[3.25] Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-Axe-Crit (FREEZE THE GAME) 100% Crit Rate Full Screen Explosions

Hello, thank you for the build.
I started to play poe1 for the first time(almost). Had just 40-50 hour like 3 years ago. Consumed everything poe2 offered and wanted to see how far i can go until new poe2 launch hits. This build is what i was dreaming to do with warrior in poe2.

This is my progression so far, any thoughts on improvements, next steps appreciated.

these are my plans:
-I am planning to keep resolute technique untill i get good enough fleshripper.
-I tested mediocre?! chest piece instead of the brass dome in map without crt mod. 3200 armor 130 life 30 chaos resist, -3 phy reduction. It didn't go well so i am planning to stick with the brass dome for a while.
-Will get "heart of ice" anointment as soon as i have currency.

I am trying to avoid big investments right now, cuz few people playing, once you buy an item, its really hard to sell it back. Expecting it to be changed as i progress and get more currency.
Just killed eater of worlds, and started to do T16's.
As i said any obvious improvements u guys see could help me a lot. I am poe1 noob.

Last edited by ekader1#7483 on Mar 21, 2025, 5:20:39 PM

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