3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

DeoVolentex wrote:
How do u increased damage further i am using this setup atm. any tips from somewane would be realy nice. i got some currency to spent.

1445 str.

I know i need to lvl my gems but i am also testing geofri's. still need to decide what i want to use.

You are close to 1500+ str break point. Quality your rings and belt for starters.

Heres some other options:
-Crafting or purchasing a neck with %str and %atrbs.
-Gloves for Vuln on Hit corruption.
-Empower Lv 4.
I am certain this has been asked.

Looking for a trade search link that works for the 2H weapon. There are currently none on sale with:

1. 2h
2. 6l
3. +1 socket gems
4. minions deal incr damage
5. minions have incr cast speed
6. minions have incr atk speed
Last edited by fletch101 on Jan 21, 2020, 4:43:20 PM
Durahal wrote:
DeoVolentex wrote:
How do u increased damage further i am using this setup atm. any tips from somewane would be realy nice. i got some currency to spent.

1445 str.

I know i need to lvl my gems but i am also testing geofri's. still need to decide what i want to use.

You are close to 1500+ str break point. Quality your rings and belt for starters.

Heres some other options:
-Crafting or purchasing a neck with %str and %atrbs.
-Gloves for Vuln on Hit corruption.
-Empower Lv 4.

Also, if damage is what you're after. Try this:

Get an Auls amulet with pride reserves no mana. Then you can run another aura.

Use Elegant Hubris.

Spec your tree into more offensive nodes.

These will however decrease your defence a little.
Fiskaflesket wrote:
Hi guys, finally figured ut how to link my gear.. my god..
Im pretty new to the game, but this build made me go further than ever, 1 more awakener guardian, then first fight vs sirus lvl. 8 =)

I really dont know what to uppgrade here.. maybe a lvl 4 enlighten?
Should need new rings i guess?
Maybe vulnerability on gloves, what to i replace the chest with then?

got lucky i think with the lethal tempo. gave me 15% str. so i m just over 1500 strenght right now.
Got around 8 exalts as we speak..

Would love some help going further..!

PS. Do u change any of the gems before boss fights?

Thx brunowa and ppl helping us noobs!

I'll just bump it here, cause I fuc*ed when posting this..! :O
Fiskaflesket wrote:
Fiskaflesket wrote:
Hi guys, finally figured ut how to link my gear.. my god..
Im pretty new to the game, but this build made me go further than ever, 1 more awakener guardian, then first fight vs sirus lvl. 8 =)

I really dont know what to uppgrade here.. maybe a lvl 4 enlighten?
Should need new rings i guess?
Maybe vulnerability on gloves, what to i replace the chest with then?

got lucky i think with the lethal tempo. gave me 15% str. so i m just over 1500 strenght right now.
Got around 8 exalts as we speak..

Would love some help going further..!

PS. Do u change any of the gems before boss fights?

Thx brunowa and ppl helping us noobs!

I'll just bump it here, cause I fuc*ed when posting this..! :O

Looks pretty good.

Depends what your goals are.. faster? Tankier? More DPS?

Vuln on gloves is easy option. Then use skitterbots and generosity or something of that nature in chest.

How do you calculate your zombies true DMG?
I already imported my build to POB but dont know how to check it...
@brunowa is your skill tree from the thread up-to-date or rather that you are currently using

because you use raven horde and I death attunement

what is better
Last edited by Starxick on Jan 21, 2020, 5:11:00 PM
brunowa wrote:
Fiskaflesket wrote:
Fiskaflesket wrote:
Hi guys, finally figured ut how to link my gear.. my god..
Im pretty new to the game, but this build made me go further than ever, 1 more awakener guardian, then first fight vs sirus lvl. 8 =)

I really dont know what to uppgrade here.. maybe a lvl 4 enlighten?
Should need new rings i guess?
Maybe vulnerability on gloves, what to i replace the chest with then?

got lucky i think with the lethal tempo. gave me 15% str. so i m just over 1500 strenght right now.
Got around 8 exalts as we speak..

Would love some help going further..!

PS. Do u change any of the gems before boss fights?

Thx brunowa and ppl helping us noobs!

I'll just bump it here, cause I fuc*ed when posting this..! :O

Looks pretty good.

Depends what your goals are.. faster? Tankier? More DPS?

Vuln on gloves is easy option. Then use skitterbots and generosity or something of that nature in chest.

Thx mate!
Well i would like more dmg, ofc =) i think i can som tankier with better rings with life an ES right? My goal is like ur build i guess.. =) But from here: maybe an enlighten lvl4, better rings and vuln i gloves then?

What do u guys think of resist as aura instead of vuln if i get gloves with it? then i can focus on other stats on rings (cheaper maybe for me even?).

Thx u and the rest for great help!
Last edited by Fiskaflesket on Jan 21, 2020, 5:12:53 PM

Anything I could improve/change?

I switched gear and added a lethal pride giving me 15%str in order to get 1500+ total strength. I have now 16Z but I lost something like 20k damage for my zombies (based on POB).

I feel tankier but of course, the boots are kinda slowing me down. Is there a way to get more movement speed?

I was able to keep the best of both worlds switching to my

I am back to 1,466 STR, all I need to do now is divine spam my 10% Lethal Pride to 15 and I will have my 15th zombie back and the most amazing boots ever created.

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