3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

Arganista wrote:
wondering what changes i can make since even with enlighten lvl4 i can't run all my Auras, so looking for some tips!

You can't run Haste together with pride,vuln and banner, it reserves to much. (At least without victarios) You can however use another 35% aura with that setup, so either discipline for more ehp (not really worth it unless you have a watchers eye) or purity of elements to enable more stats on rings/belts and for the 30-50% chaos res watchers.

So either cut vuln and put it in a spectre or cut haste (only use vaal haste active) and use another 35% aura
Zyreh wrote:

Was wondering if there was anything i can do to improve the build!

If you are feeling like you're lacking damage, minion speed is a pretty bad multiplier, since its only increased attackspeed which you already get from haste, weapon ench and probably some passives. You might want to play around with another support gem instead. If you feel like they aren't moving fast enough, actively running into packs and convocing can help.

Melee splash might also help for clearing. You might want to get some white sockets on that weapon to give you more options when swapping. Impale + dreadbanner is also a very strong option, but needs a green/white slot.
Hey for the min maxxers out there. I'm theory crafting for ultra endgame amulet for the build. I'm thinking hybrid shapers and warlord. Str, Increased str percent and increased attributes percent for suffix. Life and energy shields for prefixes. Qual to 20 attributes, anoint to death attunement. And jorgin craft to change implicit to 19 percent increased attributes. Can math gurus test how much str that would give compared to astramentis? Thnx
I think Hunter + Elder with +1 all INT gems and +1 zombie would be better. Hopefully hit some other good mod and I think that's as good as it can get.
Mugaaz wrote:
I think Hunter + Elder with +1 all INT gems and +1 zombie would be better. Hopefully hit some other good mod and I think that's as good as it can get.

Ive experimented with this...

Feels worse than str stacking:

Level 31 Raise Zombie didn't seem worth the loss in str. But need to test more to be conclusive.
Last edited by Durahal on Jan 11, 2020, 10:39:49 PM
Duragal how much total str does that provide? I'm just curious if it's worth the effort then u can get Astra for 1 exalt. And are you planning to talisman that? Just 30 str loss if you fail but enormous reward if you got 1/8
DongKingKong wrote:
Duragal how much total str does that provide? I'm just curious if it's worth the effort then u can get Astra for 1 exalt. And are you planning to talisman that? Just 30 str loss if you fail but enormous reward if you got 1/8

Im at 1595 str with it equipped and removing it drops me to 1268... so a lot lol.

I am on trying to craft a better one eventaully... pref with a higher str roll... maybe amulet one after I have a back up lol.
Deonix_ wrote:
What can I do with curses? I usually use a flask, but there is no room for this. Of course I have a lot of EHP, but 2-3 curses can easily kill me.

It's all about choices. You choose to run with 2 unique flasks atm.

Personally, I would drop the Karui flask for a seething/panicked divine of staunching, and put warding where you currently have staunching.

But that's my choice.
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
You can also go for cyclopean to get freeze/ignite immunity. It's a bit of a hassle to get dex above int, but it opens up the anti freeze suffix for something else
where we put our lethal pride?

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