So, GGG, about the Skin Transfer MTX Anointment Bug

is there any news that items was removed/deleted? i saw few...
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Phrazz wrote:
čibo wrote:
i own one of the items, i bought it for 50exalteds

i dont think its anything wrong in buying the item you want, exploiting somthing is however somthing difrante.

You have to be joking, right?

You see nothing wrong in BUYING an exploited item, but you see something wrong in exploiting?

And no, it's not different. Buying an item made from an exploit is just as much part of the problem. If there's a demand for exploited item, people will exploit the system to create the supply.

Removing the anointments from non-blight uniques should be an easy task - and should've been done a long time ago.

No it is not the same, i didnt made any profit of this, it wuld be fair if GGG allowed those items to stay? then what? other top delvers wuld have x-y amount of dps that i can not get, and not buying it wuld be stupid, i didnt use the item because i dont support this, i still have it in my stash waiting to poof because it wuld be wrong try to sell, in my opinion its a scam, if i didnt buy that armor and ggg didnt remove it from the game, i wuld end up later buying it for prolly 2mirror because adventuly i wuld need to get it to min max my dps.
IF ggg did not remove, that wuld mean they not care, so why i wuld care to not buy it? because then it wuld be obvious that THERE IS NOTHING wrong, like i said i dont like what happen, i do not support people who abused this sh1t, and i wuld like to get it removed even tho i spent 50ex for it. you guys might not understand me, but when you spend 1000+ exalteds on your character there is barly any good upgrade unless your buying 200+ex each slot item, and 50ex for amount of dmg i get is defenetly worth it. you can check on my stream, i am not using it because its unfair, non of top delvers use it, we all waited to see what will happen from GGG side, only difrance btw me and other people is the fact that i didnt made item, i bought it. so your argument calling its the same buy item and make 3000 exalteds of exploit is the same as buying a single chest piece is actuly stupid.
It is unknown for how long this bug was exploited - close groups of cheaters could abuse it since day 1 of the league to have unfair advantage over other players.

For me personally, nothing surprising here. When i called GGG development as untested and with no research in background - my post was deleted and i was banned for 3 days. Aaaaaaand... here we go - p2w exploit that uses MTX to alter stats of items. I guess it is cheaper to censor and bully players who do criticism than to write quality code.
retired from forum because of censorship and discrimination
(also poe2 bad)
xMustard wrote:

those that don't think about it first, or don't get to be in the know end up salty and want people to get banned etc.

I want to people get banned who are breaking the game with cheating and make money from it. Because that ruins gaming long term and i want to be able to game for longer. If you look item listings on trade sites, those cheaters are listing their items and preying on the weak.

I'm happy for people like epsi who figured out that onslaught boot crafting and making his goose boots, or looking that league for a explody sceptre.

čibo wrote:

Just stop it dude, are you teaching your kids too its ok to cheat and bend the system because they can get away with it? As an parent/adult you should be far more responsible. You just dont get to keep a stolen car just because someone put a different license plate on it.
Outcome 1 - the items/anointments are deleted. Abusers keep the currency. Majority of people are pissed off.

Outcome 2 - the items/anointments are deleted. Abusers are rolledback/banned.
Majority of people will accept this.

Outcome 3 - the bug is made official, and people can make more. Majority of people will kinda accept it, but is unintentional power creep.

My money's on outcome 1. The items will be altered and anointments removed. GGG won't spend the time reviewing accounts, rolling back, banning people.

End result,
Those who SPENT currency to buy the items lose out. <-- e.g 50ex for that shield.
Those who ABUSED the bug and tested it, but didn't sell it, lose the items. <-- Not a big issue.
Those who ABUSED the bug, sold the items, and made TONS of currency, will get to keep it all.

Shitty outcome, but I guess it's what will happen.
Last edited by IrishRoyal#4223 on Oct 5, 2019, 3:50:46 AM
RRoyalMarine wrote:
Outcome 1 - the items/anointments are deleted. Abusers keep the currency. Majority of people are pissed off.

Outcome 2 - the items/anointments are deleted. Abusers are rolledback/banned.
Majority of people will accept this.

Outcome 3 - the bug is made official, and people can make more. Majority of people will kinda accept it, but is unintentional power creep.

My money's on outcome 1. The items will be altered and anointments removed. GGG won't spend the time reviewing accounts, rolling back, banning people.

End result,
Those who SPENT currency to buy the items lose out. <-- e.g 50ex for that shield.
Those who ABUSED the bug and tested it, but didn't sell it, lose the items. <-- Not a big issue.
Those who ABUSED the bug, sold the items, and made TONS of currency, will get to keep it all.

Shitty outcome, but I guess it's what will happen.

girng wrote:
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
pifpep wrote:
xMustard wrote:

those that don't think about it first, or don't get to be in the know end up salty and want people to get banned etc.

I want to people get banned who are breaking the game with cheating and make money from it. Because that ruins gaming long term and i want to be able to game for longer. If you look item listings on trade sites, those cheaters are listing their items and preying on the weak.

I'm happy for people like epsi who figured out that onslaught boot crafting and making his goose boots, or looking that league for a explody sceptre.

