The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.

Bump. ANSWERS GGG! dont go thinking we dont know ur there! silence as usual eh?! dont wana get into bed with your own mess? you allowed multi-boxers and now you dont wana look a fool owning up to the mistake you made!
dezerus wrote:
flab wrote:
There's also this:

"While we haven't disclosed figures, we have banned a lot of accounts since we entered Open Beta. While there are limited ways people can actually cheat (maphacks, botting, input proxying across multiple sessions), these do have high impact on the game economy and we're working on improving our detection for these so that the zero-tolerance policy can be felt across the whole game."

What exactly is input proxying across multiple sessions? I can't be sure, it seems a bit ambiguous.

Some people use 3rd party software to launch several instances of the game on 1 machine. The software captures the keystrokes/mouseclicks and then forwards them to all instances of the game launched. If you make 6 characters using exactly the same build/key layout, you will be controlling all 6 of them at once (they will all move to the same position, use the same skill at the same time, etc), therefore gaining the benefit of IIQ/IIR from multiple players in your party AND not lose any DPS, since all 6 of your guys deal the damage. So with a full party you will be over 300% more efficient than a solo player: every extra player in party - 50% IIQ/IIR/monster health/damage, but since you have 600% extra manpower, you gain the 300% IIQ/IIR AND the monsters are only 50% efficient vs you. And that is what input proxying across multiple sessions is.

Actually this is the way to multibox and the way most people who multibox do it, and it is against the ToS. I don't mind if someone gets a full party of his characters as long as he only uses one to kill stuff, because it actually is more challenging to him. This method not only rewards you MUCH more than solo, but also trivializes the content. Lower the risk, raise the reward.

I honestly do not see the reason why not just remove the IIQ/IIR bonus from extra party members. ARPGs are meant to be farmed solo. Solo should be more efficient because it means you need to build a stronger character, especially in hardcore. Partying is the way to progress safer through areas you are unable to conquer on your own, not to farm better and have an easier time.

For starters, there is no IIR bonus.

Next, all 6 players do not move in the same direction. This is due to the fact that they can collide with one another. This makes multiboxing incredibly difficult. Since once they're out of formation, they must be manually adjusted back into formation. And no. You don't have 600% the manpower, because this would be under the false assumption that they're all using the EXACT same gear.
DatChen wrote:
Bump. ANSWERS GGG! dont go thinking we dont know ur there! silence as usual eh?! dont wana get into bed with your own mess? you allowed multi-boxers and now you dont wana look a fool owning up to the mistake you made!

There is still 0 proof multiboxers even exist in any fashion that would make them efficient.
SL4Y3R wrote:
Next, all 6 players do not move in the same direction. This is due to the fact that they can collide with one another. This makes multiboxing incredibly difficult. Since once they're out of formation, they must be manually adjusted back into formation. And no. You don't have 600% the manpower, because this would be under the false assumption that they're all using the EXACT same gear.

Oh snap, so you need to manually adjust your farmer squad formation once in a while, and you don't have 600% manpower, but 587% because the gear differs. Multiboxing is not viable anymore, sorry, ignore this thread then.

Get real.

SL4Y3R wrote:
DatChen wrote:
Bump. ANSWERS GGG! dont go thinking we dont know ur there! silence as usual eh?! dont wana get into bed with your own mess? you allowed multi-boxers and now you dont wana look a fool owning up to the mistake you made!

There is still 0 proof multiboxers even exist in any fashion that would make them efficient.

"While we haven't disclosed figures, we have banned a lot of accounts since we entered Open Beta. While there are limited ways people can actually cheat (maphacks, botting, input proxying across multiple sessions), these do have high impact on the game economy and we're working on improving our detection for these so that the zero-tolerance policy can be felt across the whole game."

And generally, people who play legitimately do not defend those who obtain more for less.
Last edited by dezerus#6396 on Mar 31, 2013, 12:23:57 PM
SL4Y3R wrote:
There is still 0 proof multiboxers even exist in any fashion that would make them efficient.

massive boxing on wow, d3 and other games, all well documented.
one quick google can find you the poe boxer links.

sure, boxers are complicated. Cheating always requires a system. And cheaters just love people who make excuses for them... or deny they exist.
SL4Y3R wrote:
DatChen wrote:
Bump. ANSWERS GGG! dont go thinking we dont know ur there! silence as usual eh?! dont wana get into bed with your own mess? you allowed multi-boxers and now you dont wana look a fool owning up to the mistake you made!

There is still 0 proof multiboxers even exist in any fashion that would make them efficient.

Same as what ShadyC said yet again, prove to me that they are not the cause.
DatChen wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
DatChen wrote:
Bump. ANSWERS GGG! dont go thinking we dont know ur there! silence as usual eh?! dont wana get into bed with your own mess? you allowed multi-boxers and now you dont wana look a fool owning up to the mistake you made!

There is still 0 proof multiboxers even exist in any fashion that would make them efficient.

Same as what ShadyC said yet again, prove to me that they are not the cause.

Prove to us that you are not a pedophile.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
SkyCore wrote:
DatChen wrote:
SL4Y3R wrote:
There is still 0 proof multiboxers even exist in any fashion that would make them efficient.
Same as what ShadyC said yet again, prove to me that they are not the cause.
Prove to us that you are not a pedophile.
Reposting this from the "Multiboxing rules the world" thread. Funny, after my post the thread pretty much died. This thread should die too. Quickly. And with fire.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Something is destroying the Default economy. The effects are real. The question is: what's the cause?

I haven't seen one person provide solid evidence that it's multiboxing or multiloading or whatever-the-fuck-you-wanna-call-the-technique. It could be the case, but it's more than a little speculative.

I haven't seen one person provide solid evidence that it's not multi-whatever-the-fuck. Actually, proving it isn't seems impossible unless the economy was doing just fine; as long as there's economic destruction, it could be some unknown dudes running all kinds of bots with tons of accounts registered, and there's really no way to prove otherwise. Like vampires and La Chupacabra, no matter how unlikely, you can't really disprove them. However, the inability to disprove a point doesn't mean that the point is worth believing in the first place; evidence is still required, and setting the bar at "look at the economy!" is probably too low to consider ourselves intellectually honest.

I think everyone needs to take a step back and think more rationally about this, starting with focusing more on the real issue -- the effects on the economy -- and less on the hypothetical cause du jour.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Mar 31, 2013, 12:38:17 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Like vampires and La Chupacabra, no matter how unlikely, you can't really disprove them.
Yeh because bringing magical creatures into a argument about something that is actually real makes it legit. Multi-boxers are real. magical vampires and such are not. i hate when people think the way you do it annoys me.

Always a Glass is half empty or full person. you might as well start with that southpark episode when the guy in court brings up the "wookie" defence. because thats all ur doing. are wookies real? NO! but hey they MIGHT be cuz u know, we never seen one before..herpaderp.
Last edited by DatChen#6930 on Mar 31, 2013, 2:51:31 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
blah blah blah blah blah

1. GGG requires proof to act on.
2. The PoE community is going to freak out regardless of logic
3. the level of spam has increased dramatically in the last few weeks
4. seller sites must have a supply of product to sell
5. multi-farming is the most logical excuse at this point.
6. claiming that it's not a problem is counterproductive since the community is pissed off.

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