[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

JuhlDk wrote:
looking for more dmg

Buy a 21/20 or 21/23 freezing pulse. Quality on other DPS gems is also valuable.

You don't need 3 notables on your large jewel for a while. With 2 notables, you can still get blanketed snow & disorienting display for under 1.5ex:


You only necessarily need the 3rd notable when you've finished both mediums, the small, and the Watcher's Eye. Speaking of which, you should get one of those, one of the hatred mods is < 50c, and two of the better ones are < 4ex or less.

kaygee82 wrote:
Could anyone take a peek on my tree etc to see if I could optimize it and/or how my gear is looking atm? I see NoImagination have gone a different route from the starting area around templar and stuff but dont think I have enough life to do the same!

Yeh, I think my route only works when you have the gear for it. It's about removing the less efficient nodes, but you can't take advantage of it until the gear is there and you've finished levelling. It's also possible that it isn't perfectly optimised - Wallach's tree is the result of lots of people looking at it, mine is only from one person.

Perhaps your main hand wand is easiest to upgrade? A Watcher's Eye will be a good plan, the Pain Attunement socket is easy to reach. I also didn't find Arcane Capacitor to be worth it really, but that depends on your mana to life ratio. You want 3 life for every 2 mana.

Is the crit jewel worth it? If you can get into Doom Cast or awakened hextouch, the curse jewel is amazing. Culling strike and unnerve are both big gains.
Last edited by NoImagination on Feb 11, 2021, 11:42:30 AM
Damn NoImagination is doing some mad service here on the thread, Respect!
Also thats a pretty cool tree, you went the more expensive route with those mad crit jewels. Shit is dope. I would love to try it out but it would likely double my build cost haha.

Do you mind taking a peek at mine? I am trying to upgrade mostly in terms of DPS(just wanting to see how far I can push it).

Current plan for upgrades:
Watcher's eye (at 96, I am hard stuck 95 cuz I am playing clumsily)
Finish my awakened gems (still missing CD and pen)
+2 Proj/+1 all Chest
+1 int/+1 cold amulet (this is last cuz I would have to fix res on boots and gloves for wise oak)

But other than that can't see any obvious ones (well ofc more OP wands are always better but I think they are good enough to be saved for later)

Ignore the "killed recently" shit on wand and boots, one is a redeemer slam fail(likely cheaper to buy a better than recraft so left it as is) and other is lab fail. Also if I goofed on the PoB configs lemme know as well.
Theres two obvious edits to items, Veil I made it to be same as Atziri's and ring is onslaught on hit, which I changed to onslaught(up 100% time vs bosses cuz of trigger cold snap).
Hi guys,

can you give me recommendations on what next steps to take to improve my char ?

I have plan with 2nd wand with +1 cold spell skills + trigger ... is it ok ?
XxHeartxX wrote:
Damn NoImagination is doing some mad service here on the thread, Respect!

Thanks. The benefits of not having much work this month...

XxHeartxX wrote:
Do you mind taking a peek at mine? I am trying to upgrade mostly in terms of DPS(just wanting to see how far I can push it).

Top of my list would be a Watcher's Eye, as you say. Depending on budget, perhaps you could get a double-mod eye. As you aren't using clear mind, you could add the Precision aura: it makes it easier to find double-mod. Keep in mind that Zealotry may be better than Hatred for this purpose too.

You have the socket by Pain Attunement for it. Do you need the mana from Arcane Capacitor? I didn't find that node very useful.

I died a ton until I hit 97 and decided to play a little more cautiously. Casting totems ahead of you then recasting as you catch up is much safer, now my deaths are from being a moron rather than from being one shot by something (it was usually 20 projectile mobs at once).

From your gear, it may be worth just trying to jump straight into the final gear you'll want on the character. So Warlord's spell damage/chilled fingerless silk gloves, and potentially elevated ailments on boots. I took a step in between for the boots as you can see, these work OK.

You'll likely find awakened spell cascade a decent quality of life improvement. I went for DPS on the anoint and awakened hextouch instead. You can also get 26% quality on flasks via Hillock in research.

Finally, I don't know how hard it is to get a helmet enchant these days, but that's a decent boost. Perhaps if you have enough projectile speed, you can take cast speed instead.

HELLERcz wrote:
can you give me recommendations on what next steps to take to improve my char ?

I have plan with 2nd wand with +1 cold spell skills + trigger ... is it ok ?

