Strike with the coming of the storm

Kintsugi is 20% less damage taken is why your maths was wrong
WTF are you on about?

I think he's referring to where in the world you got "0.9" from.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Maybe to cope with immortal call nerf? This is along the way for vortex occultist builds that can have to awkwardly add more strength... I'm beginning to worry about damage mitigation for spiky damage though.
That change is mental, and compared to other keystone its trash.

Let's be real compared to investment does it even make sense?

I get the feel all the ranger side Keystones are so inferior in changes to what i seen so far.
Last edited by nEVER_BoRN on May 30, 2019, 11:30:21 AM
Anyway, the corect one then is: 0.8 * 0.8

Anyway, your math was correct; your source of information wasn't. Even KMQ would forgive you.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Draegnarrr wrote:
Pretty strong on a full out evade stacker with the +evade chance rings/grace aura watchers eye etc.

Pretty irrelevant on anyone else.

Iron Reflexes is a thing that exists.
I'm flabbergasted there's so much hate for such a great key stone! Since there's so little positivity, let me try and throw out some ideas of ready made uses for this node.

Damage over time! - as first mentioned by RPGlitch, this node is just generic damage reduction, so damage over time effects, including self afflicted ones such as blood rage or righteous fire, are reduced! That's a great quality of life improvement for when characters are running between packs or have to double back from a dead end! Additionally, this could be a help for builds in the labyrinth where damage over time effects aren't always accompanied by hits. For evasion characters that rely on being in combat to stay alive, this node is very appealing.

More defences, always! - Characters take hits, of course they do, and one of evasions biggest weaknesses is that a hit is either 100% or nothing. The trick there is to only get hit very rarely so that life steal, potions or whatever recovery can bring that hp/es back up to the level one needs to be to survive the next inevitable failure in evasion. This node is an improvement on that formula, as its flavour text actually explains well. Rather than inevitably being hit by a random blow, you want the first strike to hit so that you can launch right into healing and preparing for the next RNG failure. it's giving you a semblance of control over that random chance, especially with how evasion is calculated to eventually ensure that you do get hit, unlike block or Dodge, which is 100% random. You're going to be hit, it's inevitable, so why not mitigate 20% of that first blow? And for people complaining that one is always taking hits, then read the node carefully. If you're constantly being hit this node is very simply 20% more evasion rating! Yes, evasion has diminishing returns at higher levels, but a 20% more node makes it easier to hit that soft cap you're all so worried about!

Evasion secondary Builds - On builds where evasion is secondary to another defence, this node is great! I'm perfectly aware armour/evasion builds are the pink unicorns of PoE, but for those who dare to dream, this node has great potential to make armour/evasion more rewarding by offering an easy mitigation on the first shot taken and then more evasion when in combat for basically no downside. For an Energy shield/evasion build, this node almost seems like a no brainer!

Being hit is sometimes good! - Consider that there are actually a mounting number of effects and abilities in the game which require the character to have been hit/blocked/been hit by a critical strike, etc recently. If you want those effects up without as much draw backs to actually getting hit, a 20% mitigation every so often seems pretty decent. For people who claim to bathe in enemy fire, ice, chaos and arrows, you're clearly playing a character who doesn't require effort or reflexes, so don't worry about evasion and just keep stacking your massive HP/ES pool to let you keep walking through the bullet hell you seem to think this game is. Yes, it gets hairy sometimes, and yes, there are times where there's a hundred projectiles/spells on the screen, but if you're not zooming through a map at mock seven and fighting and killing mobs as you encounter them, it's not nearly so bad as you seem to claim.

Overall, interesting node with almost no downside in sight. Again, I'm shocked there's so many naysayers to this node. I know they're the vocal minority, but still... Be positive people! It's a game! For FUN.
srogi_kotek wrote:
cjimaras wrote:
Does ggg run out of ideas and they are feeding us these shits?

Come one, why bother at all? Look around, the beautiful sun shines, it is warm, the trees bloom, girls walk in sexy clothes, and you want to sit in front of the monitor and for the thousandth time pass 10 acts, lab and again unweil all the recipes hidden behind the Syndicate?

I'm happy there. If 3.7 looked like a nice league, I would have a dilemma. And so I am completely calm, because with a clear conscience I will play in the real life league :)

this is the best :D

this keynode is not interesting at all.
i will avoid it like a fire
Phrazz wrote:
WTF are you on about?

I think he's referring to where in the world you got "0.9" from.

Well, I was going off his comment. I didn't bother to check, so I thought the keystone said 10% less damage taken.

Anyway, the corect one then is: 0.8 * 0.8

Which is what I said. 0.8 * 0.8 is 64% damage taken, or 36% less damage taken.

So you were both wrong, and I was right. This isn't difficult at all. Please get better at reading comprehension, and then read my original comment again, and you'll see that it made perfect sense. No need for your "WTF are you on about?" nonsense.
Last edited by codetaku on May 30, 2019, 2:26:24 PM
Arthotus wrote:
Evasion secondary Builds - On builds where evasion is secondary to another defence, this node is great! I'm perfectly aware armour/evasion builds are the pink unicorns of PoE, but for those who dare to dream, this node has great potential to make armour/evasion more rewarding by offering an easy mitigation on the first shot taken and then more evasion when in combat for basically no downside. For an Energy shield/evasion build, this node almost seems like a no brainer!

They've tried several times to make armor/evasion builds a thing - even releasing a dedicated hybrid belt basetype for it - and so far haven't succeeded. That said, I do support the goal, and so hope they'll continue to chase it. :)

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