3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

there is 3 wasted passives you could get 70 str + 8% increased str instead you used it for 60 str + 10 int
Eisbehr wrote:
Use the setup for AG as described in the first post. My AG never ever was close to die. I made him up once and now he is immortal and works really great! Do it, you will not regret it. ;)

OK, I'll bite the bullet on this one! Are there any guidelines for the crafted chest besides the crafted veil enchant? High life / ES / res?

Edit, got this after some research (which I enchanted):

Last edited by Ohtee on Jan 21, 2020, 11:12:27 AM
If you had a few extra sockets what would you run besides skeletons.

Reason I ask is since switching to The Stampede I no longer need or use phase run as my cyclone is perma phasing at quicksilver speed.

I switched to a 4 link carrion golem setup just so those sockets didnt go to waste but I was just guessing with carrion / multistrike / melee phys dmg / minion damage.

Give me other ideas/ options please, thank you =).
Circled wrote:
mickeymicky wrote:
Circled wrote:
I'm having some trouble hitting 1K strength atm (should I even aim for it?)

Current gear:

Anything Im missing?

I am full super strong though >=)

Are you using efficient training jewels? Are you using astramentis?

I just opened my Skill tree thing up (atleast I think)


Could you check it out here and see if I;m missing anything?

Im currently hitting like 950~ something strength.

What the other guy above said, also look for an astramentis that already has 20% attribute and annointment, they are usually a lot cheaper than using catalysts by yourself. You are missing a lot of strength on your gear right now
I'm really enjoying this build, I've been running my cyclone with summon skeles to try out I'm not sure if it's a bad idea but it's doing decent?

hello people !

I would like to thank Brunowa for making this amazing build (and to take time to make this very usefull guide) and all the community to improve it !

I run first with budget items and now i have some currencies (i can spend around 10-15ex) i would improve my built, so I need you ! (im farming for a lvl 21 raise zombie first).

(Sorry if some questions are dumb, I'm a casual gamer and I dont understand everything in PoE, so please be kind ^^).

1. I play general endgame built and I dont have issus with survival (12k eHP) but i think i have a lack in dps. So can you take a look on my build and give me general tips that can help me improve that ?

2. I first think of making a crafted weapon instead of my old queen's escape, will it be a good dps increase ?
And I'm lost in some things : is it better to have 100+ minion damage or lvl 1 fortify, (or a lvl 14+ fortify with old items in standard ?) (in addition of the +1 lvl gems of course) ?
2b. I play on standard, it is possible / interesting to buy a +1/maim ? (and if i can find a 2H mace with maim, is it still possbile to craft ?)

3. I dont care about speed, I mainly play relax and just want big dps and easy boss kills (to have fun and carry my friends), so what is the best setup between auras and skeletons ?

Thank you for reading and I will be glad if some can help me !

See you, exiles !
So just to clarify im not wasting stuff.

I have 20% more minion damage after using a minion skill on both a jewel and enduring bond. That triggers on spiritual aid being cast from the cyclone right?

Also, the two do stack right?

I'm working on moving some points around into the soverignty tree so i can fit my avian aura in with my pride/vuln. (I'm only level 92, but havent really pushed leveling further since its such a slog).

I have question, i use staff
, playing with golems (golems rock), question is should i craft two handed mace with +1 gems, 20 maim or try get staff with +1 gems, minions damage/double damage and craft it?
Kohar wrote:
I have question, i use staff
, playing with golems (golems rock), question is should i craft two handed mace with +1 gems, 20 maim or try get staff with +1 gems, minions damage/double damage and craft it?

The maim mace is gone, only possible in Standart right now. So your best options is the Staff with minion damage and double dmg or a Elder base with Fortify 1. Also Staff is harder to craft than other bases, so keep that in mind.
azith28 wrote:
So just to clarify im not wasting stuff.

I have 20% more minion damage after using a minion skill on both a jewel and enduring bond. That triggers on spiritual aid being cast from the cyclone right?

Also, the two do stack right?

I'm working on moving some points around into the soverignty tree so i can fit my avian aura in with my pride/vuln. (I'm only level 92, but havent really pushed leveling further since its such a slog).

Yes, any skill with the 'Minion' tag will trigger it, including Convocation. They additively stack with all other minion damage increases.

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