I'd look for a 21/23 freezing pulse first if I were you. Wand plans are fine, trigger is a question of preference really. It's worth getting a 2nd medium cluster jewel going - you can use its jewel socket for a Watcher's Eye too. I'd remove Arcane Capacitor and Elemental Focus to pay for the passive points probably.
Last edited by NoImagination on Feb 11, 2021, 4:17:39 PM
There's now another +2/+1 soul mantle for sale for 1 mirror this time. The price is kind of reasonable if you consider the probability of hitting it.

NoImagination wrote:

Top of my list would be a Watcher's Eye, as you say. Depending on budget, perhaps you could get a double-mod eye. As you aren't using clear mind, you could add the Precision aura: it makes it easier to find double-mod. Keep in mind that Zealotry may be better than Hatred for this purpose too.

So drop maybe Vaal haste for the precision and replace hatred with zealotry? (As long as the watchers eye mods make up for it), I dont care much for vaal haste, its just there cuz I had 1 gem slot.
NoImagination wrote:

You have the socket by Pain Attunement for it. Do you need the mana from Arcane Capacitor? I didn't find that node very useful.

I am running lvl 15(+2) arcane surge (2 casts of frostbite) and pretty much spam frostbite to spend mana(800-1000 easily) so I get 50-60% increased effect of arcane surge so its a decent chunk of dps boost as well.(About 24% more dps than lvl 6(+2) without capacitor)
NoImagination wrote:

I died a ton until I hit 97 and decided to play a little more cautiously. Casting totems ahead of you then recasting as you catch up is much safer, now my deaths are from being a moron rather than from being one shot by something (it was usually 20 projectile mobs at once).

Yeah, I had like 0 deaths between 93-95 and then died like 30 times at 95 lol. Its not the build, its me for sure, lol.

NoImagination wrote:

You'll likely find awakened spell cascade a decent quality of life improvement. I went for DPS on the anoint and awakened hextouch instead. You can also get 26% quality on flasks via Hillock in research.

Thanks for the suggestion, I didn't even think about Flasks. Though if I go the hextouch route, I'd have to move arcane surge to frost bomb which can't be spammed so I'd have to drop it to a lower level, hmm. At that point capacitor 3 points might not be worth it, I see why you dropped it.

NoImagination wrote:

Finally, I don't know how hard it is to get a helmet enchant these days, but that's a decent boost. Perhaps if you have enough projectile speed, you can take cast speed instead.

These are stupidly expensive and overpriced.(I mean guess its a huge opportunity cost to enchant these helms so there's that). Its like 30-45ex so thats gonna be the very last upgrade, if I do upgrade it given how expensive vs how little it does, rather spent that on crafting wands haha.

Thanks a lot for the insights again ^^
loloppe wrote:
There's now another +2/+1 soul mantle for sale for 1 mirror this time. The price is kind of reasonable if you consider the probability of hitting it.

What was your strategy for the 2nd half of Encounters VII loloppe?
XxHeartxX wrote:
So drop maybe Vaal haste for the precision and replace hatred with zealotry? (As long as the watchers eye mods make up for it), I dont care much for vaal haste, its just there cuz I had 1 gem slot.

Yeh, I found there was quite a lot that I just wasn't really using. Vaal haste & increased duration, increased duration on the curse, & second wind were all gems I didn't use really. I went for phase run and precision instead, though I think Vaal Haste is just fine if you aren't nuking bosses immediately.

Right now, Maven's Nucleus dies as she spawns map bosses, so it doesn't seem worth it anymore.

Oh, and re: hextouch - you do indeed lose some arcane surge damage, but you're gaining double curse which is more damage when you need it for the single target stuff, plus some cold exposure with Hydrosphere. I believe that doesn't stack with frost bomb though.
Last edited by NoImagination on Feb 12, 2021, 4:28:29 AM
NoImagination wrote:

Oh, and re: hextouch - you do indeed lose some arcane surge damage, but you're gaining double curse which is more damage when you need it for the single target stuff, plus some cold exposure with Hydrosphere. I believe that doesn't stack with frost bomb though.

I am running whispers of doom with snipers, tho I guess if I go this route its triple cursing. The exposure doesn't stack? I thought the exposure from hydroshere was a new debuff called "drenched"
XxHeartxX wrote:
I am running whispers of doom with snipers, tho I guess if I go this route its triple cursing. The exposure doesn't stack? I thought the exposure from hydroshere was a new debuff called "drenched"

It just says "cold exposure applies -25% cold resistance" so I would have thought it didn't stack, just replaces.

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