3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

4zer0 wrote:
Is there any way to have Discipline, Vulnerability, Pride, Dread Banner, and Clarity on at the same time? It seems like I dont have enough Mana to have all of them. Im doing something wrong?

To run all that you need a few things.

- Level 4 Enlighten for the 88% mana multiplier

- Sovereignty passive skill in your tree for the 6% reduced mana reserved and the 2x 4%'s on the nodes before it

- Level 1 Clarity for lowest mana reserve cost. This will NOT be socketed in the same 6L as the Discipline-Blasphemy-Vulnerability-Pride-Dread Banner-Enlighten and will not get to take benefit from enlighten.

- Enough mana pool. Not sure the exact numbers since the calculator I tried was a little off for me but it was pretty close. I would suggest a little over 1900 though at bare minimum but maybe someone else can confirm. This will only leave you a few spare mana to cast cyclone for 2 mana.

"Please check my gear!" - Every Private Account User
I see, thank you very much.

I guess I would have to get a LVL 4 Enlighten, LVL 3 prob wont work.

Hey guys,

Is it worth crafting anything further on this?

Idk if i should just keep spamming fossils into it or try something with it like this with +1 and nothing else on it.


Hello anyone know how much the base damage of each zombie and skeleton? Does the carrion golem +47 physical damage add significant DPS or is it negligible? Thnx
Wiki says on gemlvl 20 they do 619-1547 base damage, so the golem would give your zombies ~3.5% more damage (if that's the only source of flat minion damage)
how you can run 5 spectres? 3 from tree, 1 from queen's, 1?

cant get it^^
+1 from queens escape, +1 from tree and 3 from lvl 21 raise spectre in baron (+2 from baron and +2 from ascendency), on raise spectre lvl 25 you get another spectre.
wondering what changes i can make since even with enlighten lvl4 i can't run all my Auras, so looking for some tips!

Was wondering if there was anything i can do to improve the build!

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