Chaos to alt ratio ripoff
I didnt read through all pages but id still like to comment on this whole discussion. Imo its a fact that the way prices are widely considered 100% fixed is mostly thanks to poeex as it gives people the idea of there being a fixed corelation between all the different currencies. In reality I think many of those prices are without any reasoning and dont make a whole lot of sense. We have very few hints at how to value orbs aside from vendorprices which are imo the only ones that can give us a PRECISE idea of the price relations between different currencies. According to vendors 32augmentations=8alterations=4jewellers=1fusing. Selling orbs for other orbs that could be obtained at cheaper rates at vendors is IMO a rip off in 99% of the cases since those trades will almost without exception only work if the buyer doesnt know about the related vendorprices. HOWEVER this doesnt apply for the chaos situation.
Granted, its easy to get 2fusings for a chaos but just because many people consider the values like that that doesnt mean they have to be "true". Take scourings for example, combined with an alchemy orb they have 100% the same effect as a chaos orb. However, since you can use them for a lot of other stuff aswell, a scouring+an alch should ALWAYS be worth more then a chaos, yet most people consider scourings slighty less valuable then alchs (making a scouring+alch bundle < then a chaos). Just because its widely accepted that doesnt always have to mean it makes sense. If someone is looking for a chaos because he needs one to reroll that item of his, why wouldnt he pay 20 alts for it? He could make his alts to fusings and would save himself 4 alterations that way but yea, hed have to post in chat and have patience etc. I think that the one important truth that people are forgetting is that there isnt ANY simple correlation between the prices of orbs EXCEPT for the ones obtainable through vendors. Every other orbs value should ONLY be determined by how much the buyer/seller individually value their usefulness in context with their rarity. Saying 1chaos=2fusing might be true for many people TODAY but noone knows what changes this game will go through in the future. Chaos orbs might rise greatly in value now that the recipe has been changed, mb hording them could make you rich a few weeks from now. Just because you believe in the poeex rates (and if you believe 1chaos=2fusing you DO believe in poeex, dont claim any different. the only reason the price between those two orbs is considered 2:1 is due to that page) you shouldnt assume they are universal rules. tl;dr: Poeex made ppl believe theres fixed price corelations between different orbs which simply isnt true for every orb that isnt obtainable through vendors. IMO a clear rip off by definition can only take place when theres only vendorable orbs involved in the trade. Last edited by stinkepiet#1768 on Mar 26, 2013, 8:17:04 AM
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" by and large, I feel this way about trading in game right now. But I am still trading to increase character power, which directly relates to better farming, and the little bit of extra currency I payed is quickly returned to me and more. When my character power starts to taper off, and I am trading in order to invest in trying to craft or buy an end game piece of gear, and dealing mostly in currency conversions, I can appreciate wanting a square deal without wading through people trying to bump prices. this thing on?
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still looking for this vendor who sells a Chaos orb for 16 alts that the OP is using to base his numbers off of, anyone point me to him? You did say that 16 alt:1 chaos is vendor pricing right?
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" This has nothing to do with it. Why trade 20 alts for a chaos when you can trade 16 alts for 2 fusings that people will happily trade a chaos for? If you want chaos, and you have alts, buying fusing saves you 4 alts per chaos than the current exchange rate. There is absolutely no reason to trade alts with the garbage rates people are charging. |
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I blame the buyers really. You can advertise to sell your chaos for 20 alts or a 1,000 alts. If someone pays for it they just need to be informed into what these items are actually worth. Lets be honest though, do you really want to sit in trade chat all day doing this instead of playing the game?
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" I will say this...A vendor set recipe is the set in stone value of the orbs involved. If it cant be vendor recipe'd, the value is open for interpretation. that said..I could see a scenario where someone needs the orbs fast and cant be bothered with trying to trade 2 fusings. Trading is abysmal and you can spam a good deal all day and night and not get any takers. No one wants to trade for equal value unless they NEED to. they want to profit from every deal. Go try to sell ur fusings for chaos, see how long it takes. It might take a min or a day. I agree that people should value alts at 16 per chaos tho, due to the vendor recipe for fusings. |
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" lol..semantics, and you know it. chaos for fusing is stable at 1:2. 16 alterations get you 2 fusing. At any given moment, you can trade 2 fusings for a chaos. By that logic, 16 alterations get you a chaos. 20 alterations for a chaos IS A RIP OFF. |
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" Why did you resurrect this thread? It's easy: if you want to sell alts, get fusings (it takes like...seconds) and sell those. It will generally make you more money. |
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If I need 4 Alts, I run the ledge with some IIQ.. and believe me , in the time I would spend vendoring the alts for fusings and finding trade partners, I would find definitely items and currency worth way mor than those 4 Alts.. ^^
"Ta-Ta, not-a-cockroach"
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ah sucks..I am one of them got rip off~
IGN: Rainku_Arc
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