Sirus fight is making me quit POE
" The big difference between Diablo and POE is: 1) Diablo doesnt have invulberable phase that only the boss that damage the players while the players plays a mini game of dodging. That is considered unprofessional gameplay design, amateur level. Damage is always 2 way. 2) Mobs from Diablo obey the game mechanic and do not cheat. For example, Sirus applies shock on you even if the laser do not damage or hit you first, so you will take the full 50% shock. If u r playing CI build, your es also do not protect you against shock or freeze even though you are taking 0 dmg. This has been urged in the past before and is one of the double standards. Monsters shock and freeze can lasts 5s and not the 2s limit. There are plenty of dirty rules that do not obey the mechanics unlike diablo. So no point comparing a superior game like diablo to poe. |
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The fight is bad:
There is only one rule on how to make a good boss fight: Don't allow the boss to do anything the player can't do. Examples: -Phases - These are boring as hell. The player can't be immune; the boss is cheating. -Non-ailment 8 second slow -the player can't slow the boss for 8 seconds; cheating. |
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" Are we going to talk about the Fakt that OP is still playing POE? With multibel Lvl 90+ charackters in Delirium. Last edited by Sauraus3#3847 on May 20, 2020, 9:09:34 AM
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his complaints are still valid though.
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Since I last posted, I've killed him three times: in A0 with 4 deaths; A4 with 2 deaths; and A5 deathless. (I also fought him in A8 and gave up with a portal left because I just wasn't dealing enough damage.) I just fought him in A6 with the following sequence:
Death 1: I get him down to the final phase very smoothly and quickly and was expecting another deathless run when I double flame dash bug into the middle of a storm and die. 2: He hovers over and in between several storms and I die trying to navigate my way into and out of the fight. 3: I get stunned by an invisible 'die' beam (which fired before his audio cue) and then die to the actual beam. 4: Double storms spawned right in front of the doorway and I die trying to get by them. 5: I'm slowed by the 4-way beam, panic, and fail to avoid a triple 'void' beam. (100% my fault.) 6: I get back to the fight and get him down to near culling range, successfully avoid the 4-way and the various 'die'/'void' beams when something invisible hits me. I see the visual effect of the impact (a little silvery splash) but not the actual effect of the spell/attack nor do I hear whatever audio cue that supposed to accompany it. I'm guessing it was a bugged 'die' beam because the first hit cleared ~90% of my life and then something else invisible hit me immediately after. I fall over and die. |
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The thing with PoE is that people create builds which "melt" bosses so quickly that no avoidance/mechanics come into play (a video showing Elderslayers being melted "on the spot" appears in EVERY build guide these days)
So GGG design bosses like Catarina and Sirus to make that impossible - they use phases which include invulnerability, the boss clearing debuffs and DOTs, using clones which take your big attacks and they add lots of things to avoid meanwhile... Sirus epitomises this design idea - it's an avoidance fight as he has numerous attacks which are one-shot deaths but killing him is - once again - about unleashing a massive DPS burst in the limited windows available. So the builds which are effective are, once again, the builds which can 'melt' bosses as quickly as possible - preferrably at a distance (again a PoE trait). So all GGG are doing is adding 'dancing' to your repertoire - the mantra remains "Massive burst ranged DPS - stand behind the boss - repeat" I don't have a solution - there probably isn't one - but just as Blight was 'shitty tacked-on tower defense' (worst expansion ever?) this approach to bosses is 'shitty tacked on DDR' and (like the puzzles in the Lab) isn't why I play PoE.... Maybe some people like it - good for them - they get my 'free' Sirus encounters... Last edited by ohnpeat#0565 on May 21, 2020, 11:56:10 AM
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If there was an "endgame slider" where I had the option to choose between doing the old atlas with Shaper and Elder and whatever we have now, I would not hesitate to pick the former.
I despise Sirus and everything about the "fight". There is no skill involved in it like there was in Uber Elder encounter. Zero. Nada. Someone at GGG completely forgot what a good boss design was. To name a few mechanical fights: - Abyss and Delve Lich - Aul - Synthesis bosses and, of course, the previously mentioned Shaper, Elder and Uber Elder. Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris. Last edited by Ydoum#5726 on May 21, 2020, 8:52:09 PM
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It's pretty terrible. That's probably why the loot is so bad. They don't want players to think they have to be able to do this. It's only for challenging the super elite 100 mil shaper dps builds.
