GGG pls double test everything BEFORE release

Arrowneous wrote:
DiscoMonkeyy wrote:
nope first few weeks the players do the testing for them, nothing new :)

Yep, same as usual, this game is POBARPG = Path Of Beta ARPG.
If The Onion ever noticed GGG, the headline would read "Path of Exile 2, currently in early access, announces early 3021 release."
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Mortyx wrote:

I don`t think those pesky bugs are what most people are referring to here.
Every single league has some easy to spot thing that shouldn`t be released. Most of these could be spotted within 5 hours of gameplay. Those things are what make people wonder if they even play their mechanic a little bit before releasing.

+1 this

And also there every single league with HUGE problem with servers when servers down or trade API NOT working for several days or when 1 build THAT super broken in many lvls that somehow bypass testers or when mechanic STOP working the way it should be and we must w8 for 2-3 months to fix it or many many other problem that could be fixed with some more test before release
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I only play in the league about half the leagues or less. When I do decide to play the league I don't play until the second or third week. There's just too many bugs in the league.

Here's an idea from earlier in the thread that I thought was excellent.

rafaelgxs wrote:
they could drop a 1 week beta version each league so everyone would test everything

then, reset everything and start from zero (with some prizes for ppl who reached some stuff first etc, just like a race)
who wants to test would just test it
and ppl who dont want to, would just play standard for that little while

but at least we would be sure to have a rounded league all the way once it begings for real

Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
LMAO expecting GGG to actually (play-) test the things they implement. We are the beta testers for each league, get over it.

Countless times it was mentioned, countless times they ignored. 3 Month cycles, Supporter packs buying before league, bootlicking comes back after they fixed some crucial parts 2 month after league start ... etc etc. the list has no end.

People need to stop blindly buying supporter packs and let the money speak to GGG to improve the quality.
ebrithil wrote:
If this isn't sarcasm, you're vastly underestimating what you are asking.

Picture you and I are on a team of 1000 janitors. And our challenge is to clean the entire city of Seattle such that when inspected by the entire city that the cleaning was done reasonably well. Obviously we can't clean everything, so practically speaking our best bet is to target: areas where we know people will explore the most, places we've forgotten to clean before, and new places.

You're now complaining that they forgot to clean the 2nd floor of city hall and the state of National Ave. is lacking.

The depth and complexity of this sort of this system is absolutely incomprehensible.

Let's just look at builds. There are effectively 6 classes (ignoring scion which is its own balance challenge). There are approximately 200 active skill gems and 100 support gems. That's easily over 100,000 fairly viable builds. Let's say we test 1% of this, 10000 builds. Let's come up with a 'fair' test time of 10 hours (which I think everyone can agree is small). That's 100,000 hours of testing. With a team of 1000, that's 2.5 weeks of testing @40hrs/wk.

That above calculation doesn't account for:
ANY new league testing
ANY new skills/items
Passive tree changes
A very conservative 10000 build estimate.
30+ other systems I'm not even mentioning (mapping, old league mechanics, crafting etc)

Even if the janitors forget to clean every bank in the city due to some organizational error, they did a fantastic job!

Like all software teams, ggg is challenged with it being literally impossible to test everything even with best development practices and a rigorous QA team.

Regardless of how huge the task is, your team of janitors is still going to look bad when everyone walks down main street and sees a huge pile of litter next to it. "Why didn't they clean that shit up? How could they miss it?" You see, this is precisely what happens every league.

You're not wrong to point out the challenges inherent in testing a piece of software of this complexity, but you are ignoring a far more easily addressible culprit: the ridiculous three-month cycle.

I've heard alpha team members express dismay on more than one occasion that they discovered significant bugs, dialogue errors, and other obvious indications that the latest league was a rush job, that they reported the bugs and errors well in advance of the league start, and that the bugs and errors were never fixed, even well into the league.

Now why do you suppose that would happen?

Mortyx wrote:

I don`t think those pesky bugs are what most people are referring to here.
Every single league has some easy to spot thing that shouldn`t be released. Most of these could be spotted within 5 hours of gameplay. Those things are what make people wonder if they even play their mechanic a little bit before releasing.

This is an example of what I am talking about. Here you see Mortyx describing a huge pile of litter on the side of the Main Street which the janitors didn't clean up.

raics wrote:
Ragnarokio wrote:
Bugfixing requires time and money, and also has diminishing returns. If they spent an extra month testing each league and went to a 3-leagues per year cycle, then you might find that each league would be as buggy as it typically is a few days into the league on the 4-month cycle.

Exactly, but the law of diminishing returns also means that you get a notable effect for low to moderate investment, and a few times there were bugs you would miss only if nobody has played through the campaign even once. I'm no expert but it would seem that if something along those lines happens, you're far from the part of the curve where diminishing returns start to kick in, to put it mildly.

It seems that raics spotted the same pile.

HarukaTeno wrote:
2) "Perfectly acceptable "small errors"? :D
How many league starts did you witness?

So did HarukaTeno.

Frostride wrote:
I would be surprised if all (or most?) of the new content is playtested even once. Considering some of the previous league launches. Of late even core mechanics seem to be just bad at launch, as to think they are not playtested (delve flares, bestiary net management, betrayal green goo everywhere on screen, I mostly stopped playing after that).

And another.

Are you seeing a pattern here? All of these posters are complaining not about tiny cigarette butts hidden behind the dumpster but rather huge piles of litter on Main Street.

This is not a consequence of GGG not being aware of the bugs and errors. It is a consequence of GGG not giving itself the time to fix the bugs and errors.

It is, in my opinion, an important distinction. If we're going to have a conversation about the problem, let's at least look at its actual source.
Wash your hands, Exile!
Why would GGG test their product when we beta test first month of the league.
Laakeri wrote:
Why would GGG test their product when we beta test first month of the league.

People pay good money to get beta access. We get it for free.
t0lkien wrote:
Laakeri wrote:
Why would GGG test their product when we beta test first month of the league.
People pay good money to get beta access. We get it for free.
Yes, there are people who will do work that should be paid for, and actually pay to do the work.

Those people should grow some self-respect.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
That is simply not possible.

They are working on PoE2
They are forced by the corporate backers to push loads of new content
They have to focus on game breaking bugs with what little time is left.
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. " ~ Hunter S Thompson ~
NO, GGG is doing right!

I dont want to wait 6 months until the league is performing perfect. And NO, balancing everything is geting worse an boring like WOW or D3. I like the idea of playing different builds, sometimes they are realy strong, sometimes they are not good enough (until you change some mechanics) for an league content.
If you dont like the server-crashes, start playing one weak after league-start. If you dont like the op-builds, play another one.

GGG is brave and determinded to bring up new skills with new mechanics, sometimes too strong, but only for few leagues like spectral throw was a long time. But thats fine for me!

TY GGG, go on...

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