3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

tffiad wrote:
brunowa wrote:
tffiad wrote:
Vaal Haste is not active... only for bosses.

This gives Avian as well.

So we get Pride, Hatred, Dread Banner, Clarity and Vaal Haste all linked with Generosity.

We get Discipline on top and also Aspect of the Avian.


why u link pride with enlighten if u already have it no mana reserved?

Still need to have gem somewhere. It can go anywhere in setup... But no matter where it's put it makes no diff.

indeed, it makes a lot of sense.

i think its better to have aul with haste reserves no mana, place haste outside of enlighten, and fill the slot with another aura like banner/precision/anything for 35% if u got enough mana reserve from tree.

ive got only one question, is it worth in terms of dps, or generosity effect for pride is better than banner/35% aura for dps?

I don't think Generosity affects Pride. Been messing around with the aura setup in POB and I found removing Hatred and moving Pride to gloves, and adding Flesh & Stone + Maim Support into body gives slightly higher DPS.
Last edited by Blu3166 on Jan 22, 2020, 4:17:26 AM
JCOH35 wrote:
The Lethal Pride Jewel has to be the worst thing in the game, it just swallows all my money whole.

I am giving up at this point, im not thrilled with the placement and I really wanted either extra fortify or intimidate but im quitting with;

15% Increased Strength / 40 Flat Strength / Attack Dmg Leeched as Life / 5% Physical taken as Fire Dmg

It will let me break 1500 with just 1 brawn or flat STR/ES jewel thrown in so it will do, I dont want to give up my Stampede Boots or go through the drama of a double influenced neck for any more STR, 1500 and a lil change will be good.

if u maxing ur eHP u bot a nice lethal pride. but if u trying to max ur dps, then hubris with just 160minion damage will be better. u can sit with 1300str~ and do more dmg with hubris, than those 2 extra zombies.
Sisilim wrote:
guys i currently have 1 exalted orb and 300 chaos, how much currency do i need so i can craft the weapon with or without fortify?

Generally speaking, things sell in trade for close to, or a little over what it would cost to craft them. That's the "average" cost for crafting so you could get lucky, or not (usually not in my experience).

Broadly speaking, you're looking at several Ex to craft including a 6 link base so you're currently a long way off.
Blu3166 wrote:

I don't think Generosity affects Pride. Been messing around with the aura setup in POB and I found removing Hatred and moving Pride to gloves, and adding Flesh & Stone + Maim Support into body gives slightly higher DPS.

even better then. so we can throw out pride from body to place something that works with generosity.
Is there a reason to pick a hunter belt with increased attribute % over an elder one with increased attribute %?

Elder bases are less than half the cost.
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Mubbsy wrote:
Is there a reason to pick a hunter belt with increased attribute % over an elder one with increased attribute %?

Elder bases are less than half the cost.

heavy belt -> elder

stygian -> hunter
tffiad wrote:
brunowa wrote:

You can't get more movement speed with those boots.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend them because they slow you down. But it does provide a "cruisy" playstyle because you just hold down cyclone key and move through everything at a constant speed.

Using alternate boots with strength or resistances you could free up passive points and spec into more damage too.

ur movement speed with those boots stays on par with 50% movespeed boots. this boots allow u use cyclone setup in chest and add some useful gems to cast while channeling chain, since u cyclone all time anyway.

What are you using for a cyclone 6L, does vulnerability work with cast while channeling? It would be nice to free up some mana reservation, thanks.

i have problems with the Sirius Awakened Lvl8 Fight. I die between 2 - 4 times. Can you help me to be better? :)

I think my problem is the Hyper Beam Barrage Attack in Phase 3. I run around but sometimes he hit me and i cant move and then i die with the next hit.

For the Sirius Fight i switch my rings for +75% Chaos Resistance.

What kind of Flask can help me?

AFrese wrote:

i have problems with the Sirius Awakened Lvl8 Fight. I die between 2 - 4 times. Can you help me to be better? :)

I think my problem is the Hyper Beam Barrage Attack in Phase 3. I run around but sometimes he hit me and i cant move and then i die with the next hit.

For the Sirius Fight i switch my rings for +75% Chaos Resistance.

What kind of Flask can help me?

best way until u learn him

1x karui blood
4x eternal/divine life flask with immunes to bleed, freeze, shock, burn.

technically u can drop bleed flask because u have bone armour which gives immune to bleed for its duration.

but well, generally u should just avoid to get hit by this at all. if u somehow cant do it all time, then at least try to learn when he does that beam and pop ur freeze immune flask even before beam started. once u see it started just flame dash outta to any direction. main issue with that bean, that with 10k eHP u can actually survive 1st and 2nd hits, but if u got frozen - its death.

also before using beam he says "die". so once u hear it, u can press ur flask immune and within 1second he will cast that shit. since u r playing necro, u dont even need to bother about dealing dmg. u hear "die" start to flame dash for next 3sec with popped flask.

also once he starts his "everlasting fire", (4rays into one place) be prepared since there will be a two beams. he will teleport and slam one, and another one after he says "feel a thrill of the void".

i failed killing him for like 4 times, before i managed to learn his pattern. also, never cyclone out of labyrint thingie. just run by ur own and use flame dashes along
Many thanks for the help, i try it by next Sirius Fight.

I dont see anything with 16 Zombie + 12 Skeletons + 45 Vaal Skelies :) I think i will hear for "die".

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