3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

So I just hit level 68 and equipped all my gear. Got just over 1500 str with 5k life and 4k Es. I don't have any ascendency at all or high gem levels but the zombies are just shredding t5 metas in one or two seconds lol.

Can't wait to get all my ascendency points and level some more tomorrow
sabermetrics wrote:

There's a few reasons why less people use Elegant Hubris. First is like you've said, slotted in the typical bottom left slot of the tree, I ended up losing around 700-800 hp, which is a huge hit to survivability. I, for one, did not like that tradeoff.

The other is that it's much more difficult to roll a "good" one in comparison to a lethal pride. Because hubris removes the tree passive entirely, you can't just roll an average/mediocre one. If you're going to use one, it has to be REALLY good already to overcome the loss of passives (i.e. at least 2x 80% minion damage, with very little to no extra points spent).

Having said that, most people do end up using Brawn to bump strength up. I know you said that you're not looking for more strength, but keep in mind more strength = more melee phys dmg for your zombies. So strength = more damage anyways, especially if you can push for another extra zombie.

Thanks for the info! I will give lethal pride a shot with that in mind, looking at how many different rolls there are for notables, it seems like it will take a TON of divines to get one with even 10% strength though. Brawn I guess might work in the meantime.
Updated Gear section with some more alternatives to gear:

Last edited by brunowa on Jan 21, 2020, 5:57:16 PM

Hi Guys,

As per above, here is an alternate aura setup you may like to try. It works quite well as long as you can hit your attribute requirements elsewhere.

Use Aul's for free Pride.

Hastred, Vaal Haste, Dread Banner in chest linked with Enlighten and Generosity. Vaal Haste is purely for vaal hasting on bosses.

Discipline in gloves.

Convocation in helmet instead of Minion Life.

So this gives you 5 auras. On top of that it can be done without the Sovereignty cluster so you get 4 free points.

So I'm currently running:

Hatred, Pride, Dread Banner, Vaal Haste, Discipline, Clarity

For more DPS you can swap Discipline with Skitterbots.

For more resistances you can swap Discipline with Purity of Elements.

If you want another aura you can re-take a reduced mana reervation node (4% is enough) and use Saqawal's nest allowing you to use Flesh and Stone or Aspect of the Avian as well. This comes at the cost of about 1300 eHP.

Pretty awesome!
Last edited by brunowa on Jan 21, 2020, 6:18:51 PM
How should I go about trying to craft a belt?
I already have a ilvl 85 heavy belt base to try. Should I just spam alt+regal until I get something good enough?
fletch101 wrote:
I am certain this has been asked.

Looking for a trade search link that works for the 2H weapon. There are currently none on sale with:

1. 2h
2. 6l
3. +1 socket gems
4. minions deal incr damage
5. minions have incr cast speed
6. minions have incr atk speed

You need to look for the crafted modifiers under the crafted category instead of pseudo.

Here's a link for all 2-handed's with 6L, the required mods all with decent rolls. Play with the rolls as you see fit for your budget.


(this is assuming you also wanted +2 to socketed support gems, because no one crafts just minion atk/cast speed as the only crafted mod, since +2 support gems is a far higher increase to dps)
"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
Last edited by Mubbsy on Jan 21, 2020, 6:25:51 PM
I started using this necro build (was using pure physical skellies before) and for sure looks promising but I have a question...

Since we use Shaper's touch and Geofri's which boost energy shield wouldn't it be better to go full ES build? Like CI etc...

Anybody tried this build with hungry loop ring ? Thinking about 5L golem in it.
brunowa wrote:

Hi Guys,

As per above, here is an alternate aura setup you may like to try. It works quite well as long as you can hit your attribute requirements elsewhere.

Use Aul's for free Pride.

Hastred, Vaal Haste, Dread Banner in chest linked with Enlighten and Generosity. Vaal Haste is purely for vaal hasting on bosses.

Discipline in gloves.

Convocation in helmet instead of Minion Life.

So this gives you 5 auras. On top of that it can be done without the Sovereignty cluster so you get 4 free points.

So I'm currently running:

Hatred, Pride, Dread Banner, Vaal Haste, Discipline, Clarity

For more DPS you can swap Discipline with Skitterbots.

For more resistances you can swap Discipline with Purity of Elements.

If you want another aura you can re-take a reduced mana reervation node (4% is enough) and use Saqawal's nest allowing you to use Flesh and Stone or Aspect of the Avian as well. This comes at the cost of about 1300 eHP.

Pretty awesome!

I plugged all these auras into PoB, while using the Aul's Uprising for Pride, and I can't fit these all in:

LV4 Enlighten
Vaal Haste
Dread Banner

Discipline in gloves
Aspect of the Avian

Using Sovereignty cluster (6+4+4) AND Champion of the Cause (4). I'm still at -12% mana reserved. This is also using Saqawal's Nest with 10% reduction too. Am I missing something?
Last edited by sabermetrics on Jan 21, 2020, 6:43:32 PM
Vaal Haste is not active... only for bosses.

This gives Avian as well.

So we get Pride, Hatred, Dread Banner, Clarity and Vaal Haste all linked with Generosity.

We get Discipline on top and also Aspect of the Avian.


Last edited by brunowa on Jan 21, 2020, 6:48:42 PM

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