3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Pannekeok wrote:
Actually, there IS something like too much dps. You clearly lack the knowledge, like many people here pointed out already. So pls stop being so arrogant by repeating your point over and over like it's the holy rule; it's wrong, accept that.

And you are?

No one offered arguments more than "Its just better" or "Hey your minions get offerings" like if they dont without, jesus. The only way to calculate the real differences was with POB and a bit of tricks, changing impale for minion damage is the only way to make Mistress more usefull than Command, but its hard for people like you to understand it.

Holy rule? You are ridiculous.
Last edited by Jotasinjota on Jan 19, 2020, 3:14:23 PM
Can someone explain to me how the crafted mace with fortify outperforms Queen's Escape? Need a better understanding as to Why excatly the mace is better ^^ im just about ready to start crafting
AFrese wrote:
kevnPOE wrote:
how come you dont use a bleed flask?

You are right. I switch from freeze to bleed.

Just use Bone Armor no need for a bleed flask as bone armor stops bleeding.
emppwnes wrote:
Can someone explain to me how the crafted mace with fortify outperforms Queen's Escape? Need a better understanding as to Why excatly the mace is better ^^ im just about ready to start crafting

higher lvl raise zombies = alot more damage and zombie tankyness
muntaser wrote:
emppwnes wrote:
Can someone explain to me how the crafted mace with fortify outperforms Queen's Escape? Need a better understanding as to Why excatly the mace is better ^^ im just about ready to start crafting

higher lvl raise zombies = alot more damage and zombie tankyness

To explain it more clearly, with that mace you can get lvl 30 zombies,which gives zombies way more base damage, way more cooldown recovery for their slam.
AFrese wrote:
kevnPOE wrote:
how come you dont use a bleed flask?

You are right. I switch from freeze to bleed.

Just use Bone Armor no need for a bleed flask as bone armor stops bleeding.

Is a good idea to use bone armor as an anti bleed? Normally is used to tank, so it could be in cooldown, while a drink could save you.
Pannekeok wrote:
Actually, there IS something like too much dps. You clearly lack the knowledge, like many people here pointed out already. So pls stop being so arrogant by repeating your point over and over like it's the holy rule; it's wrong, accept that.

And you are?

No one offered arguments more than "Its just better" or "Hey your minions get offerings" like if they dont without, jesus. The only way to calculate the real differences was with POB and a bit of tricks, changing impale for minion damage is the only way to make Mistress more usefull than Command, but its hard for people like you to understand it.

Holy rule? You are ridiculous.

Okay than. Stay ignorant and arrogant, no point in arguing with you; it's useless. You do you buddy.
Mistress of Sacrifice permits your Offering skills to also affect you at a 25% reduced level.

So Spirit Offering provides us directly 3% of our maximum life as Energy Shield for each Corpse consumed which will be at least 5 corpses with Desecrate. Therefore every time we cast Spirit Offering we're getting 15% of our life as extra ES as a minimum. Your minions are getting 20% of their life as extra ES.

To fully understand the power of this, consider the detail that EVERY time we cast we instantly get that ES. So charge up your minions, spin away in a safe place away from danger and your ES is always up. Caution, chaos damage will bypass your ES and can kill you.

You also gain an extra 22% to your elemental resistances helping you to cap resists while most gear is focused on the build requirements.

Oh, and don't forget that with Spirit Offering your minions are getting a stonking 29% of their Phys damage as added Chaos damage which is effectively a 29% more damage. (OK, bosses have some resistance, but still this is massive)

In comparison with Commander of Darkness you get a very small increase to attack speed, an increase to minion damage, but that's not the same as More damage, and you get 20% to your resists and also to your minions.

For this build and how it works, Mistress of Sacrifice is by far the better option.

Your tree looks a little inefficient. You shouldn't need the Sacrifice wheel. If you're just using it to get minion leech, then grab the Jewel slot below pain attunement for 2 skill points and grab a jewel that has minion leech on it. Then you've got two extra points to play with.

Also, what's with Dynamo? You know that doesn't help with mana reservation reduction right? If you're only after some extra mana then instead take Arcane Will and you'll at least get some extra ES as well.

Respec Faith and Steel and use the two points to get the Jewel node below Stamina. You automatically get 10 more strength that way plus you get to throw in a cool new rare Jewel. Shop around, there are some very useful ones for good prices.

See if you can stretch to Soul of Steel, the extra max resist and the Phys damage reduction are very helpful.

First of all, you are wrong on everything.

Offerings offer nothing important to our character DEPENDING ON THE OFFERING YOU USING (Simply a bit of ES no stackable), you should read the skill. Mistress only offer duration, no improvement.

Sacrifice wheel is necesary, my minions never die, and i already got a life leech jewel.

Dynamo is because of lethal pride gives me 20str, total 80+ str, working perfect as it is.

Faith and steel is necesary.

Soul of steel Can wait.

Perhaps I worded my information poorly. I did not mean to imply that using Spirit Offering allowed us to stack ES. What it does do is allow us to refresh the extra ES allocation as fast as we can spin/cast it.

For me my ES goes from 2,963 to 4,657 (a gain of 1,694). My life pool is 5,701 so in real terms I'm getting just under 30% of my life as extra ES.

