[3.25] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Melting all content.

Quick question, on the starter PoB in Boots we take Onslaught, according to the support, it doesn't work with what we have socketed (Herald of Ash, Blood and Sand, Infernal Cry). Or does this still work even tho it's not directly socketed to a skill that hits enemies.

It looks like when I disable it, it does drop 7k Damage from Combust tho.
First, Thank you for the build. Really enjoying it.

I'll admit I was very sceptical, about changing to this build, with all the managing warcries.

But I was wrong, when you get the hang of it, it becomes SO very satisfying.

Playing your early crit atm. can't wait for you to update, so I can pump abit more currency into it, so hopefully it becomes even more satisfying ;)
I'm actually thinking about Divine Flesh, where the Eternal Youth keystone is. I'm capped ele res now.

My friend and I theorized the following non-crit PoB.


First tree is lvl 90, and the fully allocated 123/123 tree is an experiment in "sort of" strength stacking. Most likely I'll be using those 10 remaining points on a cluster or something. Also keep in mind that the gear is still currently twink-ish. Got lucky with the ammy snipe on trade as well.

I am very decently tanky, but this build still does not allow you to face tank the game. What I do is spawn totems well ahead of me so that they take all the pre-loaded mob attacks. Clear and single target are pretty fucking amazing. A0 conqs melt like nothing (4x warcry + phase run + sulphur flask juiced slams). Will continue to invest, progress, and update.

I am using an axe because my current one is huge-ish, but will switch back to judgement staff if an opportunity arises.
Last edited by Vorpal_Valedictus on Nov 1, 2021, 1:55:13 PM
Thanks for regularly updating the build guide as you're progressing through the league. I love the big slam archetype and this has been a lot of fun to play through so far, looking forward to the crit update.

QQ: What is the thought process behind selection of Abberath as minor pantheon? Is it just for the occasional extra zoom? I usually just default to Shakari to soften the Hunter poison stacks until I get some chaos res.
The build looks awesome, though before trying it our I'm curious how it is going in this league.
Is still still tanky? My focus is to farm semi juiced t15 maps for currency feeling comfortable and without any dying. I can see it has good clear speed. How it hold ups in those tier maps?
Also about totems - are they used only for boss killing or is it expected to drop em in pack of mobs for the ancestral warchief damage buff?

Thank you for the amazing work and for the replies!
Hello. Been a while since I played, is the hits cant be evaded craft still worth it on your staff?
sAvitus332 wrote:
The build looks awesome, though before trying it our I'm curious how it is going in this league.
Is still still tanky? My focus is to farm semi juiced t15 maps for currency feeling comfortable and without any dying. I can see it has good clear speed. How it hold ups in those tier maps?
Also about totems - are they used only for boss killing or is it expected to drop em in pack of mobs for the ancestral warchief damage buff?

Thank you for the amazing work and for the replies!

this build is REEALLY squishy.. beware
So I love this build, really satisfying to play.


Map clear is good, one shots just about everything in T16. But boss damage seems so low, with the current setup. I realise I have changed some things, but the boss damage was low even before that, where I followed the Pob exactly.

Maybe I am doing something very wrong either in setup or with how I play?

conquerors takes a LOT of slams, and I really fear going into end bosses as it is right know. Would take a thousand slams. It's very far from oneshotting any bosses.

Feel like I am using warcries correct.
Any help to what I am doing wrong would be appriciated :)

Khurune wrote:
Quick question, on the starter PoB in Boots we take Onslaught, according to the support, it doesn't work with what we have socketed (Herald of Ash, Blood and Sand, Infernal Cry). Or does this still work even tho it's not directly socketed to a skill that hits enemies.

It looks like when I disable it, it does drop 7k Damage from Combust tho.

It works with infernal cry. Infernal cry will trigger combust when your exerted attack hits enemy.
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
Bzorek wrote:
First, Thank you for the build. Really enjoying it.

I'll admit I was very sceptical, about changing to this build, with all the managing warcries.

But I was wrong, when you get the hang of it, it becomes SO very satisfying.

Playing your early crit atm. can't wait for you to update, so I can pump abit more currency into it, so hopefully it becomes even more satisfying ;)

Thank you! I assume you've seen the early crit POB, you can follow that for now. I will update the gear section once I finalize it.
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.

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