Poll: Do you want an instant buyout for the Trade Market? Let your voice be heard!

This would be great
Yes yes yes. Let it as n option and all will be happy
Yes, please.
Yes pls
JoeUtopia wrote:
10 pages and no acknowledgement of the issue.

My sad feeling is that the trade window is so basic it cannot determine the items offered, so there is nothing to compare to the listed price.

If that isn’t the reason, then not having an instant acceptance for meeting the listed price is just poor design.

The chinese version has instant buyout if the price is met. There are no technical reasons for our version to not have it.
Last edited by Isomorphin on Sep 28, 2020, 7:40:13 AM
Yes here as well I think this would solve a lot of issues with the market on console now and allow players to gear for a reasonable price.
Isomorphin wrote:
JoeUtopia wrote:
10 pages and no acknowledgement of the issue.

My sad feeling is that the trade window is so basic it cannot determine the items offered, so there is nothing to compare to the listed price.

If that isn’t the reason, then not having an instant acceptance for meeting the listed price is just poor design.

The chinese version has instant buyout if the price is met. There are no technical reasons for our version to not have it.

Hmm wonder why.

Man it would be a laugh if GGG got investigated for their dealings in China.
If reddit topics get this much attention as this topic ggg would most likely do something about it. Official poe forum topics make no impact on developer's actions. Lol. It's crazy.

Console needs it's own announcements, what they working on, what they think about our problems/suggestions/etc.

There is no/too little communication.
"Fix it soon becaise beong locked out of my wealth and my character puts a hold on me trading and bartering to increase my wealth" - Nameless Forum Poster.
As much as I'd like to say yes for faster items, I'm afraid the low amount of players would make it a terrible system for autobuyouts. There are items that are very rare but build enabling, and sometimes you can find a maximum of two or three during a league for sale on the market. Nothing has been proposed to stop the wealthy from buying up all of the for sale items and then price fixing them at whatever they want to charge. Now we get price fixers that won't sell an item that is underpriced by a few chaos, but if the opposite happens you could have something that is rare for sale at many exalted over what a PC trade league price would be.

So my vote is no, unless some other stipulations are imposed like maximum trades per day or something to that effect.
RacerXGTR2 wrote:
As much as I'd like to say yes for faster items, I'm afraid the low amount of players would make it a terrible system for autobuyouts. There are items that are very rare but build enabling, and sometimes you can find a maximum of two or three during a league for sale on the market. Nothing has been proposed to stop the wealthy from buying up all of the for sale items and then price fixing them at whatever they want to charge. Now we get price fixers that won't sell an item that is underpriced by a few chaos, but if the opposite happens you could have something that is rare for sale at many exalted over what a PC trade league price would be.

So my vote is no, unless some other stipulations are imposed like maximum trades per day or something to that effect.

What's the difference of then buying it instantly vs then sending in the bid and waiting 4 hours. They still wind up with the items either way

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