The Ascendancy doesn't offer a great deal directly to our minions, but it offers an enormous amount to us for survivability. There's little point in minions doing some extra damage if we've died.

Apologies for my points about your skill tree, I did not consider you were allocating in order to leverage the Lethal Pride attributes. I do note that since your earlier posts that you've now set your profile to Private. It is entirely your right to conceal your profile, but I feel it does diminish your standing when putting forward your points.

I would like to point out that you initially asked a question about "why Mistress of Sacrifice instead of Commander of Darkness". Following my post in which I provided reasons and justification you proclaimed that I was "wrong on everything". So it appears you have a strong understanding of the two options.

Subsequently you've engaged quite aggressively with other contributors. So I'm curious if you are actually here to contribute positively to this topic, helping others with understanding the various options, or are you just trolling? I actually think that you're English skills are causing you some comprehension issues and rather than give others the benefit of the doubt and asking questions you are blunt and aggressive with your responses.

There's nothing wrong with exploring variations to the core build and informing people of your experiences. It's one of the reasons this thread is so large now, the flexibility available and the number of different options that can be leveraged. So my advice to you would be, discuss a facet of the build but there is no need to be rude and aggressive when doing so. You'll get much further in life with that approach.
Aldora is correct in why I chose Mistress of Sacrifice.

It's simply a fantastic quality of life. I have tested extensively vs Commander of darkness and the difference in DPS is minimal (too small to notice) but the increase in quality of life from mistress is very noticeable.

There are many occasions when you'll be in a situation where you get hit hard, your ES is down and out, and a simply cyclone pops it back up. Has saved me from many, many deaths and allows us to tank bosses like Sirus.
adrienvictor wrote:
Maybe you could also learn to polite and constructive!

Plus stop spreading wrong ideas about mistress of sacrifice: it really is a much better choice for the build. Give you much more survivability and caps your res so you can focus on chaos res.
For me, it boosts my ES from 1700 to 3800 while using it, so no it not insignificant like you said.

Second, you are using flesh offering while everyone (almost) is using sprit offering. So once again, please read before spilling your rude posts and confusing ppl!


Ive been using mistress and spirit offering, changed, by far better.

You say you get 2000 more ES (Its a nice number, i get even more) and Cap ress because of offering (30), while you can cap ress with Commander (20) and benefit increased dps from flesh offering (30% attack speed) instead of phys damage converted to chaos (30%) as speed increases more dps because converting one type of dps doesnt increase, just convert from one to other, if quantity is 500, and you convert 200, you have 300+200=500 (Obvsously chaos resistances are lesser, monsters doesnt care?). Dps is higher with flesh+commander and still ress capped, but if you want 1500 more ES, get it. At this point, the "survival" should be enought, you need to focus on dps to kill things faster and increase your "survival" killing faster and reducing your % to die, instead of be a tank but taking 5 minutes to kill a boss/not able to kill metas. You will survive more if things die faster.

Thats my vision point. At the moment the only with argumets, i dont see anyone explaining a bit more than "its just better because i say it!" or "Because guide says so!".

Cyrom wrote:
Rolling a lethal pride hurts ur wallet... spend 2ex on divines and ended up with 2x 5% and 1x 20str rolls but it is worth it tho! 200 STR gain total from lethal pride alone sitting at 1517 STR now with a total of 16k EHP with 16 zombies doin 437k dps each FeelsGoodMan

With 14455 you got that big str? Nice, im getting only 80 and it has to be on other jewel socket, wasted alot of divines and didnt got anything usefull, just fire resistances.

Voneriksson wrote:
You have either not tried spirit offering, or you dont know how it work,
Apart from the extra 2k-4k effective health you also gain a ton of recovery while cycloning

Meh, im tired of this, just play what you want in the way you want. I will do same, for me its an improvement, even pob says it. Recharging shield for me isnt so important while having 5k and 2% of life leech from minions are restoring it. I preffer my minions to get 30% inc damage+30% attack speed, in numbers is just a very big increase insted of the playin chaos damage. I dont die and they do more damage, worth it.

Many of your points are accurate but there's a couple of items you could also consider and one point that you are incorrect about.

It's worth considering that this league we have monsters with significant increases to their armour so we will see a small portion of our minion phys damage being reduced. I don't know if anyone's been able to work out exactly how much, but it may be a factor. This means that on paper increased attack speed works out at 30% additional damage, however in practicality each attack is assessed separately so we could be losing a proportion of each hit due to armour.

Personally when I have a choice between increasing attack speed or increasing damage, I prefer the increasing damage option. Neither of these options is right or wrong or better or worse, they are just different for personal preference.

You stated above that "instead of phys damage converted to chaos (30%) as speed increases more dps because converting one type of dps doesnt increase, just convert from one to other, if quantity is 500, and you convert 200, you have 300+200=500".

Spirit Offering doesn't convert Phys damage to Chaos, it clearly states that "minions gain 29% of their physical damage as extra chaos damage" so that 29% (at gem level 20) is more damage, not converted damage. To use your example, your DPS goes from 500 to 700 although the proportion is incorrect, it would actually be 500 phys plus 145 chaos for 645 damage.

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