[3.25] Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-Axe-Crit (FREEZE THE GAME) 100% Crit Rate Full Screen Explosions

frawrst wrote:
hell ya brother, ill be keeping an eye on your guide and findings again

Thank you and I appreciate your work on guides as well. They are not the most fun things to make (I enjoy it) and we take a lot of criticism when we are wrong with info. We got this!
Last edited by HeroEvermore on Jul 21, 2024, 6:46:08 PM
This looks like a good slam build thank you for updating the pob. i dont see any reason we couldn't automate the war cry in the body armor with call to arms?
LordMonarch wrote:
This looks like a good slam build thank you for updating the pob. i dont see any reason we couldn't automate the war cry in the body armor with call to arms?

Thank you, appreciate it. The only reason I am not considering it is because of the mana cost for each warcry. We would not be able to support many auras. Also due to the bold lettering below.

Call to Arms: Has been renamed to Autoexertion. It now reserves 15% Mana per Supported Warcry to cause those Warcries to be repeatedly triggered. Autoexertion Support can now support multiple Warcries, and no longer causes Warcries to share Cooldowns. It now grants Supported Skills 0–19% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (previously 30–11% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate), and now has "Supported Warcries do not grant Buffs or Charges to you or Allies". It also now cannot support Retaliation Skills. Quality now grants Supported Skills 0–10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate (previously 0–5%).
Last edited by HeroEvermore on Jul 21, 2024, 6:59:26 PM
oh man, yeah that's why my own builds are terrible apparently can't read. thank you!
I think autoexerting seismic and intimidating are the most likely candidates if you can work it into your mana reservations

we might be lifetapping our main attacks for a long while... the base mana cost of most slams is now double its 3.24 values at lvl 20
LordMonarch wrote:
oh man, yeah that's why my own builds are terrible apparently can't read. thank you!

I'm no guide master either but I think this is a skill that does not get enough love and people need to experience the "fun" so many of us have with it.
frawrst wrote:
I think autoexerting seismic and intimidating are the most likely candidates if you can work it into your mana reservations

we might be lifetapping our main attacks for a long while... the base mana cost of most slams is now double its 3.24 values at lvl 20

Yeah there will def be some changes made immediately when we are in game to support the cost. Looking forward to finding out ways to support Ice Crash spam at any level range.

We get a LOT more access to life on our rares now so life tapping is surely going to help a ton early on.
Last edited by HeroEvermore on Jul 21, 2024, 7:45:01 PM
i never played ice crash before...how click heavy is the build? do i need to constantly click the skill or packs die with 1 click/slam? how often do i need to press warcry? just for bosses or more often?
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Jul 21, 2024, 11:26:10 PM
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
i never played ice crash before...how click heavy is the build? do i need to constantly click the skill or packs die with 1 click/slam? how often do i need to press warcry? just for bosses or more often?

I use Ice Crash on the E button and Seismic on the R button. So usually it's super lazy mode in my opinion. Only on bosses are you needing others usually or a beefy rare. Intimidate for bosses and Enduring when needing Endurance charges, which is rare enough since were Jugg and pretty much always charged.

It's certainly more work than say Holy Relic of Conviction that I played last league (1 button) (Necropolis). But way less work than many shotgun style interaction spell casters. So for buttons I'd say it's mid.

90% of the gameplay (mapping) is 1 button. My GIF shows me doing 0 warcries and just 3 tapping the end game conquerer at the time in A8.
Last edited by HeroEvermore on Jul 21, 2024, 11:45:11 PM
ah ok, that doesnt sound too bad. I've gotten lazy lately and played RF and explode RF in the past few leagues but want to try a real melee build :)

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