Changes to the Purposeful Harbinger Notable Passive

dizz wrote:
I'm not using this passive, but nerfing things hard mid-league is always a poor solution.

Just a thought, but maybe consider creating new leagues 4 months apart instead of 3 months apart, so you can identify and fix issues before ruining builds and trades for players in the middle of a league.

Edit: Nerfing things mid-league is actually even more of a joke because this game is PvE. If this game was entirely PvP-focused, I could see this being an issue. BUT IT'S NOT! Being overpowered in a PvE game literally has no negative consequences or repercussions. Someone is op killing monsters and having a good time? Not really a problem worth hotfixing..

This 1000%

frankthetankkk wrote:
dizz wrote:
I'm not using this passive, but nerfing things hard mid-league is always a poor solution.

Just a thought, but maybe consider creating new leagues 4 months apart instead of 3 months apart, so you can identify and fix issues before ruining builds and trades for players in the middle of a league.

Edit: Nerfing things mid-league is actually even more of a joke because this game is PvE. If this game was entirely PvP-focused, I could see this being an issue. BUT IT'S NOT! Being overpowered in a PvE game literally has no negative consequences or repercussions. Someone is op killing monsters and having a good time? Not really a problem worth hotfixing..

This 1000%


The first thing you need to understand is that Path of Exile is a free to play game, owned by GGG (which can actually, do whatever they want with the game). Second thing is, this isn't a nerf, it's a fix - albeit uncalled for since Bex did say it wasn't going to happen, but it had to happen, this would have caused too many issues in all sorts of areas. Third of all, Path of Exile leagues are meant for you, as a player, to TEST new mechanics they put into the game, NOT mechanics that weren't meant to be or mechanics that break the game in half like this one did.

And just for once, remember they are humans like you, they had to do a complete shift to work from home in the middle of it all, and still try and keep up with whatever was happening with 1 of the many possible build combinations this new league brought to the game.

nome0000 wrote:
frankthetankkk wrote:
dizz wrote:
I'm not using this passive, but nerfing things hard mid-league is always a poor solution.

Just a thought, but maybe consider creating new leagues 4 months apart instead of 3 months apart, so you can identify and fix issues before ruining builds and trades for players in the middle of a league.

Edit: Nerfing things mid-league is actually even more of a joke because this game is PvE. If this game was entirely PvP-focused, I could see this being an issue. BUT IT'S NOT! Being overpowered in a PvE game literally has no negative consequences or repercussions. Someone is op killing monsters and having a good time? Not really a problem worth hotfixing..

This 1000%


The first thing you need to understand is that Path of Exile is a free to play game, owned by GGG (which can actually, do whatever they want with the game). Second thing is, this isn't a nerf, it's a fix - albeit uncalled for since Bex did say it wasn't going to happen, but it had to happen, this would have caused too many issues in all sorts of areas. Third of all, Path of Exile leagues are meant for you, as a player, to TEST new mechanics they put into the game, NOT mechanics that weren't meant to be or mechanics that break the game in half like this one did.

And just for once, remember they are humans like you, they had to do a complete shift to work from home in the middle of it all, and still try and keep up with whatever was happening with 1 of the many possible build combinations this new league brought to the game.



This is THEIR FAULT and they are punishing players who put time and effort into having fun. THAT IS WRONG!
I remember how WormBlaster 3 was killed bc it was SUPER FUN
I hope that someone at GGG reads this!
I'm a casual player for more than two years now, and I'm usually playing no more than 2 builds per league and not seeing too much of endgame content (never played uber elder for example). I have a family and job and I don't have as much time to invest in the game as I would like. And now with this situation with a virus and all, I was very excited to play this build and to experience some content I never had before and to have so much fun! I invested a couple of days and all the currency I had and only yesterday got my first four Purposeful Harbinger jewels and felt for the first time the power of the build... Today I put my kids in the bed and started POE only to find out that GGG did what they said they wouldn't!!
I do not understand the business logic behind this decision? If you didn't nerf it would you lose players? I don't think so. Could you lose players now? Well, I am considering giving up on the game where game creators do not appreciate the time invested by players!
Last edited by Necrees#6127 on Apr 2, 2020, 3:40:37 PM
Hola mundo, es mi primer post
Necrees wrote:
I hope that someone at GGG reads this!
I'm a casual player for more than two years now, and I'm usually playing no more than 2 builds per league and not seeing too much of endgame content (never played uber elder for example). I have a family and job and I don't have as much time to invest in the game as I would like. And now with this situation with a virus and all, I was very excited to play this build and to experience some content I never had before and to have so much fun! I invested a couple of days and all the currency I had and only yesterday got my first four Purposeful Harbinger jewels and felt for the first time the power of the build... Today I put my kids in the bed and started POE only to find out that GGG did what they said they wouldn't!!
I do not understand the business logic behind this decision? If you didn't nerf it would you lose players? I don't think so. Could you lose players now? Well, I am considering giving up on the game where game creators do not appreciate the time invested by players!

