So, GGG, about the Skin Transfer MTX Anointment Bug
" Don't expect other people are automatically honest, honorable and care about doing the right thing. If you assume they are not, you won't be disappointed very often and when you are wrong it will be a pleasant surprise. Athlete: The new drug is 'technically' ok to use, they haven't banned it yet. If they ban it and I get caught they'll take away my gold medal but I probably won't get caught. But if I don't use it someone else will and he'll win the gold medal instead. Yep I get it. Not going to agree but I understand why people think that way. |
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" I don't automatically expect people to be honest. People are allowed to be as dishonest as they want. There's no law against being dishonest. I just find it fun to debate with people who tries to defend their dishonesty, or people with a broken compass that are unable to spot their dishonesty. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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" you see thats exactly what im saying, i never said illegally, for example i still have the armor i culd maybe find somone and get rid of it, thats wrong and i wont do it, the problem is the fact we didnt know its gonna get removed, it was just a speculation... i am happy with removing all those items, its fair to everyone i truly am, but we didnt know they will remove them, there is so many shit that stayed in this game, let me give you example. last league people where crafting 25% dmg conversion on bench even tho they knowed its a bug, because they had gloves with 25% allready, later when i was making jugg, i wanted full conversion and i have bought those gloves for 100ex. shit gloves just a converion. now was that wrong i did? noone cared GGG fixed crafting bench but those gloves stayed in game, alot people had them and i was buying them later for 100ex insteed of geting them for 10ex when they where available. do you understand now what i mean? if GGG have typed "we fixed this bug we will remove items " i wuld not buy it, last league they fixed a bug, and they didnt say shit about removing or anything just like this league, but this league was so many rage posts about it that they decided to remove them all, but the fact is that WE DIDNT KNOW yes i was guessing but i didnt wanted to pay later 10x price for somthing that i can get now even tho its gonna get removed. in my opinion as soon as they seen that people abusing that, they shuld take som actions aganst it and no problem. all what i have said is, that i have bought the armor with risk of geting removed, somtime they do remove items, somtime they dont. usualy when they not remove them those items cost alot more and then i am the idiot and retard who didnt buy it when had a chance, insteed pay like 10x price abit later. you said you wuld not buy audi, but if audi give you no answer its illegall or not what is the rison to not buy it? GGG gave no statment they just "fix it" like evrything alse in this game. I DID NO USE, I DID NOT SELL, I DID NOT CRAFT, i bought the armor IF THEY LET IT IN GAME. thats it. and i have say multiple time that those items are totaly unfair to evryone, i was talking on stream jesterday about it like 1hour, they are totaly unfair, its bullsh1t how people got them, i bought it because every top player had one and i dont want to be exception. and like i said for example , if you come to audi factory and its the car is sitting there, and audi do nothing about it, what is wrong with buying it? same with GGG they "fixed" but they did nothing about it till jesterday. | |
" No, I said "illegally". Why won't you sell it? Why is that "bad"?, when buying it is "OK"? It's not about IF the item would be destroyed. It's not about the "risk". It's about YOU buying an item you KNEW was made "illegally". You KNEW this item was never meant to exist, and you bought it anyway. You KNEW the people who made the item broke the rules, saying "thou shall not exploit". I'm done. Not only do I disagree with every letter you write, I also find it very hard do discuss with people not knowing what a paragraph is. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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why the fuck did they announce the deletion of the items beforehand?
because you needed to support the game before being able to abuse the bug? offline
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" well what you saying now is just philosiphy, are you playing this game illegally? how many people where going to summon minions back in the days in shaper realm and troll content because they didnt scale with levels, that was illegall then but noone care still illegall because its not intended to be like that, how many people where using in beta RF with weapon swap for more damage with redbeaks? it was bug for years till they kill it. it was still illegall and every RF was doing it. that was wrong too? maybe not but hey its illegall right? why is that illegall? who said its illegal? GGG said nothing about it till jesterday! if item is in game it is not illegal and thats it. thats the fact. let me give you really nice example, on 1 of your character you have legacy cloak of defience, tell me is that item ilegall? you will laugh on my question and you wil say its not the same, but hey its the same, you have legacy item that is not possible to get anymore unless you do what? buy it from market, that item have mod removed with rison, and somone who start to play standard will never be able to find that item, so technicly it shuld be illegall by your words? so we all know its not illegall but why is not illegall? because GGG didnt remove it out of game, just like elder stygian belts that exist on standard and sells as base for xx amount of exalteds, just like double legacy shav, just like 1000 life kaoms heart, how is fair for somone to use 1000 life on chest piece and i can only afford 500 on my? does that guy have illegall item? no he dosnt, and why his item is legit, because its not removed from the game its still in the game, is 50% conversion gloves illegall? from last league? is elder stygian illegall? they are not because they didnt remove them. if this sh1t didnt happen to be made with microtransaction wich requaire real money to get, i am 90% shure they wuld not remove them, i am shure they remove them because technicly if they let them stay in the game it wuld be pay to win for people who was crafting them, it is not pay to win for me because i have payed 50exalteds wich take me 2days to get. problem with anoinment is that only people with skin transfers had acces to aquaire those in that short amount of time, and people who didnt had, those people had no chance to get them unless pay from market, however those items on market was available to everyone just like elder stygian, just like legacy kaom, just like legacy shav, just like conversion gloves and so on... they where on market available for everyone so there is nothing wrong with buying any of those items. if you buy 1000 life kaoms heart is that make you bad person because you have it and i dont? item is in game, ggg have allowed that item to stay in the game, there is nothing wrong with buying it, as long as first 24hours or we. GGG have allowed those items to stay on market and they didnt say anything, there was no statment they gonna stay or get removed, if ggg have seen that after 30min or whatever, they shuld hit fix and instantly type " we will remove all items" they wuld prevent alot of things happening and alot of people who crafted multiple items wuld never did what they did. ggg let people sell for so long, so noone was shure will they stay or not, i play from beta and im telling you, they usualy leave items in the game, and those items go legacy, just like 50% conversion gloves wich are not available anymore to craft. | |
" OK. " That item wasn't made from an exploit or a bug. I hope you see the difference. You clearly don't. Let's not drag this out anymore. We disagree about the morals. Let's just stop. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you. Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Oct 5, 2019, 7:57:10 AM
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Can someone TLDR the argument between cibo and Phrazz
wtf is going on "Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019 "It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020 Last edited by girng#7675 on Oct 5, 2019, 8:57:38 AM
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" Pointless bickering about morality and player self accountability using bugged items. When in fact it makes no difference as all the items are being removed. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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i'd be pissed if i ever played standard or if the leagues didnt reset every 3 months.
sure it sucks that those who abused it will keep their unethical exalts/currency but on the other hand it's all wiped by next league and im never going to play standard... /shrug as long as GGG learned something valuable from the debacle, it's all good in my book, considering the 3 months leagues and the state of standard. Last edited by teksuoPOE#2987 on Oct 5, 2019, 1:28:46 PM
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