Strike with the coming of the storm

Exile009 wrote:
Draegnarrr wrote:
Pretty strong on a full out evade stacker with the +evade chance rings/grace aura watchers eye etc.

Pretty irrelevant on anyone else.

Iron Reflexes is a thing that exists.

Has the D3 community dumbed down people's imagination or something, because that's what I thought as well (along with kintsugi), and everyone is just crying that it's terrible. If you use this with Iron Reflexes, it technically doesn't have a downside... the only time your armour is reduced is when you aren't being hit, and the moment you get hit its for less, then your armour goes up..
LowBudget780 wrote:
Nubman wrote:

Has the D3 community dumbed down people's imagination or something

Yeah dude! Poe players are the pinnacle of intelligence, if you ever apply for a job make sure to put 'Poe player' on your resume, that's an extra 100k a year guaranteed.

Dumbed down imagination does not equal dumb, it equals unimaginative. 12 months ago there was always people that hated regardless, but a lot more people saw the potential behind something like this. Now it's 5-6 pages of "cry, this is shit", when it really isn't.

Besides, it will only take 1 streamer to figure out a good way to use any of these new nodes for all the sheep to change their opinions to "omg op how could GGG release this in this state". Always happens.
bunch of noobs arguying with mostly void or clueless points. Let me save you all some time, it's a pretty good node for builds that stack evasion+ acrobatics. How common it will be will depend on how common the jewel that converts ee into it will be and whether or not you can get it on the other side of the tree where those builds actually are. End of topic.
Arthotus wrote:

More defences, always! - Characters take hits, of course they do, and one of evasions biggest weaknesses is that a hit is either 100% or nothing. The trick there is to only get hit very rarely so that life steal, potions or whatever recovery can bring that hp/es back up to the level one needs to be to survive the next inevitable failure in evasion. This node is an improvement on that formula, as its flavour text actually explains well. Rather than inevitably being hit by a random blow, you want the first strike to hit so that you can launch right into healing and preparing for the next RNG failure. it's giving you a semblance of control over that random chance, especially with how evasion is calculated to eventually ensure that you do get hit, unlike block or Dodge, which is 100% random. You're going to be hit, it's inevitable, so why not mitigate 20% of that first blow? And for people complaining that one is always taking hits, then read the node carefully. If you're constantly being hit this node is very simply 20% more evasion rating! Yes, evasion has diminishing returns at higher levels, but a 20% more node makes it easier to hit that soft cap you're all so worried about!

look where the node is and what it takes to take the node though. You are going on some crazy hike into a terrible part of the tree for a life based evasion build in order to take a jewel socket that lets you take a keystone.

That jewel socket alone is worth 7% life, 15% increased damage, 12% crit multi and 4% attack speed. Thats what ur giving up simply for socketing the jewel, when you then look at the points ull spend getting there youre probably dropping 1k life + 40k dps to get this 20% more evasion rating which in practice will take you from having a 52% chance to evade a given attack to having a 55% chance.

one of the great things about evasion is that all the increases you need are on your life nodes, you dont rly invest anything into it passively, and thats just as well because you need every single life node and jewel socket you can get your hands on.

I have 1 build, an armour + evasion hybrid, that invests points into nodes specifically for armour and evasion, it spends a total of 2 passive points for the hybrid cloth and chain notable, with 0 points spent travelling, its just there on my path. Even in my head I still weigh up if its worth those 2 passive points. It would take me 13 passives in total to spec this keystone because of where it is vs the fact Im an armour + evasion hybrid in the area of the tree where you have to be to make that work.

Arthotus wrote:

Evasion secondary Builds - On builds where evasion is secondary to another defence, this node is great! I'm perfectly aware armour/evasion builds are the pink unicorns of PoE, but for those who dare to dream, this node has great potential to make armour/evasion more rewarding by offering an easy mitigation on the first shot taken and then more evasion when in combat for basically no downside. For an Energy shield/evasion build, this node almost seems like a no brainer!

even if ur right there on the tree its a jewel slot tho, with the 40% less evasion I wouldnt take it anyway, but regardless ur giving up a jewel and at least 1 passive point to have it for 20% more evasion.

example build:

16k es + 16k ev hybrid. If I change gear to have 20% more evasion rating I go from 52% chance to evade to 55% chance to evade, its 3% chance to evade attacks. I can get 5% chance to evade attacks for 1 suffix on a ring, this costs me a jewel slot and a passive, on that character a jewel slot and a passive currently comes to 38% increased damage, 8% es and 5% faster start of es recharge, thats what youd give up for less than the value provided by 1 suffix on an item.

if you look at an armour/evasion hybrid:

in this example thats a 13 passive point investment for roughly 3% chance to evade.

For a ranger type build that is going to be an even bigger point investment.

at a glance the node seems like it might be cool but I think when you start really digging into investment vs return, how its gonna play out for your build, I dont see it working outside of the examples people have given of potentially using it to counter a perm dot degen. I dont rly play RF or those kind of builds so sure, maybe theres something there, Ill leave that to people who do. Using it for the evasion and/or the damage reduction tho? Im really not seeing it, I think it goes with kinsugi into the "yeah... but no" pile of stuff you dont bother doing with evasion.

Ashkatar wrote:
bunch of noobs arguying with mostly void or clueless points. Let me save you all some time, it's a pretty good node for builds that stack evasion+ acrobatics. How common it will be will depend on how common the jewel that converts ee into it will be and whether or not you can get it on the other side of the tree where those builds actually are. End of topic.

you play a lot of ev + acro builds?
Acro/phase acro + Vaal grace + cwdt ice wall. Maybe get the new block node and go for block as well?

Naaaaah new nodes suck brah just don't get hit. Do you even play this gaem?
I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
@Snorkle_uk: A well thought out and measured response. Bravo sir!

I completely agree that there's an investment vs reward argument to be had for this node. As it is, and where it is doesn't lend it towards an armour evasion build, or even a pure evasion build at all and yes, the stats from a jewel you describe would be better by themselves. However, those are fairly expensive. Just a 7% life and 15% increased damage jewel with one other not so bad effect start to get outside the price range of most people.

The main things we don't have the specifics on yet is if this keystone can appear in different places based on where you place the historic jewel, or what other nodes the historic jewel might reveal. Perhaps this jewel turns that part of the tree, the space between witch and templar, into an evasion paradise? Perhaps that's just a terrible spot for the jewel itself and it should be placed more towards the evasion side of the tree to help compound effects? We don't know.

I agree that the node where it is and how it is, in a void, isn't going to be the best for end game, high quality builds, but I think it's premature to be harshly judging it's 'absolute worth' without more contextual facts we haven't seen yet. I was trying to bring up builds and strategies that 'might' benefit from this node. I really didn't put the leg work in to check specific balance and numbers on a build. I think you're much more dedicated than me for having put in that hard work, but I believe it's a little premature. Thank you for your constructive criticism though, it's very refreshing.

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