GGG pls double test everything BEFORE release
the solution is so obvious:
remove "deals unholy amounts of damage" as a goal for builds that are endgame capable. powerful != dps (alone) offline
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No amount of internal testing will prevent necessary changes from being required in the first couple weeks of the league.
As long as servers stay up, API is good and people are able to play the game, I view that as a win for league start.
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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you must be new here to ask them to actually release functional and properly balanced content
its never happened once wont start now i think their best was 4 weeks after league they had it working ALMOST the way it should have on release but they commit to their crazy 3 month schedule so they Tencent keeps dumping money into them we keep buying supporter packs and they keep releasing unpolished unfinished content cus.....they can (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س
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omg, YES
i feel the same! |
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they could drop a 1 week beta version each league so everyone would test everything
then, reset everything and start from zero (with some prizes for ppl who reached some stuff first etc, just like a race) who wants to test would just test it and ppl who dont want to, would just play standard for that little while but at least we would be sure to have a rounded league all the way once it begings for real |
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" About which bosses we are talking in here? I am def not part of the 1% and I met any boss in this league at least once. I even had Aul 3 times and I am only at a depth of 525 |
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If this isn't sarcasm, you're vastly underestimating what you are asking.
Picture you and I are on a team of 1000 janitors. And our challenge is to clean the entire city of Seattle such that when inspected by the entire city that the cleaning was done reasonably well. Obviously we can't clean everything, so practically speaking our best bet is to target: areas where we know people will explore the most, places we've forgotten to clean before, and new places. You're now complaining that they forgot to clean the 2nd floor of city hall and the state of National Ave. is lacking. The depth and complexity of this sort of this system is absolutely incomprehensible. Let's just look at builds. There are effectively 6 classes (ignoring scion which is its own balance challenge). There are approximately 200 active skill gems and 100 support gems. That's easily over 100,000 fairly viable builds. Let's say we test 1% of this, 10000 builds. Let's come up with a 'fair' test time of 10 hours (which I think everyone can agree is small). That's 100,000 hours of testing. With a team of 1000, that's 2.5 weeks of testing @40hrs/wk. That above calculation doesn't account for: ANY new league testing ANY new skills/items Passive tree changes A very conservative 10000 build estimate. 30+ other systems I'm not even mentioning (mapping, old league mechanics, crafting etc) Even if the janitors forget to clean every bank in the city due to some organizational error, they did a fantastic job! Like all software teams, ggg is challenged with it being literally impossible to test everything even with best development practices and a rigorous QA team. |
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exiles = beta testers
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They dont have the time, the money, the manpower, willpower or intellect to do any of what you just asked for. There has never been a non buggy league EVER, i played every league since delve getting to 250+ on average every league, have NEVER seen Aul. They DONT listen to player feedback unless people threaten to quit the league. They SUCK at balancing and have proven that many times. Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
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" I don`t think those pesky bugs are what most people are referring to here. Every single league has some easy to spot thing that shouldn`t be released. Most of these could be spotted within 5 hours of gameplay. Those things are what make people wonder if they even play their mechanic a little bit before releasing. |
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