čibo wrote:

Just stop it dude, are you teaching your kids too its ok to cheat and bend the system because they can get away with it? As an parent/adult you should be far more responsible. You just dont get to keep a stolen car just because someone put a different license plate on it.

so it is wrong to buy item that might get destroyed or might not? what is wrong there? explain me please, i didnt craft it i didnt abuse anything, i didnt even use armor, but it wuld be UNFAIR if GGG didnt do shit about it and i didnt get it, what is wrong in buying armor ? explain me since your a smart ass
čibo wrote:
so it is wrong to buy item that might get destroyed or might not? what is wrong there? explain me please, i didnt craft it i didnt abuse anything, i didnt even use armor, but it wuld be UNFAIR if GGG didnt do shit about it and i didnt get it, what is wrong in buying armor ? explain me since your a smart ass

It is wrong in the same way that buying stolen goods is wrong in the real world. Would you buy stolen goods in the real world?

Relax, dude. This is a game. But it's still "wrong" from a moral perspective. You're looking at it from a practical perspective. Ask yourself these questions:

1) Is it/should it be "wrong" to (knowingly) buy stolen/abused/exploited items in PoE?

2) If it's easy to sell abused/exploited items to people like you, are the abusers/exploiters likely to make more of these items?

3) If you answered yes to any of those, you're part of the problem, and yes - what you've done is "wrong".

Now, go play the game and stop making a fool of yourself.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
čibo wrote:
so it is wrong to buy item that might get destroyed or might not? what is wrong there? explain me please, i didnt craft it i didnt abuse anything, i didnt even use armor, but it wuld be UNFAIR if GGG didnt do shit about it and i didnt get it, what is wrong in buying armor ? explain me since your a smart ass

It is wrong in the same way that buying stolen goods is wrong in the real world. Would you buy stolen goods in the real world?

Relax, dude. This is a game. But it's still "wrong" from a moral perspective. You're looking at it from a practical perspective. Ask yourself these questions:

1) Is it/should it be "wrong" to (knowingly) buy stolen/abused/exploited items in PoE?

2) If it's easy to sell abused/exploited items to people like you, are the abusers/exploiters likely to make more of these items?

3) If you answered yes to any of those, you're part of the problem, and yes - what you've done is "wrong".

Now, go play the game and stop making a fool of yourself.

so who stole what in this case? what are you talking about? so in your opinion its wrong to buy for examplt tornado shot helmet with +2 proj because its just to overpowerd and its gonna nerfed? it was wrong for me to sell +2 ts fractal for 2mirror because its unfair advantage that other people cant afford it?
what is wrong of buying an item from if that is so much wrong and really that bad GGG shuld shot down servers and remove them instantly when that happen, if they not care that much why i shuld?

1) no i dont see anything wrong in buying busted item, there was tons of them before and will be more

2) they can not make more because they fix it, and thats the whole point, they fix it but they didnt remove item, so it was the question will those items stay in the game or not? if they gonna stay ill risk my chance by buying the item right now for 50ex insteed of paying 2mirror after GGG say we will not remove, or ill lose like i did 50ex wich noone gives a shit so neither do i. i have stated that they shuld remove all of them but if som people will use them to get advantage over me with it, no it is not wrong for me to do the same, lets say you are on som competition in real life, host said that using XXX thing is legit however not all competitors can afford it but you can, you wuld not use it? com on be real

3) that item means nothing to me literly nothing like i said i have prolly 300ex in crafts and whatever, my gear is arround 800ex by now ish. 50ex mean nothing to pay IF GGG SAID THEY WILL NOT REMOVE, what part you dont understand? if they didnt do shit about it, other people wuld have it, other people wuld get 10% damage where i can not get because item is now 2mirror for example, so yes it is not wrong to buy it, GGG didnt said they gonna remove them nor they will keep them, it was a gamble i was willing to take, it wuld be a bullsh... if they didnt remove those items but then i wuld have it without paying 2mirror for it....
and what you saying is: if ggg said theoreticly "we are sorry this bug happen but we fix it, existing items will stay in game" so its wrong to get it then for 2mirror ? or its still wrong? i agree its wrong but its also wrong not to buy it if i can because i am missing on somthing what other people have to push with, i am happy with removing that items, and all those people who where abusing them to make fat profit shuld be banned. i cant blaim anyone for making armor for it self i understand, but i know for the fact that one guy made 23 mirror out of that shit, and people like that shuld get banned.

answer me this question: ( its example ) you can buy audi lets say A5 brand new from market for 50 000euro, and you can buy audi A5 with full equipment more PS it use less fuel then first car, and it come together with lets say 20 000 euro more valuble equipment, and you can buy it for same price on same market, please tell me that your moral compass wuld not let you buy it because its worth more its better and it shuld not be at that market for that price, so its still on market, its removed from production because its not suposed to be producted that way, but its on market, you wuld not buy it? com on get real
čibo wrote:
So in your opinion its wrong to buy for examplt tornado shot helmet with +2 proj because its just to overpowerd and its gonna nerfed?

It has nothing to do about how powerful the items are. You bought something you KNEW was never meant to be in the game, something GGG never intended for; hence and exploit. Made from abusing an oversight or a bug.

they can not make more because they fix it

Jesus. But BEFORE they fixed it, everyone BUYING them (you) will indirectly create MORE of these items in the economy; you create the demand; others create the supply. Why did you know it was a "risk" involved? Because you KNEW the item was made "illegally". You bought this "illegal" item, knowing someone did something "wrong" when they created it. Hence my (bad) example of real life stolen goods. Same principle.

Your example: If I knew that the Audi had been made illegally? No, I wouldn't buy it.

If you don't see anything wrong with that, we're on two different planets and this discussion is futile.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Oct 5, 2019, 5:34:03 AM

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