EXALTED ORB Price Shenanigans [Expedition].170:1 Terrible patch = terrible economy. *shrugs*

We are back!

Ultimatum rates were.


It is continuation of my long running thread that was "frozen" due to me not taking good care of it - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1815047/page/1



Ritual Exalt:Chaos ratio was awesome. 100:1 throught whole League. Was so convinient.
Heist update. At least in the begining of the League we enjoyed healthiest ex:chaos ration in years. Was absolute roller coaster from 20:1 to 70:1 throught the League.



But back on topic - Delirium is nearing it's end and Exalted orb ratio should resemble ratio from Standard more and more (which is about 198:1), but it just doesn't. Instead it's all time low for that point in recent Leagues.

Did GGG swooped bots with another ban wave? That would be pretty odd timing.

What is even going on?

Exalt was steadily going down since May 8. We actually experienced healthiest exalt:chaos ratio we ever seen in recent memory. Can't say I didn't enjoyed it. Hopefully Exalts will stay at that mark for upcoming Leagues too.

P.S. Good luck in Harvest!
Last edited by SunL4D2 on Sep 13, 2021, 7:04:10 AM
Last bumped on Sep 13, 2021, 6:35:42 AM
I've done a lot of crafting this league. Exalted Orb crafting, other than what the bench costs, are basically a waste unless you're creating content for a different kind of profit.

One of the 40 Challenges requires a lot of Scour Orbs most of the time.

Crafting Cluster Jewels has changed the value of "smaller" currencies.

Herald Builds have made Vaal Orbs worth more than usual.

Last league, even on the last day, Alteration Orbs were fairly cheap, because the only thing people were trying to roll were Explodey Chests and Tailwind Boots. There is still so much crafting going on right now because it's been recognized that some things won't be available ever again most likely.

You also have to take into account that more people are running more maps with more mods and more incubators. Exalted Orbs have to be the most common they have ever been.

Nothing about this is surprising unless you're focused on a small portion of the game.

Now that there is a hardline date for the end of this league (Little over 2 weeks) im pretty sure from this point forward you will begin to see the prices and ratios climb closer to STD rates.

Theres two types of players in leagues during this time.. (The last couple weeks) Those who will liquidate or even just give away everything so they dont have to fool with anything in STD once the league ends and those who hoard in STD and will spend the next 2 weeks up till the end gaining as much as possible to bring back to STD for whatever reason. Testing, Crafting Goals, To buy extremely expensive STD only items or alt arts or mirror items ect.

But, yeah the prices always match up with STD prices by the last week. And this league you have to keep in mind GGG had warned people this league may be extended because of their work situation and the virus stuff. Again now people know an exact date the league will end so the prices should start to do their normal thing now.

However it is interesting because last time exalts were this cheap this late in a league was due to a ban wave of Bots to my understanding. Yet i haven't heard or seen anything about such a ban wave. So kinda interesting. Could just be the fact of so many people running broken builds combined with a league so extremely lucrative if you run a fast broken build making so many exalts and not enough ways to burn them. There are obviously multiple factors at play here imo.
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Jun 3, 2020, 9:11:59 AM
anyone else remember the good old days whens exalts were worth 15 chaos?
Why does anyone care at this late date in the current league?
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
164:1 on day 5? You kidding me?

What the hell is happening with exalts and alch orbs.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
possible solutions
a. delete chaos recipe from poe
b. add captcha to chaos recipe
kind regards
Last edited by Binbiniqegabenik on Jun 25, 2020, 4:49:53 AM
If we assume that chaos orbs were replaced by garden crafting it makes sense. They are basically worthless now.
Johny_Snow wrote:
If we assume that chaos orbs were replaced by garden crafting it makes sense. They are basically worthless now.

Were people really spamming chaos to craft items? They were mostly sunk via map rerolls.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214

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