The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.
Well I haven't read all 28 pages but I have read the whole of the overly long OP, and it seems like nonsense to me. Multiboxing is hardly worth the effort - faffing around moving the second character from area to area just to up the drops for your 'real' one. Especially now that the drops aren't boosted unless you're within whatever distance of the kill.
Whatever the problem is with inflation, I doubt it's multiboxing. Sweatshop farmers, more like. |
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" Now that we know that you have no idea what burden of proof is, we can agree that your argument is invalid. |
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Well then. what do we do about this massive inflation if we have nothing to pin it on? just do nothing and hope it gets better? we have no choice but to point fingers and hope we hit the mark because if this continues the economy will collapse.
What you suggest is just giving up. im not going to. |
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I don't know if multi-box is a problem, but have seen a person I know in real life running 4 bots and farming mats like mad.
Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta!
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" You stated a change to the game rules specifically nerfing multiboxing, but there is no proof that they are ruining the game? +++++++++++++++ I don't agree with the OP that multiboxing is the reason for the continued increase value of exalted orbs, but I think it has more to do with players using exalted as the only form of accepted currency. All the other game currencys just drop too often for them to maintain any kind of value when compared to exalted orbs, and this leads to them being looked at as crafting materials and not as tradeable currency. |
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it seems that you have shitload of free time , might want to pick up a new hobby |
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" Shitposting is his hobby. |
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Ok I just came up with an idea. A pretty crazy idea...
How about having an expiry date on currency? And instead of making the currency unusable, make it soulbound after 3h. This would mean currency would be used for trading a lot more than it is right now. Also prices would drop, simply because hoarding would be impossible. The more I think of this idea, the more I like it. | |
" Then well move on to non-comsumables. Uniques, 5 and 6 links will be the new currency. You need to think some more :P POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!
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" I'd prefer that. That still means I could use my currency on stuff without being an idiot. |