The Multi-box Thread: How it ruins the game.

DatChen wrote:
Multiboxing is still an unfair advantage whatever way you put it. simple as. i put in 5 hours and get nothing compared to a multiboxer. thats not equality.

You can put in 5 hours and get nothing due to RNG. What about this game has anything to do with equality?
poltus wrote:
DatChen wrote:
Multiboxing is still an unfair advantage whatever way you put it. simple as. i put in 5 hours and get nothing compared to a multiboxer. thats not equality.

You can put in 5 hours and get nothing due to RNG. What about this game has anything to do with equality?

Ugh its hard to explain it in words. basically the RNG is on the multiboxers side because he has 6x the rng..he rolls the dice 6 times and i roll once. thats not equality.

Edit: thats every single mob he kills. Any color mob he gets 6 rolls. and because he can stack his alts with IIR/IIQ it goes threw the ROOF with each roll he does.
Last edited by DatChen#6930 on Mar 29, 2013, 6:39:53 PM
Nice write-up, but it won't change anything, that I'm quite sure of.

People will always find a way to "exploit" (call it what you wanna call it) in some way and get the extra edge.

MB is not against the rules, apparently. So what are you going to do about it?

Call me a pessimistic, but since I'm poor in RL as well, I'm familiar with the whole "rich getting richer"-thing. There is no justice or honor in the real world, why would there be any in a game?

As you pointed out, this affects almost anyone who is not solely playing to have a little fun now and then. I'm not a "competitive" player per say, I'm not trying to beat anyone in any form. But I see what other people have gear-wise. And I know, that I can never have it.

That fact alone kills a lot of fun, if you understand where I'm going with this.

Sadly, there is no "flashy thing" (MiB reference anyone?) to erase that memory, so I'll have to live with it.

Not having all the fancy stuff right from the start is something we should all welcome (the opposite would be referred to as "wow kiddy mindset"). But never getting there, no matter how hard you try, is just not exactly motivating anyone, now is it? Sure, some hardcore gamers with 15h/d might still be able to make it happen, but that's not the standard. Don't get me wrong, you don't "need" super gear, I'm doing quite good. But simply seeing what is possible and knowing, that I can't ever be even close to it, just isn't fun to me. It's a game after all and it shouldn't be impossible to have fun in it.

Of course there is more than MB. Buying currencies from those shady sites or using JSP gets the job done as well. Legitimately playing just screws you and leaves you chasing your carrot on a stick.

Only a SP game or a game without any economy will get rid of that problem. A shame for those (like me) who like games like this, but do not exactly love the confrontation with greed in a game as well (we got that enough IRL).

I, for one, don't even understand what we need an economy for. It's an ARPG, I want to slay monsters, farm stuff, experiment with builds and have fun. I don't want to play world of economics. I despise that enough IRL.

Korvay wrote:
Great thread. And I for one would be ok with a currency wipe if it meant getting the economy back to a stable point again.

Are you %100 percent sure of that, because this is how that will go.

Step 1: Wipe all currency.
Step 2: Boxxer logs back in and starts collecting loot, and you do the same.
Step 3: Boxxer still wins.
I would be happy with a currency wipe once every 2 weeks. Talk about stabilizing an economy.
Crafting doesn't exist in POE. Gambling does...and the house always wins.

Velocireptile - I LOL'ed. Which made me fart. I wish the office were empty right now :(

Hardlicker - I had to push the dog out of the way so I could get to the sexy quilt.
ToxicRatt wrote:
I would be happy with a currency wipe once every 2 weeks. Talk about stabilizing an economy.

Im truly not trying to argue here or be pissy in anyway, I swear. But still woulnt my last post apply. THey would still be right back on and ahead of anyone playin solo.
DatChen wrote:

Ugh its hard to explain it in words. basically the RNG is on the multiboxers side because he has 6x the rng..he rolls the dice 6 times and i roll once. thats not equality.

Edit: thats every single mob he kills. Any color mob he gets 6 rolls. and because he can stack his alts with IIR/IIQ it goes threw the ROOF with each roll he does.

