This does the job for me. When i quit the game after a patch comes out this optimize PoE. Warning can delete your game file when someting goes wrong but currently works for me.
1. Download GGPK Defragmenter and put in your PoE folder
2. Create a "Client.bat" in your PoE Folder (not Client.bat.txt)
3. Copy Text below and save
4. Start the game via Client.bat (you should replace your Desktop Shortcut with a shortcut to Client.bat Do not copy the file to the Desktop)
@echo off
SET filename="Content.ggpk"
SET last_filename="last.dat"
IF NOT EXIST "ggpk_defragment.exe" (
echo "ggpk_defragment.exe not found"
echo Starting PoE
IF EXIST %last_filename% (
set /p mylast=<%last_filename%
) else (
set mylast=0
for %%X in (%filename%) do set size=%%~zX&set filetime=%%~tX
if "%mylast%" == "%filetime% " (
echo nothing to do
IF EXIST "ShaderCache" (
echo delete ShaderCache
rd /s /q ShaderCache
echo optimize Content.ggpk
for /F %%i in ('ggpk_defragment.exe Content.ggpk') do set tmp_log=%%i
IF "%tmp_log%" == "Successfully" (
move /Y Content.ggpk > nul
) ELSE (
echo "%tmp_log%"
echo "Error optimize failed"
for %%X in (%filename%) do set size=%%~zX&set filetime=%%~tX
echo |set /p=%filetime% > %last_filename%
IF NOT EXIST %last_filename% (
echo "Error can't save last update date"
echo done
Ingame: Soto_DualStrike
GMT +1:00
Posted bysoto#5699on Aug 26, 2013, 5:54:42 AM
love this tool, game loads faster and is smaller.
shaved off almost 3g's off my system.
Portugal ^^ Last edited by MikeNeto#5026 on Aug 26, 2013, 5:26:57 PM
Posted byMikeNeto#5026on Aug 26, 2013, 5:24:40 PM
ignarsoll wrote:
As I can see current usage of the tool is not that friendly for the avarage user. So I changed few lines of code and now it works by double clicking.
Now the tool creates a backup of the Content.ggpk named Content.ggpk.old, then it creates a defragmented copy of it named as Content.ggpk. So there is no additional steps in the process, after running the game without a problem you could delete Content.ggpk.old to save some space.
Windows executable - Source
1- Copy the tool to your Path of Exile directory.
2- Double click it and wait for it to finish
3- Run the game to check if everything is working fine.
4- If so delete Content.ggpk.old to save some space.
Thanks ignarsoll, you saved me from having to manually do all this labor just for the possibility of messing up ( Of course I scanned the exe file, you can never be too careful) because I misread something. Thank you again, for posting up a patch to defrag the game.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016
Posted byJohnNamikaze#6516on Aug 26, 2013, 7:05:28 PMValued Poster
unsane wrote:
Odoakar wrote:
Your method is quite simple.
1. Go to your PoE folder and put the defragmenter file there. Copy the path name to the folder (E:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile in my case).
2. Start-Run-Cmd. If you don't have Run on Win7, google 'how to enable Run on win 7'.
3. E: is my drive with PoE, replace the letter with your disk character
E:\> cd E:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile
(right click and paste the path)
E:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile> ggpk_defragment.exe content.ggpk content2.ggpk
Confirm and wait.
After it's done, just rename the files as suggested by Nagpur.
There's an even easier way to do this. Rewritten version:
1. Go to your PoE folder and put the defragmenter file there. (E:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile in my case).
2. Start-Run-Cmd. If you don't have Run on Win7, google 'how to enable Run on win 7'.
3. Drag and drop the ggpk_defragment.exe file onto the command window.
4. Hit spacebar.
5. Drag and drop the Content.ggpk file onto the command window.
6. Hit spacebar.
7. Drag and drop the Content.ggpk file onto the command window.
8. Hit the left arrow key and add a 2, so it says Content.ggpk2
Hit enter and wait.
After it's done, just rename the files as suggested by Nagpur.
GG ty
work for me
my english sux.
Posted byC1111#0919on Aug 26, 2013, 10:21:35 PM
ignarsoll wrote:
As I can see current usage of the tool is not that friendly for the avarage user. So I changed few lines of code and now it works by double clicking.
Now the tool creates a backup of the Content.ggpk named Content.ggpk.old, then it creates a defragmented copy of it named as Content.ggpk. So there is no additional steps in the process, after running the game without a problem you could delete Content.ggpk.old to save some space.
Windows executable - Source
1- Copy the tool to your Path of Exile directory.
2- Double click it and wait for it to finish
3- Run the game to check if everything is working fine.
4- If so delete Content.ggpk.old to save some space.
Virustotal gives the following positive (from McAfee): Heuristic.LooksLike.Win32.Suspicious.N
The rest of the avs find nothing suspicious.
Iirc the old defragger didnt return any positives so i thought id point out the change.
IGN: KoTao
Posted byKoTao#4717on Aug 28, 2013, 12:25:38 AM
KoTao wrote:
Virustotal gives the following positive (from McAfee): Heuristic.LooksLike.Win32.Suspicious.N
The rest of the avs find nothing suspicious.
Iirc the old defragger didnt return any positives so i thought id point out the change.
Weird, McAfee did not give me positive.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016
Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Aug 28, 2013, 12:28:27 AM
Posted byJohnNamikaze#6516on Aug 28, 2013, 12:28:00 AMValued Poster
JohnNamikaze wrote:
KoTao wrote:
Virustotal gives the following positive (from McAfee): Heuristic.LooksLike.Win32.Suspicious.N
The rest of the avs find nothing suspicious.
Iirc the old defragger didnt return any positives so i thought id point out the change.
Weird, McAfee did not give me positive.
There are two McAfee apps used by the scanner; only the one with heuristic analysis gave the positive, so theres a better than average chance that its false, but its good to bring this sort of thing to light just the same.
IGN: KoTao
Posted byKoTao#4717on Aug 28, 2013, 2:02:03 AM
KoTao wrote:
There are two McAfee apps used by the scanner; only the one with heuristic analysis gave the positive, so theres a better than average chance that its false, but its good to bring this sort of thing to light just the same.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016
Posted byJohnNamikaze#6516on Aug 28, 2013, 9:18:52 AMValued Poster
This should stop the occasional FPS spike
Posted byTheFifeNation#5806on Aug 28, 2013, 11:28:32 AM
from 6.8gb to 3.9gb
sweet :)
Posted byHrabri_Lavek#0850on Aug 29, 2013, 1:17:08 PM