If you really can only enjoy this Game with such a broken Build, i would suggest to look for something else anyway.

There are already so many mechanics in the Game that mistakes like this can always happen. As long as we have open P2P Trading, Balance/Exploit Patches should always happen immediatly. No matter what time in League we are or how much Players already invested to play absurd broken Stuff. Maybe the Meta Slaves, that only play to get rich, learn from this and take it a little bit easier next time.
Last edited by Blutgarde#5261 on Apr 4, 2020, 2:40:31 PM
Blutgarde wrote:
Necrees wrote:
I hope that someone at GGG reads this!
I'm a casual player for more than two years now, and I'm usually playing no more than 2 builds per league and not seeing too much of endgame content (never played uber elder for example). I have a family and job and I don't have as much time to invest in the game as I would like. And now with this situation with a virus and all, I was very excited to play this build and to experience some content I never had before and to have so much fun! I invested a couple of days and all the currency I had and only yesterday got my first four Purposeful Harbinger jewels and felt for the first time the power of the build... Today I put my kids in the bed and started POE only to find out that GGG did what they said they wouldn't!!
I do not understand the business logic behind this decision? If you didn't nerf it would you lose players? I don't think so. Could you lose players now? Well, I am considering giving up on the game where game creators do not appreciate the time invested by players!

If you really can only enjoy this Game with such a broken Build, i would suggest to look for something else anyway.

There are already so many mechanics in the Game that mistakes like this can always happen. As long as we have open P2P Trading, Balance/Exploit Patches should always happen immediatly. No matter what time in League we are or how much Players already invested to play absurd broken Stuff. Maybe the Meta Slaves, that only play to get rich, learn from this and take it a little bit easier next time.

Totally agree with you. The 400-600% aura effect is still broken.

Vitality that can regen 10% life converted to es....that is broken.

Malevolent aura having 7 times more duration and DOT dmg.

Years of game balancing has been ruined by GGG. I really hope the entire game design team that come out with this can be fired. It makes long time player like me extremely disappointed with all the previous nerfs and balancing, only to allow such outrageous thing now.

Yeah this must be the biggest game balance mess up ever by GGG.

For years there were (and still are) only small percentage "increased effect of auras" on the tree. Literally 3%, 6%, and 10% nodes and only a few of them scattered everywhere. This was for good reason as auras are powerful.

Suddenly this league, GGG lets people stack over 500% increased aura effect. What did they think is going to happen? It's still completely broken. Years of game balancing lost unless this is nerfed massively to be in line with the normal passive tree which will make even more people upset.
All this people here who are raging about this nerf...
Did you really think that this kind of build will stay the same?
Are you really that kind of idiots that pay 100's of exalts for a build that get nerfed for shure?
Just think about it, its absolutly logical that ggg would nerf this kind of abuse, this was and is never be a safe currency investion!

So try think about it before spend so much currency and dont flame like this.

No surprise here, ggg did a good job.

And ofc this kind of builds has also a hard influence on the item market,
greedy people make profit by getting items others would not even seen a lifetime playing poe because of killspeed and the fact the challenging content doesnt exist for them.

one thing that comes to mind is the voice jewel wich sells for max 8 mirrors atm...( example for greedy, not for inreachable items, but still a one socket voice is reworked and no longer available to drop)

Absolutly nessecary "nerf"

Last edited by Reapers_Choice#4476 on Apr 29, 2020, 2:37:15 AM

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