You do realize that gearing IIR/IIQ doesn't change anything unless the killing blow is dealt by that character right?
The only boost is the 50% he gets from each character.
poltus wrote:
Krinny wrote:
poltus wrote:
How can multiboxing still be affecting the economy to such an extent? Help me understand why the rapid influx of alteration orbs is so devastating.

What happens when you have inflation in any currency? Stuff starts to Cost more, and you can buy less with what you already have.

Multi-Client users are just farming currency / leveling up characters on a faster pace than a normal user would. Thus they have the potential to gain more currency.
More currency means things are easier to buy. This inflates the economy because now people start to ask for more, for the same item. Because people can afford to pay more, for the time being.

I think they need to patch the client ASAP to stop the built in multi-client. Then start banning anyone who uses multi-clienting thereafter. Why they have a built in multi-client is beyond me. This is just bad design.

That would be true if I could reliably get chaos at any reasonable exchange for a currency I can farm. The fact is, multiboing Alt->chaos is a poor return for time.

I'd love to know what kind of change the alt->chaos exchange suffered while the chaos:exalt exchange inflated. It would shed more light on what is going on. Find the point of stress. You need more then just chaos:ex.

You know what? I apologize. This is my fault.

It is admittedly a bad habit of mine to assume other people are understanding a point I have in my head, but am not specifically voicing out.

Multi's don't farm Alt Shards all the way into Chaos trades.

They are flatly getting the Chaos orbs to drop, because they have such ungodly amounts of IIQ. They get Chaos's, GCP's, Exalts, Divines, Regals, GOD knows how many Alchs & Fuses, Regrets & Scours, and holy lord I can't imagine the Chance orbs.

It's not vendor recipes that they farm, and it's not vendor trash that they sell sell sell. It's straight-up orbs dropping everywhere. We're not even talking about the items yet.

Kissell13 wrote:
Korvay wrote:
Great thread. And I for one would be ok with a currency wipe if it meant getting the economy back to a stable point again.

Are you %100 percent sure of that, because this is how that will go.

Step 1: Wipe all currency.
Step 2: Boxxer logs back in and starts collecting loot, and you do the same.
Step 3: Boxxer still wins.

Yes. But it cuts their gains by a large percentage, because dumping the currency into its intended use of crafting will let RNG even things out.

If you take a guy with 20 Chaos in saved up currency and a guy with 600 Chaos in saved up currency, and let's say... that crafting all of it and gaining the items they get cutz their wealth by... 80%...

We now got a legit player who lost out on 16 Chaos (4 remaining), and a multi who lost out on 480 Chaos (120 remaining).

That's a gap that can be filled a LOT easier, now that everyone is left with legitimate play ahead of themselves.
guidoo wrote:
DatChen wrote:

Ugh its hard to explain it in words. basically the RNG is on the multiboxers side because he has 6x the rng..he rolls the dice 6 times and i roll once. thats not equality.

Edit: thats every single mob he kills. Any color mob he gets 6 rolls. and because he can stack his alts with IIR/IIQ it goes threw the ROOF with each roll he does.

You do realize that gearing IIR/IIQ doesn't change anything unless the killing blow is dealt by that character right?
The only boost is the 50% he gets from each character.

Good thing there's Culling Strike, right?

In reality, multi-box profit is easier than you thought, because you only need to gear one guy with the IIQ. In fact, the others can be pure damage, but you toss one jackass all the IIQ with a Culling Strike skill.

It's so fucking easy...

It's so fucking easy!
Something to truly think about here.

I have no idea the number of boxxer accounts in POE. Blizzard said that in WOW that less that 1% of its population had multiple accounts. Going with the theory that these people have such an advantage that this 1% ends up with 95% of the wealth. Now wait for it, cuz here comes the truly scary part.......look around. Look at the economics of your home country, and while this may not apply to everyone in all countries, its definatly true here in the USA. 1% of the American populations controls 95% of the wealth. If people feel so strongly again boxxing, its time to wake up and see how truly screwed things have become for us. Time for a change, though I havent the foggiest how to to such a thing.

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