Changes to the Purposeful Harbinger Notable Passive
![]() and they thought they could exploit all league |
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Love the ammount of salt in this post, good foor cooking!
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" I can agree to an extent, but this whole situation was made out of red flags so it really hard to have pity on people who chose to make that investment. Especially when most of them, when confronted, tend to wave a wad of cash (metaphorically) around to justify what they say. Also take into account that this whole fiasco took place while GGG is in quarantine and their communication is not at its best, so things probably could have gone better and fewer people could have been burned by this. ~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation. ~ Build smart, build S-mart! |
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" This. |
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"As I wrote I let mine go for 80c in the afternoon yesterday (~30 hours ago), but was subsequently spammed with more request for it for another hour or two (the trade system seems to have misbehaved a bit yesterday). I would guess the price kept rushing as flippers competed for buying up the market; I can't guess to an accurate amplitude of this pulse, the 2-day length of it is hilarious :) Last edited by artradis#5458 on Mar 31, 2020, 3:27:25 PM
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Stop hating on Bex.
She is just the voice and face of someone else decisions, so unless we have a full post from the one behind this decision, stop hating a normal employee. If you put ingame 250 new cluster jewels and you expect to dont have this situation ,you pretty much failed big time. All type of broken mechanics should always be fixed as soon as possible to avoid exploiters but in this scenario you fucked up 2 full weeks of people playing your game and investing their own time. And even more sad is the fact that you posted this fix after days of aura mtx discount where half of players needed multiple mtx to run their auras..... I just hope next time there is an "Hype for the new league" people will remember this entire league and how every single part of a new league is "in progress" since the start. Sorry for my poor english |
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i disagree, not because it doesnt need a nerf or im using it...
But because you ignore game breaking shit that has BROKEN the game for YEARS HH has been an absurdly abusive item (inspired learnings only add to the issue) since their release. Hell its why you said you wouldnt bring it back..then you did...and kept it in. Nothing like a character taht does just ALL the damage and just can not die if it wanted to because it has 500 buffs stacked at once. WHY you keep adding it back in, is beyond me. And while its certainly the most egregious broken thing in the game, it is by no means, the only one. Yet you ignore these things for YEARS, but hey lets nerf RF again. its been a league. IS RF broken? no. not even its oldest versions. it was almost impossible to get serious damage from it. but yeah. it needs another nerf. Tornado Shot? a skill that people have said is OP, and indeed IS OP since its release...nah its fine. Explosive Arrow gets 5m+ DPS on shaper with minimal investment, its fine. (mind you this skill has also been OP since its fucking closed beta) its only "real" nerf was when you removed shotgunning. Which didnt matter once you added 5000 items that can put its damage through the roof for 1-2c per. You can make cycloners(again with minimal investment) that are very ahrd to kill and still do 3m+ shaper DPS. I could keep going on skills taht allow for quick clear with super high scale damage for small investments. Buff weak skills or change theri mechanic some to allow for faster clear? nah. that doesnt happen. This new setup you are nerfing is not even as OP as HH/inspired learning builds. And easily costs as much. Yet this is what needs the nerf? So sick of your horrid balance. PoE 2.0 was a great chance to nuke the items/skills that were broken by starting from scratch. A way to wipe the board clear from bad design decisions and make some actual good ones. once again go with the horrid decision to keep all the old stuff in the game, you know to make sure it stays broken. Oh and load times on client start in steam are still fucking ridiculous after how many years of steam client? 4 different PC's since its release and its STILL the only game ive ever played that has load times that long on steam. And nothing like getting booted back to lobby because of it to start back over. In short, get your shit together GGG. The Internet:Where men are men, women are men, and children are FBI agents.
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" XDDD "Stop hating on the person whose entire job title is to comprehend PR and went ahead and made an announcement saying they wouldn't touch this until next league despite not being knowledgeable enough to know the full scope of the situation ultimately ending up in creating this shitshow" She's not a spokesperson, she's a Community Manager. Last edited by X3n_#5275 on Mar 31, 2020, 3:39:16 PM
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Rumor was that this wasn't going to be fixed until 3.11 but I'm glad this is going to be "balanced" sooner. I say balance because fun ideas like this are what makes this game good but in its current state its broken. I know choices mid league like this might be tough for you @GGG since some players might be upset about it but its the right choice for the health of the game.
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" You've got a small brain. That'll be all. |