.
The foragers place blame on the farmers uttering ridiculous things like 'farmers are ruining my foraging'. They do their best to come up with all kinds of illogical but influential reasons why farmers are hurting them.
Those who point out that foragers still have enough food to survive... are attacked.
Those who point out that farmers are not attacking the foragers... are attacked.
Those who dont agree that farmers are hurting the foragers ...are ... (you guessed it) attacked.
I see a pattern here.

imagine this:
someone drives up in a tractor and farms 100% faster than you.
They take all of their stuff to market and devalue the price of stuff.

the tractor is not included in the game.

still cheating.
Ultimace wrote:
you guys should stop bickering at each other, rather find a solution together to work out the problem.

having 30 pages of argueing if botting/mutliboxing is bad or not is pointless. if i were ggg id have closed this thread by now.

althou an offical respond to the mb issue would be kinda nice, op has it right that it does destroy the market.

Well, this is the problem with that.

> We say our piece.
> Multi's come in and defend their position, but with dirty tricks that don't actually address anything, but rather change the subject and all that jazz.
> We see these posts and want to ignore them. (At least me.) But then the thread sinks down to page 3 over night and will never be seen again, unless I bump it.
> Well, I don't wanna just post with "bump". That feels like spam. So I'll quote a guy and tell him the problem with what he's saying.
> He then comes in and once again redirects attention, etc etc etc.

> Repeat this for a week or two where I don't want the thread to die, and we get 30 pages of completely pointless back & forth's.
Cambob wrote:
SkyCore wrote:
Imagine this:
There are foragers who search for food all day long. They happily have plenty of food to survive. Until...
One day they hear about others planting things in order to harvest them without as much effort as it takes to foraging.
The foragers place blame on the farmers uttering ridiculous things like 'farmers are ruining my foraging'. They do their best to come up with all kinds of illogical but influential reasons why farmers are hurting them.
Those who point out that foragers still have enough food to survive... are attacked.
Those who point out that farmers are not attacking the foragers... are attacked.
Those who dont agree that farmers are hurting the foragers ...are ... (you guessed it) attacked.
I see a pattern here.

imagine this:
someone drives up in a tractor and farms 100% faster than you.
They take all of their stuff to market and devalue the price of stuff.

the tractor is not included in the game.

still cheating.

You completely missed the point.

A forager could be happy. It is just that he is jealous. Instead of only having what he needs, a farmer has a 100 times what he needs. And the unhappy forager wants that.
The person to blame for the foragers unhappiness is the FORAGER.

Cambob wrote:

devalue the price of stuff.

Prove it. Prove that stuff wouldnt be devalued regardless of the tractor. Prove what a 'fair' price truely is. There are sooooo many factors you dont even see much less comprehend.

Just how many seashells is a bushel of corn worth? I would argue that all the seashells in the world arent worth a single piece of food that you need.
Now in PoE, the seashells actually do have some use. So inflation can only only go so high. If the price is so terrible, then craft your own.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
Last edited by SkyCore#2413 on Apr 2, 2013, 7:02:18 PM

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