Will Harvest Become Core Path of Exile Content?

EpsiIon wrote:
What´s the matter?

The fact that there is no rational or reasonable order to which you are randomly pulling my replies to other people up out of context and replying to them.

Yeah because mainly i´m not only replying to you. Don´t feel like you are the only person here :D. And it´s not rly out of context just reading the forum from page 1 to this page so it´s in order actually lol.

PS: Maybe sometimes it can be randomly when i post someting i will end up on the last page so i had few times the issue on which page i stopped recently. That would explain it :P
Last edited by TayPoE on Aug 13, 2020, 4:59:11 AM
just add it to the crafting table and instead of using currency, you gain a random (weighted by tier of maps or something )craft when completing a certain number of map
This is too easy to craft good items this league. Please don't make it core
GGG must really love RMT'ers, no lifers and bots, because you've just handed them the biscuit tin again.

Explain pls
Harvest is only one thing in whole game that help me first time kill Sirius. Every league I face one problem with each character - every build needs good gear, but good gear require tons of Ex, but if you can't play 12h/day you can farm 5-15 Ex per league. With that budget you can't kill Sirius, you can't farm T14-15 map and as result after two or three week you delete game until next patch.
Hirux wrote:
GGG must really love RMT'ers, no lifers and bots, because you've just handed them the biscuit tin again.

Explain pls

Harvest shifted the power from trading to crafting, those that benefited from the (utterly broken and abused) trading system lost out, they now control the market again.
It is just way to easy to get GG gear with harvest.
And implementing it as a 10% chance would just be annoying as some other league mechanics already are (Dilerium for example with splinters). Or legion splinters if there is no legion map mod.
Hirux wrote:
GGG must really love RMT'ers, no lifers and bots, because you've just handed them the biscuit tin again.

Explain pls

Harvest shifted the power from trading to crafting, those that benefited from the (utterly broken and abused) trading system lost out, they now control the market again.

So it's basically the same problem as Synthesis - too fiddly and too OP. As you say, the biscuit tin gets handed back to the nolifers.

I am disappointed is that I dropped a feather that has the same difficulty as a mirror drop, but that is not worth anything. Make a craft to transform this damn feather on a mirror.
I feel like one of the main issues with Harvest is that it is very much a solo mechanic. Obviously you can play in groups, but only one player gets any actual league related benefit out of it, namely seeds. I saw no apparent change in the number of seeds dropped either depending on group size, which means that anyone who wanted do grow any, would have to play on their own maps.

So, if you wanted seeds, you had to open the map. When you open the map, you get all the map drops, as well as all the seeds. What's there for other party members? The "fun" of running behind and picking up the leftovers?

I still think Delve is the best mechanic ever introduced; Sulphite from maps is shared equally to all party members who were close enough, and everyone could drill down in their own caves - even alone, when none of the friends were online. That's what I call great game design.

Since Delve, I feel like the game has just gone backwards. There are some good ideas in various leagues, but they usually seem to be catered towards solo players rather than group players. There just hasn't been much point in playing as groups.

Obviously it's a matter of opinion and you are free to have your own. This just happens to be mine, and as you should know, opinions can't be wrong. I simply find online games much more fun and entertaining when there's one or three friends around and when it's also rewarding for everyone. Harvest felt rewarding only for the "host".

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