GGG pls double test everything BEFORE release

They messed up once with a broken build in 8 years time, during which time so much has been added to the game that it's literally nigh on impossible to see every single possibility ahead of time, while also actually developing a working, fleshed out product every 3 months.

I get it, they messed up, but does it really warrant a post like this? They're always doing the best they can and so far, honestly, releases for PoE leagues have been pretty damn stable for the most part, despite their huge traffic spikes. It surprises me every time, actually.

Anyone who complains about a queue or a bit of lag, maybe a disconnect here and there on the first day of a league, has never experienced a BAD launch of a game/expansion, clearly. Error 37, look it up. That took DAYS to fix on a game that was NOT free to play.

Maybe I'm just in a fortunate region and I'm not saying launches are flawless, not at all, but put credit where credit is due imo.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
its final day and i hope its gonna be rly stable start and league and that league gonna be with NO bots or at least lesser bots...

TY GGG and wish u best luck!
wish all gl gl! <3
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Just some thoughts to your initial request: Consider that GGG has only a team of about idk 100 people? Maybe more, maybe less - but

After every league start, they have about 13 weeks before the next league starts. Testing takes a huge amount of time, I am sure they test the most they can while developing it - but in general it's highly impossible to test every build mechanic that would be theoretically possible, or every other thing. That would alone take more than that 13 weeks they have. And there are console versions as well. I know not everyone is happy about it, but bottom line it's even good for the PC version, because they can add way more content, hire more people, etc. etc.

Compare that with AAA titles that needed years or more to develop and get released for full price but missing more content like some early access titles. Mostly with teams much larger than the whole company GGG.

And in this 13 weeks, they not only come up with complete new content, they're also working on the stuff of PoE2 AND fixing remaining issues in the current league. I can barely imagine how many time it needed to design all those new graphic effects.

If you add double or triple testing to all those stuff we probably would get not 4 but only 2 or maybe only 1 league per year. That would be very bad for the players, and very bad for the company, because they wouldn't earn enough money out of that.

Actually, when you sum that up, GGG does a damn great job, even with some issues we have. I was also in a bad mood at the weekend, when I was missing textures, especially invisible saws in lab, but when you think about what they actually achieve in that short amount of time, it's just impressive.

Testing everything is just impossible.
sidtherat wrote:
as long as players are willing to buy supporter packs BEFORE playing the game they have like ZERO motivation to change their ways

100% true.

I was thinking about this recently. Back when i started supporting GGG, was during Closed Beta. I was invited by an invite clock for free. After many hours playing the game , i decided i was going to support this company and this game.

But , i am not seeing this from people these days. Its shell out big bucks to look cool and boast your 3400 different gawd awful ugly thread hogging, blown out fucking badges.

I dont think many people actually care about the ethics / direction / development and fan relations @GGG, they just care about being the next Charan (no stab intended at you C)... but they cant, they never will be, and furthermore, Charan actually gave a fuck about this game and the company and the people.

It seems the company does not share these sentiments since they *made their money*.

GGG - Why you no?

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