I've been gaming for about 30 years and I've never seen a boss encounter that was more poorly designed and executed than Sirus. His ability to teleport completely offscreen and fire his "die" beam while his avatar cuts off your other possible escape routes in phase 3 is the worst part for me. It's pure RNG sometimes wether or not you actualy have a place to avoid his attacks. I've downed him once and got an awakened deadly ailments that I'm not even using. Every other attempt I've gotten him to phase 3 and then there's just too much covering the screen for me to even see where the fuck he's at. It's red/black on red/black with red/black effects and no marker on the map to even show where he's at so even approaching him is dangerous. The tornadoes have a hitbox that does not even accurately represent the graphic.. I could list 20 things that are terrible about this fight but most have been covered in the thread. Idk GGG does some dumb things but this one tops all of them. Last edited by ImMobile2010#0431 on May 24, 2020, 8:33:49 PM
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Life teaches alot of things, and this is a big thing to discus, including from what i read here in this post, it is a serious thing to discus.
what we have here, is a result of ... make it quick... repet !! ok it is done. it is clear that GGG didnt work too much on this idea of new atlas or new bosses, when it starts, was totaly confused, i cant remember how many maps i needed to comple the "Awaken" but i did it... an absurdly exhausting task, and thats the first problem.... second: notably, boss fights in PoE are same thing.. 1-reducing player area on boss arena max is possible. 2-completly insane (insane is a minimal reference) Boss dmg, resulting always in 1hit killing 3-for sure experience players while fighting noticed the "something wrong" while these unexplained phenomena, armor, all resistance, life regneration, leech, dodge, where they go ???? did GGG realy doing it job as it must ??? wheres the balance???? why you keep killing players with 9k life and 10k armor with 1 hit? Sirius is the reflection of negative and bad conception,am so sorry for saying that, but this is how i see it, adding to all that, the lack of criativity, the only positive thing at Sirius is the music. the boss hides for no aparent reason, the boss still have an avatar, that hinders the view that already sucks, zoom in zoom out. u cant stop counting how many faults of that fight. beside that, insane damage melting ur HP with 1 hit. Seriously look more than trolling than challange,when you kill the player with 1 hit, you are disregarding the effort that the person made, during the time that he played, the effort that he did to make the gear, because it is hundreds or thousands of hours, which they turn into ashes in 1 second at the Werclast arena. am sure while you "testing" Sirius mecanics you laugh too much on our faces. let me tell you something, if you make a game for especific kind of players please GGG let us know!!! we left old games and came to PoE for the strong reason of variation !!!!!because many players are buying currency with real money :), i know soon or later, a forum policeman gona block this post for "negative coments". but yes.... YOU ARE WRONG LEONIDAS !!! YOU ARE WRONG. continuing the drama .... standard builds start to domain the air in game, when thats happened, it means that game devlopers are unable to creat a combat mecanics with balance, forcing the 99% of players seek 1 unique build to play an entire legue, how you feel now??? good? Sirius if you dont know, is the worst thing ever you made. the experience is so boring so pathetic that ppl are selling it for only 1ex. and ... ah... i forgot to remind you, this is not arcade game !!! it is hack and slash. good day! Last edited by KaiserBlade42#7840 on May 26, 2020, 3:17:35 AM
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" Man you are rly digging deep into Sirus discussion in the forum. If someone gets 1 shot with 9k Life and "10k" Armour then it´s because u shouldn´t get hit in first place of these mechanics like the meteor for example. Then please read the wiki about Armour. Armour works against Normal Monster only. Other monster hit harder and armour doesn´t protect from these attacks. You need more mitigation like Dodge/Evasion/ES/Block or Guardian Skill like Molten Shell or the Vaal version VMS. You waste so much time in complaining about Awakener which you could invest in getting better in the fight or learn how mitigation in PoE works. Last edited by TayPoE#6379 on May 26, 2020, 8:18:11 AM
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