Sirus fight is making me quit POE
" I hear it from storm brand grandpa?:D |
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" Yeah, but storm brandpa doesn't write walls of text about "skill", isn't he, mmkay. And sirius feels like quite idiotic fight with anything that isn't DOT/autoattack. "Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
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Dumb dialog? Check. Dumb arena? Check. Stupidly frequent invulnerability phases? Check. One shots? Check. No clue where the boss is most of the time? Check.
Spent 1 minute at this boss, will never ever engage the encounter again. So I'm guessing QA spent even less than a minute. I probably managed to melee hit him (yes, actual melee that needs contact and isn't cyclone) 4 times in that full minute. Absolutely amazing content, keep it up. If you don't want support that is. In fact it makes the other bosses in the game look quite good, even though most of them are not. “We are the race of flesh, We are the race of lovers.” Last edited by Frostride#6705 on May 15, 2020, 4:03:18 AM
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I hate taking-part in ranty threads and I'm aware GGG aren't going to read this but I'd really like to do anything I can to ensure we don't get another Sirus so here goes 10p...
To be clear, I don't play PoE for the amazing boss encounters (as there aren't many!) BUT recent additions have been truly excreable and I think the game deserves better. I suspect Sirus was designed by the same person who did Catarina - it's the same "not obvious WTF is going on" vibe with the same 'long road to trying again' frustration meaning you cannot practice it. Sirus HAS seen more 'fixes' perhaps, but what's left is a gutless husk of an encounter where 'difficulty' comes from confusion and annoyance (actually - that's still the Catarina fight isn't it?) Phase 1 and 2 are just boring and they must be easy because even I've never died in those phases - then Phase 3 enters and adds 10 layers of "what the fuck is going-on" and my 6 attempts all ended in the same 'invisible boss 1 shots me' deaths over and over. 4 clones, 20 clones, the floor is lava, massive laserbeams, boss teleports super-frequently (actual melee must find this fight impossible??) and has a 1-shot deathbeam you cannot avoid UNLESS you know where he is which - well - yeah - really? If that's the best you can do - don't... Last edited by ohnpeat#0565 on May 15, 2020, 7:00:54 PM
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I just had one of those A8 Sirus fights where everything is going well until about one-quarter health when he teleports off-screen and does the instant-death-beam nonsense. You aren't given any indication as to where he is so dodging the beam comes down to luck in these situations. This time luck wasn't with me...not the first time this utter bullshit has happened. Unlike previous runs though, I wasn't even allowed to "see" Sirus again. Every time I tried to re-engage Sirus he did the teleporting death-beam again and five more times I didn't get lucky with the blind dodge. ...hours and hours down the drain.
Why? Just, why? This is the lamest, laziest game design I've ever seen. So much time goes in to spawning him and he can just void it all without a thing you can do. Why manufacture misery like this? |
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" [Removed by Support] what kind of not dot/autoattack skillgem is not killing sirus? Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on May 16, 2020, 5:06:56 AM
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" Surely everything can, Your Skillness. Can you differentiate between two phrases - "can't kill" vs "feels like shit"? "Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
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I am going to make a video for every single encounter from now on, I wanna make this crap and retarded encounter a full picture of state of POE, blizzard made diablo on phone in POE we have an end game boss beyond this please every youtuber just make this disgusting encounter as famous as possible
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Had a beautiful Sirus A8 experience today... after he oneshoted me offscreen I get to arena, get teleported into meteor rings... last phase on boss and the outer rings were covered with bloody storm... nice one, try and bypass that.
Superb encounter design... |
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Did GGG really come out and say they were good at boss fight design?
BWAHAHAHAHAHA. That's hilarious. Three words disprove that: "Melee vs. Veritania." Let's be gracious and say that 60% of the map end-boss mechanics and fights are reasonably well done. Damage output is scaled appropriately so that if you're paying attention you can reasonably expect to defeat the boss pretty quickly, or for the semi-major act bosses it's pretty good. (Piety with laser beams comes to mind as something reasonably well-designed or the Malachai fight.) The other 40% are just terrible. They're World of Warcraft-style raid fights without all of the damage intent broadcasts or the raid. And that's the problem right there: if you get insta-killed from an effect in World of Warcraft, your druid is there to battle-rez you; if you get insta-killed in PoE, *game over*. You don't even get a log to even see what happened. Bad things about boss fight design: a) Immunity phases while damage still occurs. Ok in raids, not so much in single-player games. b) Bosses invulnerable not because they are immune to damage but because they stand in an aura or effect that cannot be overcome (Veritania, Sirus). c) Insta-death from far too many effects that are not broadcast very well d) For things like Sirus, no real good way to learn the fight. Win or lose it's at least a week or two before the next attempt. e) Bugs. Lag. FWIW I only did my third Sirus attempt tonight. Mechanics-wise I'm starting to get it, but I'm not certain it's worth the time or the effort to actually spawn him and fight him given that he not only has one of the above annoying things happen, he has *all* of the above annoying things happen. I'm not certain I'm willing to put up with all of that idiocy in one fight. Diablo 3 may have sucked donkey balls, but at least they got the boss fights right (and in Diablo 2, and in Diablo 1, and in World of Warcraft.. mostly). GGG, you guys can't even put yourself in the same ballpark as Blizzard when it comes to boss fights with as many bad fight mechanics as there are in the game. |
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